developing an educational app

Developing an Educational App: Benefits and Process

Are you ready to blast off into the galaxy of educational app development? Board a ship to explore the treasures of developing an app that will fill the atmosphere with the whoop of delight! 

From the benefits of personalization that will make every student feel like a superhero to the challenges of scalability that we will conquer together, we'll cover it all. Learn about the features that will make your app the talk of the town and have students asking for more.


Last Updated On : 25 July, 2023


7 min read

In This Article:

In today's digital age, developing an educational app is the cherry on top of the education sundae. With the world moving at a breakneck pace, it's imperative for educational institutions and businesses to keep up and offer students a way to learn on the go. 

The benefits of educational app development are numerous, and the challenges, while present, can be overcome with the right approach. From increasing student engagement to providing a more personalized learning experience, an educational app is a game-changer. 

In this blog, we'll take a deep dive into the benefits, challenges, and features of creating an educational app. With statistics showing that e-learning is on the rise and real-world use cases showcasing the success of educational apps, it's time to jump on the bandwagon and invest in building an app that will take your students' learning to new heights

What is Educational Application?

Education is the new black, and knowledge is the ultimate accessory. It's not just about earning degrees anymore, it's about gaining the tools to unlock a world of possibilities. As the great Albert Einstein once said, 

"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." 

And what better way to train the mind than with a trusty learning app? These digital companions are the perfect way to gain knowledge remotely, whether you're a curious kid or a lifelong learner. 

Education applications are mobile masterpieces crafted to guide individuals through remote learning adventures of all shapes and sizes. From math tutors for tykes to professional development platforms for adults, the possibilities are endless. So, put on your learning cap, and let's explore the world of an educational mobile app, where knowledge is the ultimate destination.

What is the Importance of Educational Apps in 2023?  

Developing educational apps is becoming exceedingly popular among the global education community. They not only eliminate the hassle of carrying heavy books but also make learning more fun, interactive, and super engaging.

In June 2015, there were over 80,000 education apps available in the app store.  Hence, it would be right to say that e-learning is on a roll, with the worldwide market forecast to soar past 243 billion dollars by 2022, and for a good reason.

As the world shifts to a digital landscape, the traditional brick-and-mortar approach to education is becoming a thing of the past. With nearly 65% of teachers embracing open educational resources and 63% showing interest in competency-based education, it's clear that the future of learning is digital.

The pandemic has accelerated this shift, as working and studying from home has become the norm. And what better way to navigate this new reality than with education app development? 

How To Develop an Educational App in 6 Steps?

how to develop an educational app

We have listed down 6 steps to explain the process of how to develop educational apps. Let’s dive in. 

Step 1: Strategize your business requirements 

Before going deep into the development process with knives and wooden scapula, explore different types of educational apps. Identify which app will serve the purpose well. For instance, you want to promote diversity and personalized learning.

In that case, a language learning app is a great approach to integrating various languages in short lessons to eliminate language barriers. It will help the educational management to address the needs and perspectives of individual students. Also, plan out the features carefully, like short-length video tutorials, audio, and tests.

Therefore, carefully strategize the feel and appeal of your educational app. To do so, identify your target audience and its needs and requirements. 

Step 2: Conduct market research

Being a successful entrepreneur means doing market research because you wouldn’t like to risk an investment.  Therefore, we recommend you find answers to the following questions: 

  • Explore similar apps available on the app store. 
  • Go through the feedback of these apps to identify your target market’s needs and requirements. 
  • Critically analyze the mistakes made by your competitors. 
  • Find a software development company that complements your values. 

Step 3: Plan out the features 

Features that you plan to include in your app differ depending on the type of app you are building. Here are some of the must-have features of educational software: 

  • Login/Sign up 
  • User profile 
  • Scheduling 
  • Video-based learning material 
  • Live support
  • Multilingual support 
  • Offline mode 
  • Social media integration 
  • Push notification 
  • Progress tests and reports 

Step 4: Select an app development platform 

Determining the education application development platform is a crucial step in the development process. iOS, Android, and cross-platform are famous options for development platforms.

iOS and Android are the most popular platforms for mobile app development, but they require significant resources and development time.

