PostgreSQL vs. MongoDB, A Technical Comparison

PostgreSQL is great for complex queries and data integrity, while MongoDB offers flexibility and scalability for large volumes of unstructured data. Choose based on your project's needs.


Published On: 03 September, 2024


5 min read

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When choosing a database for your application, one of the most crucial decisions is whether to use a relational database like PostgreSQL or a NoSQL database like MongoDB. Both are powerful tools, but they serve different purposes and are optimized for different types of workloads. In this article, we’ll provide a technical comparison of PostgreSQL and MongoDB, helping developers understand the strengths and weaknesses of each and offering guidance on when to choose one over the other.

Overview of PostgreSQL and MongoDB

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its robustness, feature richness, and adherence to SQL standards. It is highly extensible, supports advanced data types, and offers strong ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance, making it a preferred choice for applications that require complex querying and transactional integrity.

MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database known for its flexibility and scalability. It stores data in a document-oriented format using JSON-like BSON (Binary JSON) objects, making it a great fit for applications that require schema flexibility and rapid iteration. MongoDB is designed to handle large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data, offering horizontal scalability through sharding.

Core Features Comparison




Data Model

Relational (Tables, Rows, Columns)

Document-Oriented (Collections, Documents)


Strongly Typed, Fixed Schema

Schema-Less (Flexible Schema)

Query Language


MongoDB Query Language (MQL), Aggregation


ACID-compliant, Full support

ACID-compliant (since version 4.0)


Vertical Scaling, Horizontal via Sharding

Horizontal Scaling, Sharding


B-tree, GIN, GiST, and more

B-tree, Geospatial, Text Indexes


Synchronous and Asynchronous

Replica Sets, Sharding


Optimized for complex queries, joins

Optimized for high-write workloads

Data Storage

Row-oriented, supports JSONB

Document-oriented, BSON format


Rich ecosystem (PostGIS, Citus, etc.)

Plugins, Aggregation Framework



Yes (with enterprise options)

Data Model: Relational vs. Document-Oriented

  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL uses a relational model, where data is stored in tables with rows and columns. Relationships between data are enforced through foreign keys, and complex data can be managed using joins, subqueries, and various SQL functions. PostgreSQL also supports advanced data types like JSONB, allowing you to store JSON data in a relational database with indexing and query capabilities.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB stores data as BSON documents within collections. Each document can have a different structure, offering flexibility that is ideal for handling unstructured or semi-structured data. Relationships between data are typically managed through embedding documents within other documents or using references, although joins can be done via the aggregation framework.

Example: Storing User Data

  • PostgreSQL (Relational):

    name VARCHAR(100),
    email VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE,
    profile JSONB
INSERT INTO users (name, email, profile) VALUES (
    'John Doe', 
    '{"age": 30, "city": "New York"}'
  • MongoDB (Document-Oriented)

    name: 'John Doe',
    email: '',
    profile: {
        age: 30,
        city: 'New York'

When to Choose:

  • Choose PostgreSQL if you need strong schema enforcement, complex queries, and relationships between data.
  • Choose MongoDB if you need flexibility in your data schema and want to quickly iterate on your data model without worrying about schema migrations.

Query Language and Transactions

  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL uses SQL, a powerful and standardized query language that supports complex joins, subqueries, CTEs (Common Table Expressions), and window functions. PostgreSQL is fully ACID-compliant, ensuring transactional integrity, which is crucial for applications where data consistency is paramount.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB uses its own query language, MQL (MongoDB Query Language), which is designed to be intuitive and easy to use for querying documents. It also supports an advanced aggregation framework for complex queries. MongoDB introduced multi-document ACID transactions in version 4.0, allowing developers to enforce transactional integrity across multiple documents.

Example: Querying Data

  • PostgreSQL (SQL):

SELECT name, email, profile->>'city' AS city
FROM users
WHERE profile->>'age' > '25';
  • MongoDB (MQL):

    'profile.age': { $gt: 25 }
}, {
    name: 1, email: 1, '': 1

When to Choose:

  • Choose PostgreSQL if you need powerful querying capabilities, complex joins, and strict transactional guarantees.
  • Choose MongoDB if you need a more flexible query language optimized for hierarchical or nested data structures, and you can benefit from a schema-less design.

Scalability and Performance

  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL traditionally scales vertically, meaning you increase the resources (CPU, RAM, storage) on a single machine to handle larger workloads. However, it also supports horizontal scaling through extensions like Citus, which allow for the sharding of data across multiple nodes. PostgreSQL is optimized for read-heavy workloads and complex queries.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB is designed with horizontal scaling in mind from the ground up. It supports automatic sharding, allowing you to distribute data across multiple servers or clusters easily. This makes MongoDB particularly well-suited for high-write workloads, large-scale deployments, and applications with massive amounts of unstructured data.

