real estate application development

How to Build a Real Estate App Successfully?

You've decided to take the plunge and develop an app for the real estate market. Congratulations! That's certainly an exciting move, but there's a good chance you're not sure where to start. This article will give you some valuable tips that will help you develop a successful app.


Last Updated On : 25 July, 2023


5 min read

In This Article:

Do you want to build a real estate app? With the recent shift in power from brokerage to consumer, now is an exciting time to get into real estate technology. In addition to brokerages starting their own apps, many startups are emerging. For a long time, people have wanted a platform where they can search for properties and get important updates in real time. It's finally here!

Some studies show that almost 51% of buyers found a home through the internet, 28% took services from a realtor, and 7% from signages. Based on the above-mentioned stats we can easily conclude that a real estate app can attract a handful of prospects every month. Why? Because they bring value to both the buyers and the sellers, alike.

Buyers can view hundreds of properties through apps and from the comfort of their homes. On the other hand, sellers can seamlessly showcase available spaces, list their features, and upload pictures for potential buyers to view.

Commercial real estate apps not only bridge the gap between buyers and realtors. But they also assist them regardless of geographical or time limitations. If I remember correctly, it is very daunting to physically go, look and scrutinize a suitable accommodation. It takes days, weeks, and sometimes even months to find something that corresponds to your requirements.

But as mobile applications surfaced, everything became much easier, including buying a house. All customers now need is an app, and a good internet connection to endlessly scroll through the listings.

So, if you own or run a real estate business – this article will state why you need an app, how to develop one, and the important features you should consider integrating into your product.

Importance of Building a Real Estate App

Real estate investments are one of the most profitable businesses in recent years. It is no secret that many people are looking for a convenient and practical tool for property search. A real estate mobile app will provide you with plenty of opportunities to maximize the profits from marketing and business.

On-demand real estate mobile apps do so much more than just boost sales, enhance online presence, and extend your market reach. It not only brings value to your real estate business but also to your customers, in return this value translates into great ROI.

Must Have Features for Real estate mobile app

Through the app, buyers can easily keep track of all their favorite and available houses. Plus, communication with your business becomes a whole lot easier too. Features like appointment bookings and push notifications about available properties can enhance customer experience too.

Real estate application development can help build your brand without having to spend heavily on advertisements and billboards. Because an app with cutting-edge features can do the trick itself and is enough for creating brand awareness.

User-friendly and convenient features can not only fascinate your target audience but work exceptionally well as a marketing tool. You can use push notifications to lure buyers into buying your space. 

Moreover, the majority of people use smartphones to access different kinds of services, which makes apps more noticeable on their screens. This contributes to your brand’s visibility and presence.

Interacting and engaging with customers is the most important aspect of your real estate business. Therefore, a real estate app will help you provide frictionless customer support. 

The real-time response will encourage buyers to reach out to you with feedback or queries whenever they feel the need. Quick customer service enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Thus, mobile apps provide a medium, a gateway for your customers and business to connect without losing any high-quality leads. Just imagine responding within a second to buyer’s queries, this kind of response rate will double your leads in no time. 

Now, who doesn’t want to stand out in a highly competitive real estate market? Developing a real estate mobile app will allow you to gain a competitive edge. Your on-demand real estate mobile app design will help you distinguish yourself from the crowd.

You can use all the features and efficient tools that mobile apps offer to your advantage and easily capture a huge chunk of the industry. This competitive edge will offer potential buyers and realtors value and your competitors a run for their cash. 

With mobile apps targeting your clients becomes as easy as pie. Based on their search history and preferences you can send out time-sensitive notifications and location-specific messages. 

By providing personalized services and valuable customer data, you can identify your target audience and reduce marketing expenditures.

You can also make use of GEO listings, which allow you to target buyers based on their location and help you filter out quality leads.