Cross-platform development, such as React Native and Flutter, allows for the creation of apps that can run on both iOS and Android, often with less time and cost required.

It's important to consider the target audience, type of content, and cost and time required when choosing the platform for your educational app. It's also recommended to research the different options available, consult with app development experts, and consider user feedback before making a final decision.

Step 5: Hire an application development company 

Hiring an application development company to build an educational app is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration. A reputable and experienced app development company can help bring your vision to life and create an engaging and effective educational app that meets the needs of your target audience.

When hiring a company, it's important to consider the following:

Experience and expertise

Look for a company that has a proven track record of developing learning apps and has the expertise to handle the specific type of content and features that you want to include in your app.

Communication and project management

Choose a company that is responsive and easy to communicate with and that has a clear and effective project management process in place.

Technical capabilities

Ensure that the company has the technical capabilities to develop the app on the platform you have chosen and that they have the necessary experience and skills to handle any technical challenges that may arise.

Cost and time 

Consider the cost and time required for the development of the app, and choose a company that can deliver the app within your budget and time frame.

Reviews and references

Check the company's portfolio, reviews, and references from previous clients to get an idea of their quality of work and client satisfaction.

Attention all educators, students, and businesses! At InvoZone, the premier app development company, we will turn your e-learning dreams into a reality.

Our team understands the importance of education in today's digital age. That's why we specialize in creating engaging and effective e-learning apps that are tailored to meet the unique needs of your target audience. Whether you're looking to teach basic math to children or provide advanced professional training to adults, we've got you covered.

Ready to elevate your e-learning experience? Give us a call, and let's get started on creating a smarter future together! 

Step 6: Launch and market your app 

Are you ready to launch your e-learning app into the stratosphere? Look no further than InvoZone, the rocket scientist of app development. We'll blast off your app into the app stores with our smooth launch process and even offer 90 days of free maintenance services after take-off.

But wait, there's more! Once your app is launched, how will you reach your target audience? Don't stress, we've got the coordinates for success. We'll guide you through the galaxy of marketing options, from social media to press releases and even creating a landing page.

Want to see our past successful mission? Check out the Curriki, built by our team of developers. It's like a personal NASA for parents, providing video monitoring services to filter the best content for their little ones on YouTube Kids. So, don't let your e-learning app get lost in space, choose InvoZone for a successful launch.

Benefits of Developing Educational Applications

benefits of educational apps

You can benefit in many ways from investment in e-learning apps. Let’s have a look at the following benefits of mobile apps in education: 

Enhances Learning for Today’s Tech-Savvy Students

Younglings nowadays are more familiar with technology than adults. Because of their curious nature, they like to spend most of their time on gadgets to explore new things – today’s tech-savvy children would know more about nursery rhymes than you ever did back in your day. Amirite?

Children and students, in general, seem to have a lower attention span. They tend to be distracted easily. Therefore, there are numerous benefits of educational apps for students. Building unique, colorful, and interactive interfaces bring back interest and, as a result, enhances the experience – making it more interactive, engaging, and immersive.

Also, it is not hard to motivate children to use an app for studying. They’d happily do it. Kids Academy app, for example, offers a learn-through-play experience. The app has over 5000 activities, games, videos, worksheets, puzzles, and songs – all designed around learning. Kid Academy offers a personalized learning experience and gamification to bring the best out of kids and give them the necessary education they need.

Shifts Attention to More Meaningful Content

The early years of a child’s development are very fragile. Their first learning experiences shape their future cognitive, emotional, and social development.

Therefore, educational apps' benefits can shift a child’s focus to content that matters rather than wasting time watching endless TV or browsing the internet.

Leisure time is important, but how about parents making sure they spend their free time learning something new through an educational app instead?

Promotes Individualized Learning

Every student is different, and therefore, their ways of learning as well. Some are fast learners, and others are not so much. Some students rely on visual aid to understand things, and others require practical simulations.

For that matter, an educational app is developed to cater to different types of learners. Additionally, such applications also encourage independent learning, where they can learn without constant supervision from teachers or parents alike. 

Around-the-Clock Systematic Learning

Through educational apps, students can learn anytime they want because learning is not only limited to the classrooms. If students are having doubts about a concept while at home, they can refer to the application, which not only gets the homework done but also promotes self-learning and understanding. Besides, self-learning raises a sense of achievement in students.