Example: Sharding

  • PostgreSQL: Sharding is not natively supported but can be achieved through extensions like Citus.
  • MongoDB: Sharding is built-in and can be configured with a few commands.

When to Choose:

  • Choose PostgreSQL if your application requires complex queries and you anticipate scaling vertically with powerful single-node performance.
  • Choose MongoDB if you expect to handle large volumes of data with high write throughput and need easy horizontal scalability.

Indexing and Replication

  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL supports various indexing methods, including B-tree, GIN, GiST, and others, which optimize query performance across different use cases. Replication in PostgreSQL can be synchronous or asynchronous, providing options for data redundancy and high availability.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB supports B-tree indexing, as well as geospatial and text indexes, making it highly versatile for diverse data types. Replication in MongoDB is handled through replica sets, which ensure data availability and redundancy across multiple nodes.

Example: Indexing Data

  • PostgreSQL:

CREATE INDEX idx_user_email ON users(email);
  • MongoDB:

db.users.createIndex({ email: 1 });

When to Choose:

  • Choose PostgreSQL if you need advanced indexing options and a variety of indexing strategies tailored to complex queries.
  • Choose MongoDB if you require flexible indexing for various data types, including geospatial data, and need robust replication out of the box.

Extensions and Ecosystem

  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL has a rich ecosystem of extensions, such as PostGIS for geospatial data, Citus for sharding, and various others that extend its functionality. This makes PostgreSQL highly customizable and adaptable to a wide range of use cases.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB offers various plugins and an aggregation framework that extends its core capabilities. However, its ecosystem is not as extensive as PostgreSQL's, given its relatively newer position in the database world.

When to Choose:

  • Choose PostgreSQL if you need access to a mature and extensive ecosystem of extensions and tools.
  • Choose MongoDB if your needs are met by its core features and you prioritize flexibility and scalability.

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Conclusion: Which One Should You Pick?

  • PostgreSQL is the go-to choice for developers who need a robust, feature-rich relational database with strong ACID compliance, powerful querying capabilities, and a wide array of extensions. It is particularly well-suited for applications that require complex transactions, data integrity, and relational data modeling.
  • MongoDB is ideal for developers looking for a flexible, scalable database solution that can handle large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data. Its document-oriented model and schema-less nature make it perfect for projects that require rapid iteration, horizontal scaling, and high write-throughput.

In summary, if your application demands strict data integrity, complex queries, and a mature relational model, PostgreSQL is the right choice. If you need flexibility, scalability, and the ability to handle diverse data types with ease, MongoDB will serve you.

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When choosing a database for your application, one of the most crucial decisions is whether to use a relational database like PostgreSQL or a NoSQL database like MongoDB. Both are powerful tools, but they serve different purposes and are optimized for different types of workloads. In this article, we’ll provide a technical comparison of PostgreSQL and MongoDB, helping developers understand the strengths and weaknesses of each and offering guidance on when to choose one over the other.

Overview of PostgreSQL and MongoDB

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its robustness, feature richness, and adherence to SQL standards. It is highly extensible, supports advanced data types, and offers strong ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance, making it a preferred choice for applications that require complex querying and transactional integrity.

MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database known for its flexibility and scalability. It stores data in a document-oriented format using JSON-like BSON (Binary JSON) objects, making it a great fit for applications that require schema flexibility and rapid iteration. MongoDB is designed to handle large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data, offering horizontal scalability through sharding.

Core Features Comparison




Data Model

Relational (Tables, Rows, Columns)

Document-Oriented (Collections, Documents)


Strongly Typed, Fixed Schema

Schema-Less (Flexible Schema)

Query Language


MongoDB Query Language (MQL), Aggregation


ACID-compliant, Full support

ACID-compliant (since version 4.0)


Vertical Scaling, Horizontal via Sharding

Horizontal Scaling, Sharding


B-tree, GIN, GiST, and more

B-tree, Geospatial, Text Indexes


Synchronous and Asynchronous

Replica Sets, Sharding


Optimized for complex queries, joins

Optimized for high-write workloads

Data Storage

Row-oriented, supports JSONB

Document-oriented, BSON format


Rich ecosystem (PostGIS, Citus, etc.)

Plugins, Aggregation Framework



Yes (with enterprise options)

Data Model: Relational vs. Document-Oriented

  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL uses a relational model, where data is stored in tables with rows and columns. Relationships between data are enforced through foreign keys, and complex data can be managed using joins, subqueries, and various SQL functions. PostgreSQL also supports advanced data types like JSONB, allowing you to store JSON data in a relational database with indexing and query capabilities.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB stores data as BSON documents within collections. Each document can have a different structure, offering flexibility that is ideal for handling unstructured or semi-structured data. Relationships between data are typically managed through embedding documents within other documents or using references, although joins can be done via the aggregation framework.