How to Develop a Real Estate App - 5 Simple Steps

The housing industry is booming, and so are the apps that help you navigate it. Mobile app development for real estate is becoming more and more popular as they become more technologically advanced and as consumers become more comfortable with using them. Here are 5 basic steps to get you started!

how to develop a real estate app - 5 simple steps

Conduct stakeholder interviews, analyze user personas, and gather requirements to understand the needs and expectations of the users. Use tools like use case diagrams, flowcharts, and wireframes to help you visualize the user experience.

Decide on the architecture of your app, including the choice of the technology stack, design patterns, and database structure. Choose a scalable and secure architecture to ensure that the app can handle large amounts of data and handle expected growth.

Write clean and maintainable code using appropriate programming languages and frameworks. Use version control systems like Git to keep track of the changes and collaborate with the development team.

Testing the app thoroughly, both manually and automatically, will help ensure that it meets your expectations. Use testing tools like JUnit, Espresso, and Selenium to automate the testing process.

Decide where to host the app -- whether it should be on a cloud-based platform or a virtual private server. Use automated deployment tools to simplify the deployment process and minimize downtime. Monitor the app's performance and security to ensure that it remains operational and secure.

These technical steps should help you build a solid foundation to build a real estate app and ensure that it is reliable and scalable. Work with experienced developers and use agile development methodologies to streamline the development process and deliver high-quality results.

Different Types of Real Estate Apps 

Before you start developing your app, you should know which type of app compliments your business. Below are 4 different types of real estate apps for your business:

real estate mobile applications

You can list properties available for rent. Through sorting and filtering features buyers can narrow down their research based on budget, location, and other requirements. 

This app is more suitable for those who are offering properties for sale. Through this app, you can exhibit all the features of the available properties and engage with buyers to finalize the deal. 

This app is specifically designed for real estate agents working in your firm. Through this, they can easily connect with prospects and other agents for document or property management.

This app allows realtors to virtually display their properties through a 360-degree view from staircases to the attic.  It is more suitable for realtors and buyers who are engaging with each other from afar – from different geographical areas.

This app is specifically developed for those who are interested in investing in real estate. This app offers all the custom features and information for potential investors to make meaningful investments.

Must-Have Features For Real Estate Mobile App

Real estate app development is a powerful tool that delivers the information you need to make the most informed decisions. It's essential to have all of the features you need on your on-demand real estate mobile app, including: 

  • Registration – for customer onboarding. This is where customers familiarize themselves with the app, its functionalities, and the value it brings.
  • Interactive map functionality – enables buyers to see the listings in their area which makes the house hunt easier and saves time.
  • Camera access – allows virtual tours which are incredibly helpful considering the pandemic situation.
  • Profiles/accounts – both realtors and buyers should have accounts through which they can access their history based on different parameters.
  • Listings – a complete database of available properties, along with their profiles, pictures, and owner Info
  • Agent listing – this is very important for effective communication between potential buyers and agents. 
  • Filters – listings should be categorized based on their features plus a filtering option to narrow down the research.
  • Favorites or wish lists – potential buyers should be able to add their preferences to a wishlist to refer back to.
  • Appointment booking – this option should be available to both buyers and sellers for effective meeting scheduling.
  • Push notifications – to help buyers keep track of new listings, property updates, or price changes. 
  • Price/mortgage calculator – this is important for real estate agents especially when they determine the appropriate loan. 

Key Takeaways

Real estate mobile applications are probably the most rewarding and valuable solution for your real estate business. Many software development companies are offering their application development services to build a cost-effective app. 

But the best real estate mobile app development is an essential part of your business strategy, helping you attract and retain customers, and enhancing the overall experience.

Therefore, create a real estate app that is scalable and flexible which is important for achieving your goals, and not everyone understands your ideas as we do. So, contact our mobile app development experts for a customized solution today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Real estate apps work by taking the information you enter and using it to search for properties that meet your criteria. The apps then display these properties, so you can see what's available in your area. If you find something you like, you can contact a realtor directly through the app.