Just imagine you being able to solve a math problem without any external help. Thus, a systematic educational app intensifies the student’s yearning to learn new things on their own.

Accessible Learning Options

Education is everyone’s right irrespective of individual impairments and disabilities. Therefore, technology offers numerous ways for children with disabilities to learn and grow.

There are applications available for children with dyslexia or autism, such as Read2Go, an online library that offers books for dyslexic students, and the talking calculator app that assists children with visual impairments.

Moreover, since distance learning has become the new normal in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions are increasingly making use of applications like FlipGrid, Google classroom, and others to teach remotely without falling behind on class schedules or exams.  

Provides Sustainable Education Opportunities

The benefits of learning app development are redefining the education sector by supporting sustainable education. According to data from the Global Forest Resource Assessment, roughly 80,000 to 160,000 trees are cut down each day globally, with a significant percentage being used in the paper industry.

Hence note-taking apps for students, such as Zoho notebook or Bear, limit the use of resources such as notebooks and paper. All they require is just a download to get started. – which facilitates maintaining the sustainability of the environment. 

Reduces Costs for Educational Institutions

Educational mobile app development companies are developing high-quality yet cost-effective apps to facilitate educational institutions in their teaching endeavors such as the provision of great learning experiences.

These applications help institutions save a handful of money on textbooks, stationery, and other tangible learning materials, which can then be utilized elsewhere – in doing something more meaningful such as hiring qualified staff, conducting training workshops, and even buying an inventory of learning devices or paid applications. 

Assists Teachers During an Assessment

Every teacher would agree that the traditional marking system is a tedious and daunting process. It takes hours for teachers to grade assignments or term papers – and we are only talking about a single class here. But now, with educational applications, student assessment, and grading have become a lot easier.

Apps like Socrative teacher and Quick grader are assisting teachers with their routine administrative tasks such as grading. Moreover, they allow teachers to interact with students, track their attendance, download reports, and provide feedback in real-time.

Personalization for Improved Academic Performance

Technologies like Artificial intelligence and Machine learning promote accelerated learning through personalization. AI in education fills in the communication gap between teachers and students. It not only drives efficiency and personalization but also streamlines admin tasks allowing teachers to focus more on individualized learning in a class of 20 students.

According to studies, experts anticipate AI in education to grow by 43% in the period 2018–2022, which is remarkable. AI identifies student struggling areas and gaps in knowledge to provide personalized learning plans where appropriate.

Provides Insights into Students

Tracking student progress is one of the most important functions of an educational app. Teachers, as well as parents, can stay informed about their child’s performance at school through online report cards.

Along with the performance, teachers can see how each app is helping students in improving their skills – which in return facilitates educational institutions to modify their program content as needed to match the expertise level of students.

Challenges of Using Educational Apps

Even though educational software offers more good than harm yet, you will encounter problems in using educational apps. 

  •  A traditional classroom setting has a lot to offer to students. While working in groups, they learn self-control and empathy. Educational applications may limit much-needed social interaction, which is very important for a child’s emotional development and confidence. 
  • Since educational apps require the internet to function, some regions may not have access to the internet, which may restrict the learning process. 
  • If students are learning through a device, chances are they may lose their concentration or get distracted by something far more interesting. 
  • Excessive screen time can lead to health problems such as insomnia, weak eyesight, and stress. 
  • Many teachers may not be trained enough to use EdTech for class lessons.
  • Financial costs for educational institutions to launch a mobile application. 
  • Software and hardware issues can disrupt learning.  

Cost of Developing Education Application

Various factors come into play while determining the total educational app development cost. These factors are the target market, features and functionalities, complexities, timeframe, budget, operating system, and tech stack.

The cost of educational app development for preschoolers might be as much as that of application development for university-level students. But the estimated cost to create an educational app with basic features and functionality can fall somewhere between $10,000 to $30,000+ – all depending upon the scope of the project and your business engagement model in case you plan to outsource a software development team.

Moreover, if you want a complex design and features such as 3D interfaces, AR/VR, and AI, then the costs of educational apps will exceed 3 times the estimated cost. 

