on demand app development company

On Demand Apps Future, Benefits And Applications

Thinking about building an on-demand app for your business? Sounds great!
Today we will be talking about the future, benefits, and applications of on-demand apps.


Last Updated On : 31 May, 2024


4 min read

In This Article:

Looking to get an on-demand app developed but not sure whether it's worth the money or not? Well, it’s natural to be skeptical when it comes to making investments in your business. Investment? Yes.

Getting an on-demand apps developed for your business is undoubtedly an investment, and that too a beneficial one. 

Today, we will be looking at the future, benefits and applications of on-demand apps. Read down below to find out all about it. 

What are on-demand apps? 

on demand app development

On demand apps work as mediators between businesses and customers. In simpler words; they connect businesses with customers, and customers with businesses. 

On demand app solutions allow consumers to conveniently order goods and services using a mobile apps.

Upon ordering these products/services, they are delivered to the customer’s doorsteps immediately or at a scheduled time. 

Important on-demand stats 

Before we start talking about on demand app solutions in details, let's have a look at some interesting on demand stats

  • According to Statista, by 2023, the worldwide app revenue is expected to hit approx 935 billion US dollars
  • According to technavio, during 2020–2025, the on-demand home services market is anticipated to grow by $4730.31 billion with a CAGR of approx. 70.15%. 
  • The U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey estimated that each year more than 22.4 million consumers are attracted to the on-demand economy. 
  • As per the findings by Manifest, it has been reported that 50% of millennials check their mobile apps more than 50 times a day. 

on demand app development company

Benefits and Future On Demand App Development For Businesses

With custom on demand app development services on the rise, one can’t help but wonder what the benefits of on-demand apps are. Let's have a look: 

  1. Suitable for All Types of Businesses

One of the biggest benefits of on demand app solutions is that the market for on demand apps is huge and spans across various industries.

Regardless of whether your business falls under the category of healthcare, food and grocery, travel and tourism, ecommerce, fintech or education, you always have the option to hire on-demand app developers to get an app developed for your business.  

Not only do these apps help you scale your business, but they also offer diverse business opportunities. They allow businesses to explore the demands of their customers and evolve their operations in such a way that they meet the customer expectations and demands. 

  1. The market for on demand apps is growing

One of the main reasons on-demand apps are so popular in 2021 is because the demand for them is ever-growing.

According to Statista, U.S. consumers are spending $57.6 billion in the on-demand economy to cater to 22.4 million users annually. Also, as the number of mobile users is increasing, so is the number of people who use on-demand apps. 

People prefer to shop from the comfort of their homes rather than visiting stores and shops. This is why so many people are downloading on demand apps to enjoy services being delivered at their doorstep within no time.  

More and more businesses have started to realize that having an application for their product/service will only improve their longevity in the market. 

  1. It’s Affordable and a Long-Term Solution

The goal of every business is to provide its customers with something unique and useful. Nowadays, it is possible to hire a reliable on demand app development company at a very affordable cost.

By comparing the advantages of on-demand apps with the cost of on-demand app development we can see that it’s a cost-effective long-term solution. 

Custom on demand apps are the most effective type of on-demand app solutions. This is because businesses can include the features of their choice to increase user engagement and customer experience.  

  1. Easy way to collect customer data

Customer data holds a lot of importance for businesses. It allows them to have a better understanding about the consumer preferences and the types of problem that they might be facing.

This data can then be used by businesses to improve their operations and provide better service to customers. 

However, collecting customer data can be somewhat hectic and time-taking. Different types of data collection methods such as online surveys, emails, form-filling can take a lot of time to gather and analyze data. 

However, on demand services applications allow businesses to collect real-time feedback. This not only helps save a lot of time but the data is also collected in a huge amount that wouldn’t be otherwise possible through manual methods. 

Industries Being Disrupted by On-Demand App 

There are different types of on-demand apps that are designed to cater different needs. Let’s have a look at some of the different applications of on demand apps in different industries. 

1-Taxi booking services 

Uber is one of the most popular on-demand taxi services out there. In fact, its use is so wide that a huge number of people have stopped using traditional taxi services, preferring Uber over it.

After all, who would want to go through the hassle of finding a taxi on the road when you can simply order one through an app and have it arrive at your doorstep within minutes. 

2. Home & Cleaning Service Industry 

The demand for home and cleaning service is increasing around the world. Home and cleaning companies saw the opportunity to reap the benefits of on-demand services apps and started offering on-demand home and cleaning services. 

Now, it's possible for customers to easily order home cleaning service using an on-demand app. Cleaning companies on the other hand can easily manage their customers, staff, booking, pricing, and more through a handy dashboard that apps features.

3. Foods & Restaurant Industry 

The food and restaurant industry is perhaps the biggest industry that is benefiting from on demand food delivery app development

Today, you can find hundreds and thousands of food and restaurant related on demand apps that customers are enjoying using. 