The best real estate app should be able to:

  • Connect you with others in your area who are looking for homes, so you can talk about what you're looking for.
  • Help you find a home that fits your needs, based on your preferences and the features of the home (size, location, price).
  • List all the homes that meet your criteria so you can look at them in one place.
On Demand App Development

Don’t Have Time To Read Now? Download It For Later.

Do you want to build a real estate app? With the recent shift in power from brokerage to consumer, now is an exciting time to get into real estate technology. In addition to brokerages starting their own apps, many startups are emerging. For a long time, people have wanted a platform where they can search for properties and get important updates in real time. It's finally here!

Some studies show that almost 51% of buyers found a home through the internet, 28% took services from a realtor, and 7% from signages. Based on the above-mentioned stats we can easily conclude that a real estate app can attract a handful of prospects every month. Why? Because they bring value to both the buyers and the sellers, alike.

Buyers can view hundreds of properties through apps and from the comfort of their homes. On the other hand, sellers can seamlessly showcase available spaces, list their features, and upload pictures for potential buyers to view.

Commercial real estate apps not only bridge the gap between buyers and realtors. But they also assist them regardless of geographical or time limitations. If I remember correctly, it is very daunting to physically go, look and scrutinize a suitable accommodation. It takes days, weeks, and sometimes even months to find something that corresponds to your requirements.

But as mobile applications surfaced, everything became much easier, including buying a house. All customers now need is an app, and a good internet connection to endlessly scroll through the listings.

So, if you own or run a real estate business – this article will state why you need an app, how to develop one, and the important features you should consider integrating into your product.

Importance of Building a Real Estate App

Real estate investments are one of the most profitable businesses in recent years. It is no secret that many people are looking for a convenient and practical tool for property search. A real estate mobile app will provide you with plenty of opportunities to maximize the profits from marketing and business.

On-demand real estate mobile apps do so much more than just boost sales, enhance online presence, and extend your market reach. It not only brings value to your real estate business but also to your customers, in return this value translates into great ROI.

Must Have Features for Real estate mobile app

Through the app, buyers can easily keep track of all their favorite and available houses. Plus, communication with your business becomes a whole lot easier too. Features like appointment bookings and push notifications about available properties can enhance customer experience too.

Real estate application development can help build your brand without having to spend heavily on advertisements and billboards. Because an app with cutting-edge features can do the trick itself and is enough for creating brand awareness.

User-friendly and convenient features can not only fascinate your target audience but work exceptionally well as a marketing tool. You can use push notifications to lure buyers into buying your space. 

Moreover, the majority of people use smartphones to access different kinds of services, which makes apps more noticeable on their screens. This contributes to your brand’s visibility and presence.

Interacting and engaging with customers is the most important aspect of your real estate business. Therefore, a real estate app will help you provide frictionless customer support. 

The real-time response will encourage buyers to reach out to you with feedback or queries whenever they feel the need. Quick customer service enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Thus, mobile apps provide a medium, a gateway for your customers and business to connect without losing any high-quality leads. Just imagine responding within a second to buyer’s queries, this kind of response rate will double your leads in no time. 

Now, who doesn’t want to stand out in a highly competitive real estate market? Developing a real estate mobile app will allow you to gain a competitive edge. Your on-demand real estate mobile app design will help you distinguish yourself from the crowd.

You can use all the features and efficient tools that mobile apps offer to your advantage and easily capture a huge chunk of the industry. This competitive edge will offer potential buyers and realtors value and your competitors a run for their cash. 

With mobile apps targeting your clients becomes as easy as pie. Based on their search history and preferences you can send out time-sensitive notifications and location-specific messages. 

By providing personalized services and valuable customer data, you can identify your target audience and reduce marketing expenditures.

You can also make use of GEO listings, which allow you to target buyers based on their location and help you filter out quality leads.

How to Develop a Real Estate App - 5 Simple Steps

The housing industry is booming, and so are the apps that help you navigate it. Mobile app development for real estate is becoming more and more popular as they become more technologically advanced and as consumers become more comfortable with using them. Here are 5 basic steps to get you started!

how to develop a real estate app - 5 simple steps

Conduct stakeholder interviews, analyze user personas, and gather requirements to understand the needs and expectations of the users. Use tools like use case diagrams, flowcharts, and wireframes to help you visualize the user experience.