Hire a Team to Build Your eLearning App! 

Hey there! Are you tired of boring, outdated e-learning methods? Want to spice up your education curriculum? Look no further because I have the perfect solution for you. Introducing our top-of-the-line education app development services, designed to make learning fun and interactive.

We know that traditional education can be a snooze-fest, but with an app, your students will be laughing and learning simultaneously. Say goodbye to boring lectures and hello to engaging visuals, interactive quizzes, and customized learning paths.

And don't worry about breaking the bank, our development services are budget-friendly. You'll get more bang for your buck than a trip to the dollar store.

So what are you waiting for? Give us a call, and let's make learning exciting again!

[Hire Remote Developers]

Frequently Asked Questions 

What makes a good educational app?

A good educational app should have the following characteristics:

  • Clear and well-organized content that is easy to understand
  • Interactive and engaging activities that keep the user interested
  • The ability to track progress and give feedback on performance
  • An engaging and easy-to-navigate user interface
  • Adaptive to the user's learning style and level
  • Aligns with curriculum standards
  • Accessible for learners with different abilities
  • Regular updates and maintenance
  • Can work offline
  • Have a variety of features such as videos, games, quizzes, and simulations.

How much does it cost to develop an educational app?

The cost of developing an educational app can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, such as the app's complexity, the number of features included, the platform it will be developed for, and the development team or agency you choose.

A rough estimate for a basic educational app with a limited number of features could cost around $10,000 to $50,000. However, more complex apps with multiple features and functionality could cost upwards of $100,000.

How long does it take to make an educational app?

An educational app takes 220 to 600 hours to build. 

What are the challenges in using educational apps?

The following are the challenges of using an educational app:

  • Too much gamification 
  • Bad tutorials
  • Poor progress tracking
  • No systematic repetition
  • No revenue model

Mobile App Development

Don’t Have Time To Read Now? Download It For Later.

In today's digital age, developing an educational app is the cherry on top of the education sundae. With the world moving at a breakneck pace, it's imperative for educational institutions and businesses to keep up and offer students a way to learn on the go. 

The benefits of educational app development are numerous, and the challenges, while present, can be overcome with the right approach. From increasing student engagement to providing a more personalized learning experience, an educational app is a game-changer. 

In this blog, we'll take a deep dive into the benefits, challenges, and features of creating an educational app. With statistics showing that e-learning is on the rise and real-world use cases showcasing the success of educational apps, it's time to jump on the bandwagon and invest in building an app that will take your students' learning to new heights

What is Educational Application?

Education is the new black, and knowledge is the ultimate accessory. It's not just about earning degrees anymore, it's about gaining the tools to unlock a world of possibilities. As the great Albert Einstein once said, 

"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." 

And what better way to train the mind than with a trusty learning app? These digital companions are the perfect way to gain knowledge remotely, whether you're a curious kid or a lifelong learner. 

Education applications are mobile masterpieces crafted to guide individuals through remote learning adventures of all shapes and sizes. From math tutors for tykes to professional development platforms for adults, the possibilities are endless. So, put on your learning cap, and let's explore the world of an educational mobile app, where knowledge is the ultimate destination.

What is the Importance of Educational Apps in 2023?  

Developing educational apps is becoming exceedingly popular among the global education community. They not only eliminate the hassle of carrying heavy books but also make learning more fun, interactive, and super engaging.

In June 2015, there were over 80,000 education apps available in the app store.  Hence, it would be right to say that e-learning is on a roll, with the worldwide market forecast to soar past 243 billion dollars by 2022, and for a good reason.

As the world shifts to a digital landscape, the traditional brick-and-mortar approach to education is becoming a thing of the past. With nearly 65% of teachers embracing open educational resources and 63% showing interest in competency-based education, it's clear that the future of learning is digital.

The pandemic has accelerated this shift, as working and studying from home has become the norm. And what better way to navigate this new reality than with education app development? 

How To Develop an Educational App in 6 Steps?

how to develop an educational app

We have listed down 6 steps to explain the process of how to develop educational apps. Let’s dive in. 

Step 1: Strategize your business requirements 

Before going deep into the development process with knives and wooden scapula, explore different types of educational apps. Identify which app will serve the purpose well. For instance, you want to promote diversity and personalized learning.