These apps have made easier for users to order food during the busy hours of office, home or anyplace else.  

on demand applications

4. Healthcare  Industry

Healthcare is another huge industry being disrupted by on demand applications. It has increased the reach of medical services to people living in rural areas, or far away from hospitals and clinics.

Multiple healthcare companies are hiring on demand app developers to develop apps that offer a variety of useful health services to users. 

Healthcare on demand apps has made it possible to order medicines from home, get immediate consultation services, book online appointments with doctors, and much more. 

You might also be interested in reading: Technology - Shaping the future of healthcare software development

Must have on-demand applications features 

Let's have a look at some on-demand app features that are a must-have. 

  1. Search and Filter

Search bars and filters are probably one of the most important features of an on-demand app. Why? Because they allow your customers to easily find what they are looking for.

Research shows that users are likely to abandon your app if it's not user-friendly. Therefore, to ensure that your app is easy to use, including search bars and filters on every page. 

  1. Push Notifications

Push notifications are a great way to increase app usage and user engagement. Every time your app users receive a push notification, they are likely to open the app and check the notification. 

Therefore, make sure you ask your customers demand app developers to include this feature so that your customers don’t miss out on deals and discounts being offered on your product/service. 

  1. Order Tracking

One major reason users are so happy with on demand apps is that the order tracking feature offers transparency. Customers can easily track their order in real time once it has been booked. 

  1. Reviews and Ratings

Customers are likely to check the reviews and ratings of a product before they place an order for it. What’s better than an on-demand app that provides an in-built order review and rating feature? Not only does this help save time but also increases the credibility of your service, 


Looking at all the above-mentioned aspects of on-demand apps, it's easy to say that their use is only going to increase in the future. 

Looking to hire reliable on-demand app developers for your business? Get in touch with InvoZone today. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is on-demand app development?

On-demand app development refers to the process of creating software applications that offer services or products on an as-needed basis, often through a mobile app interface. These apps allow users to easily and quickly request a service or product, such as transportation, food delivery, or home cleaning, and have it delivered to their location.

How to build an on-demand app?

To build an on-demand app, you need to follow these general steps:

  • Identify the market and user needs.
  • Define the app features and functionality.
  • Choose the appropriate technology stack.
  • Design the user interface and user experience.
  • Develop the app's backend and frontend.
  • Integrate payment and other third-party services.
  • Test the app thoroughly.
  • Launch the app and continue to improve it based on user feedback.

How much does it cost to develop an on-demand application?

The cost of developing an on-demand application can vary greatly depending on factors such as features, complexity, development team size and location, and time to market. However, a rough estimate would be around $45,000 to $150,000 and can exceed more.

On Demand App Development

Don’t Have Time To Read Now? Download It For Later.

Looking to get an on-demand app developed but not sure whether it's worth the money or not? Well, it’s natural to be skeptical when it comes to making investments in your business. Investment? Yes.

Getting an on-demand apps developed for your business is undoubtedly an investment, and that too a beneficial one. 

Today, we will be looking at the future, benefits and applications of on-demand apps. Read down below to find out all about it. 

What are on-demand apps? 

on demand app development

On demand apps work as mediators between businesses and customers. In simpler words; they connect businesses with customers, and customers with businesses. 

On demand app solutions allow consumers to conveniently order goods and services using a mobile apps.

Upon ordering these products/services, they are delivered to the customer’s doorsteps immediately or at a scheduled time. 

Important on-demand stats 

Before we start talking about on demand app solutions in details, let's have a look at some interesting on demand stats

  • According to Statista, by 2023, the worldwide app revenue is expected to hit approx 935 billion US dollars
  • According to technavio, during 2020–2025, the on-demand home services market is anticipated to grow by $4730.31 billion with a CAGR of approx. 70.15%. 
  • The U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey estimated that each year more than 22.4 million consumers are attracted to the on-demand economy. 
  • As per the findings by Manifest, it has been reported that 50% of millennials check their mobile apps more than 50 times a day. 

on demand app development company

Benefits and Future On Demand App Development For Businesses

With custom on demand app development services on the rise, one can’t help but wonder what the benefits of on-demand apps are. Let's have a look: 

  1. Suitable for All Types of Businesses

One of the biggest benefits of on demand app solutions is that the market for on demand apps is huge and spans across various industries.

Regardless of whether your business falls under the category of healthcare, food and grocery, travel and tourism, ecommerce, fintech or education, you always have the option to hire on-demand app developers to get an app developed for your business.  

Not only do these apps help you scale your business, but they also offer diverse business opportunities. They allow businesses to explore the demands of their customers and evolve their operations in such a way that they meet the customer expectations and demands. 

  1. The market for on demand apps is growing

One of the main reasons on-demand apps are so popular in 2021 is because the demand for them is ever-growing.

According to Statista, U.S. consumers are spending $57.6 billion in the on-demand economy to cater to 22.4 million users annually. Also, as the number of mobile users is increasing, so is the number of people who use on-demand apps. 

People prefer to shop from the comfort of their homes rather than visiting stores and shops. This is why so many people are downloading on demand apps to enjoy services being delivered at their doorstep within no time.  