Decide on the architecture of your app, including the choice of the technology stack, design patterns, and database structure. Choose a scalable and secure architecture to ensure that the app can handle large amounts of data and handle expected growth.

Write clean and maintainable code using appropriate programming languages and frameworks. Use version control systems like Git to keep track of the changes and collaborate with the development team.

Testing the app thoroughly, both manually and automatically, will help ensure that it meets your expectations. Use testing tools like JUnit, Espresso, and Selenium to automate the testing process.

Decide where to host the app -- whether it should be on a cloud-based platform or a virtual private server. Use automated deployment tools to simplify the deployment process and minimize downtime. Monitor the app's performance and security to ensure that it remains operational and secure.

These technical steps should help you build a solid foundation to build a real estate app and ensure that it is reliable and scalable. Work with experienced developers and use agile development methodologies to streamline the development process and deliver high-quality results.

Different Types of Real Estate Apps 

Before you start developing your app, you should know which type of app compliments your business. Below are 4 different types of real estate apps for your business:

real estate mobile applications

You can list properties available for rent. Through sorting and filtering features buyers can narrow down their research based on budget, location, and other requirements. 

This app is more suitable for those who are offering properties for sale. Through this app, you can exhibit all the features of the available properties and engage with buyers to finalize the deal. 

This app is specifically designed for real estate agents working in your firm. Through this, they can easily connect with prospects and other agents for document or property management.

This app allows realtors to virtually display their properties through a 360-degree view from staircases to the attic.  It is more suitable for realtors and buyers who are engaging with each other from afar – from different geographical areas.

This app is specifically developed for those who are interested in investing in real estate. This app offers all the custom features and information for potential investors to make meaningful investments.

Must-Have Features For Real Estate Mobile App

Real estate app development is a powerful tool that delivers the information you need to make the most informed decisions. It's essential to have all of the features you need on your on-demand real estate mobile app, including: 

  • Registration – for customer onboarding. This is where customers familiarize themselves with the app, its functionalities, and the value it brings.
  • Interactive map functionality – enables buyers to see the listings in their area which makes the house hunt easier and saves time.
  • Camera access – allows virtual tours which are incredibly helpful considering the pandemic situation.
  • Profiles/accounts – both realtors and buyers should have accounts through which they can access their history based on different parameters.
  • Listings – a complete database of available properties, along with their profiles, pictures, and owner Info
  • Agent listing – this is very important for effective communication between potential buyers and agents. 
  • Filters – listings should be categorized based on their features plus a filtering option to narrow down the research.
  • Favorites or wish lists – potential buyers should be able to add their preferences to a wishlist to refer back to.
  • Appointment booking – this option should be available to both buyers and sellers for effective meeting scheduling.
  • Push notifications – to help buyers keep track of new listings, property updates, or price changes. 
  • Price/mortgage calculator – this is important for real estate agents especially when they determine the appropriate loan. 

Key Takeaways

Real estate mobile applications are probably the most rewarding and valuable solution for your real estate business. Many software development companies are offering their application development services to build a cost-effective app. 

But the best real estate mobile app development is an essential part of your business strategy, helping you attract and retain customers, and enhancing the overall experience.

Therefore, create a real estate app that is scalable and flexible which is important for achieving your goals, and not everyone understands your ideas as we do. So, contact our mobile app development experts for a customized solution today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Real estate apps work by taking the information you enter and using it to search for properties that meet your criteria. The apps then display these properties, so you can see what's available in your area. If you find something you like, you can contact a realtor directly through the app.

The best real estate app should be able to:

  • Connect you with others in your area who are looking for homes, so you can talk about what you're looking for.
  • Help you find a home that fits your needs, based on your preferences and the features of the home (size, location, price).
  • List all the homes that meet your criteria so you can look at them in one place.

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Sadia Aziz

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Sadia Aziz

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