Example: Storing User Data

  • PostgreSQL (Relational):

    name VARCHAR(100),
    email VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE,
    profile JSONB
INSERT INTO users (name, email, profile) VALUES (
    'John Doe', 
    '{"age": 30, "city": "New York"}'
  • MongoDB (Document-Oriented)

    name: 'John Doe',
    email: '',
    profile: {
        age: 30,
        city: 'New York'

When to Choose:

  • Choose PostgreSQL if you need strong schema enforcement, complex queries, and relationships between data.
  • Choose MongoDB if you need flexibility in your data schema and want to quickly iterate on your data model without worrying about schema migrations.

Query Language and Transactions

  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL uses SQL, a powerful and standardized query language that supports complex joins, subqueries, CTEs (Common Table Expressions), and window functions. PostgreSQL is fully ACID-compliant, ensuring transactional integrity, which is crucial for applications where data consistency is paramount.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB uses its own query language, MQL (MongoDB Query Language), which is designed to be intuitive and easy to use for querying documents. It also supports an advanced aggregation framework for complex queries. MongoDB introduced multi-document ACID transactions in version 4.0, allowing developers to enforce transactional integrity across multiple documents.

Example: Querying Data

  • PostgreSQL (SQL):

SELECT name, email, profile->>'city' AS city
FROM users
WHERE profile->>'age' > '25';
  • MongoDB (MQL):

    'profile.age': { $gt: 25 }
}, {
    name: 1, email: 1, '': 1

When to Choose:

  • Choose PostgreSQL if you need powerful querying capabilities, complex joins, and strict transactional guarantees.
  • Choose MongoDB if you need a more flexible query language optimized for hierarchical or nested data structures, and you can benefit from a schema-less design.

Scalability and Performance

  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL traditionally scales vertically, meaning you increase the resources (CPU, RAM, storage) on a single machine to handle larger workloads. However, it also supports horizontal scaling through extensions like Citus, which allow for the sharding of data across multiple nodes. PostgreSQL is optimized for read-heavy workloads and complex queries.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB is designed with horizontal scaling in mind from the ground up. It supports automatic sharding, allowing you to distribute data across multiple servers or clusters easily. This makes MongoDB particularly well-suited for high-write workloads, large-scale deployments, and applications with massive amounts of unstructured data.

Example: Sharding

  • PostgreSQL: Sharding is not natively supported but can be achieved through extensions like Citus.
  • MongoDB: Sharding is built-in and can be configured with a few commands.

When to Choose:

  • Choose PostgreSQL if your application requires complex queries and you anticipate scaling vertically with powerful single-node performance.
  • Choose MongoDB if you expect to handle large volumes of data with high write throughput and need easy horizontal scalability.

Indexing and Replication

  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL supports various indexing methods, including B-tree, GIN, GiST, and others, which optimize query performance across different use cases. Replication in PostgreSQL can be synchronous or asynchronous, providing options for data redundancy and high availability.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB supports B-tree indexing, as well as geospatial and text indexes, making it highly versatile for diverse data types. Replication in MongoDB is handled through replica sets, which ensure data availability and redundancy across multiple nodes.

Example: Indexing Data

  • PostgreSQL:

CREATE INDEX idx_user_email ON users(email);
  • MongoDB:

db.users.createIndex({ email: 1 });

When to Choose:

  • Choose PostgreSQL if you need advanced indexing options and a variety of indexing strategies tailored to complex queries.
  • Choose MongoDB if you require flexible indexing for various data types, including geospatial data, and need robust replication out of the box.

Extensions and Ecosystem

  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL has a rich ecosystem of extensions, such as PostGIS for geospatial data, Citus for sharding, and various others that extend its functionality. This makes PostgreSQL highly customizable and adaptable to a wide range of use cases.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB offers various plugins and an aggregation framework that extends its core capabilities. However, its ecosystem is not as extensive as PostgreSQL's, given its relatively newer position in the database world.

When to Choose:

  • Choose PostgreSQL if you need access to a mature and extensive ecosystem of extensions and tools.
  • Choose MongoDB if your needs are met by its core features and you prioritize flexibility and scalability.

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Conclusion: Which One Should You Pick?

  • PostgreSQL is the go-to choice for developers who need a robust, feature-rich relational database with strong ACID compliance, powerful querying capabilities, and a wide array of extensions. It is particularly well-suited for applications that require complex transactions, data integrity, and relational data modeling.
  • MongoDB is ideal for developers looking for a flexible, scalable database solution that can handle large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data. Its document-oriented model and schema-less nature make it perfect for projects that require rapid iteration, horizontal scaling, and high write-throughput.

In summary, if your application demands strict data integrity, complex queries, and a mature relational model, PostgreSQL is the right choice. If you need flexibility, scalability, and the ability to handle diverse data types with ease, MongoDB will serve you.

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Furqan Aziz

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Furqan Aziz

Furqan Aziz is CEO & Founder of InvoZone. He is a tech enthusiast by heart with 10+ years ... Know more

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Harram Shahid

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