More and more businesses have started to realize that having an application for their product/service will only improve their longevity in the market. 

  1. It’s Affordable and a Long-Term Solution

The goal of every business is to provide its customers with something unique and useful. Nowadays, it is possible to hire a reliable on demand app development company at a very affordable cost.

By comparing the advantages of on-demand apps with the cost of on-demand app development we can see that it’s a cost-effective long-term solution. 

Custom on demand apps are the most effective type of on-demand app solutions. This is because businesses can include the features of their choice to increase user engagement and customer experience.  

  1. Easy way to collect customer data

Customer data holds a lot of importance for businesses. It allows them to have a better understanding about the consumer preferences and the types of problem that they might be facing.

This data can then be used by businesses to improve their operations and provide better service to customers. 

However, collecting customer data can be somewhat hectic and time-taking. Different types of data collection methods such as online surveys, emails, form-filling can take a lot of time to gather and analyze data. 

However, on demand services applications allow businesses to collect real-time feedback. This not only helps save a lot of time but the data is also collected in a huge amount that wouldn’t be otherwise possible through manual methods. 

Industries Being Disrupted by On-Demand App 

There are different types of on-demand apps that are designed to cater different needs. Let’s have a look at some of the different applications of on demand apps in different industries. 

1-Taxi booking services 

Uber is one of the most popular on-demand taxi services out there. In fact, its use is so wide that a huge number of people have stopped using traditional taxi services, preferring Uber over it.

After all, who would want to go through the hassle of finding a taxi on the road when you can simply order one through an app and have it arrive at your doorstep within minutes. 

2. Home & Cleaning Service Industry 

The demand for home and cleaning service is increasing around the world. Home and cleaning companies saw the opportunity to reap the benefits of on-demand services apps and started offering on-demand home and cleaning services. 

Now, it's possible for customers to easily order home cleaning service using an on-demand app. Cleaning companies on the other hand can easily manage their customers, staff, booking, pricing, and more through a handy dashboard that apps features.

3. Foods & Restaurant Industry 

The food and restaurant industry is perhaps the biggest industry that is benefiting from on demand food delivery app development

Today, you can find hundreds and thousands of food and restaurant related on demand apps that customers are enjoying using. 

These apps have made easier for users to order food during the busy hours of office, home or anyplace else.  

on demand applications

4. Healthcare  Industry

Healthcare is another huge industry being disrupted by on demand applications. It has increased the reach of medical services to people living in rural areas, or far away from hospitals and clinics.

Multiple healthcare companies are hiring on demand app developers to develop apps that offer a variety of useful health services to users. 

Healthcare on demand apps has made it possible to order medicines from home, get immediate consultation services, book online appointments with doctors, and much more. 

You might also be interested in reading: Technology - Shaping the future of healthcare software development

Must have on-demand applications features 

Let's have a look at some on-demand app features that are a must-have. 

  1. Search and Filter

Search bars and filters are probably one of the most important features of an on-demand app. Why? Because they allow your customers to easily find what they are looking for.

Research shows that users are likely to abandon your app if it's not user-friendly. Therefore, to ensure that your app is easy to use, including search bars and filters on every page. 

  1. Push Notifications

Push notifications are a great way to increase app usage and user engagement. Every time your app users receive a push notification, they are likely to open the app and check the notification. 

Therefore, make sure you ask your customers demand app developers to include this feature so that your customers don’t miss out on deals and discounts being offered on your product/service. 

  1. Order Tracking

One major reason users are so happy with on demand apps is that the order tracking feature offers transparency. Customers can easily track their order in real time once it has been booked. 

  1. Reviews and Ratings

Customers are likely to check the reviews and ratings of a product before they place an order for it. What’s better than an on-demand app that provides an in-built order review and rating feature? Not only does this help save time but also increases the credibility of your service, 


Looking at all the above-mentioned aspects of on-demand apps, it's easy to say that their use is only going to increase in the future. 

Looking to hire reliable on-demand app developers for your business? Get in touch with InvoZone today. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is on-demand app development?

On-demand app development refers to the process of creating software applications that offer services or products on an as-needed basis, often through a mobile app interface. These apps allow users to easily and quickly request a service or product, such as transportation, food delivery, or home cleaning, and have it delivered to their location.

How to build an on-demand app?

To build an on-demand app, you need to follow these general steps:

  • Identify the market and user needs.
  • Define the app features and functionality.
  • Choose the appropriate technology stack.
  • Design the user interface and user experience.
  • Develop the app's backend and frontend.
  • Integrate payment and other third-party services.
  • Test the app thoroughly.
  • Launch the app and continue to improve it based on user feedback.

How much does it cost to develop an on-demand application?

The cost of developing an on-demand application can vary greatly depending on factors such as features, complexity, development team size and location, and time to market. However, a rough estimate would be around $45,000 to $150,000 and can exceed more.

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Hareem Mohsin

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Hareem Mohsin

As the Chief Operating Officer at InvoZone, Hareem Mohsin influences people across various... Know more

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