In that case, a language learning app is a great approach to integrating various languages in short lessons to eliminate language barriers. It will help the educational management to address the needs and perspectives of individual students. Also, plan out the features carefully, like short-length video tutorials, audio, and tests.

Therefore, carefully strategize the feel and appeal of your educational app. To do so, identify your target audience and its needs and requirements. 

Step 2: Conduct market research

Being a successful entrepreneur means doing market research because you wouldn’t like to risk an investment.  Therefore, we recommend you find answers to the following questions: 

  • Explore similar apps available on the app store. 
  • Go through the feedback of these apps to identify your target market’s needs and requirements. 
  • Critically analyze the mistakes made by your competitors. 
  • Find a software development company that complements your values. 

Step 3: Plan out the features 

Features that you plan to include in your app differ depending on the type of app you are building. Here are some of the must-have features of educational software: 

  • Login/Sign up 
  • User profile 
  • Scheduling 
  • Video-based learning material 
  • Live support
  • Multilingual support 
  • Offline mode 
  • Social media integration 
  • Push notification 
  • Progress tests and reports 

Step 4: Select an app development platform 

Determining the education application development platform is a crucial step in the development process. iOS, Android, and cross-platform are famous options for development platforms.

iOS and Android are the most popular platforms for mobile app development, but they require significant resources and development time.

Cross-platform development, such as React Native and Flutter, allows for the creation of apps that can run on both iOS and Android, often with less time and cost required.

It's important to consider the target audience, type of content, and cost and time required when choosing the platform for your educational app. It's also recommended to research the different options available, consult with app development experts, and consider user feedback before making a final decision.

Step 5: Hire an application development company 

Hiring an application development company to build an educational app is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration. A reputable and experienced app development company can help bring your vision to life and create an engaging and effective educational app that meets the needs of your target audience.

When hiring a company, it's important to consider the following:

Experience and expertise

Look for a company that has a proven track record of developing learning apps and has the expertise to handle the specific type of content and features that you want to include in your app.

Communication and project management

Choose a company that is responsive and easy to communicate with and that has a clear and effective project management process in place.

Technical capabilities

Ensure that the company has the technical capabilities to develop the app on the platform you have chosen and that they have the necessary experience and skills to handle any technical challenges that may arise.

Cost and time 

Consider the cost and time required for the development of the app, and choose a company that can deliver the app within your budget and time frame.

Reviews and references

Check the company's portfolio, reviews, and references from previous clients to get an idea of their quality of work and client satisfaction.

Attention all educators, students, and businesses! At InvoZone, the premier app development company, we will turn your e-learning dreams into a reality.

Our team understands the importance of education in today's digital age. That's why we specialize in creating engaging and effective e-learning apps that are tailored to meet the unique needs of your target audience. Whether you're looking to teach basic math to children or provide advanced professional training to adults, we've got you covered.

Ready to elevate your e-learning experience? Give us a call, and let's get started on creating a smarter future together! 

Step 6: Launch and market your app 

Are you ready to launch your e-learning app into the stratosphere? Look no further than InvoZone, the rocket scientist of app development. We'll blast off your app into the app stores with our smooth launch process and even offer 90 days of free maintenance services after take-off.

But wait, there's more! Once your app is launched, how will you reach your target audience? Don't stress, we've got the coordinates for success. We'll guide you through the galaxy of marketing options, from social media to press releases and even creating a landing page.

Want to see our past successful mission? Check out the Curriki, built by our team of developers. It's like a personal NASA for parents, providing video monitoring services to filter the best content for their little ones on YouTube Kids. So, don't let your e-learning app get lost in space, choose InvoZone for a successful launch.

Benefits of Developing Educational Applications

benefits of educational apps

You can benefit in many ways from investment in e-learning apps. Let’s have a look at the following benefits of mobile apps in education: 

Enhances Learning for Today’s Tech-Savvy Students

Younglings nowadays are more familiar with technology than adults. Because of their curious nature, they like to spend most of their time on gadgets to explore new things – today’s tech-savvy children would know more about nursery rhymes than you ever did back in your day. Amirite?

Children and students, in general, seem to have a lower attention span. They tend to be distracted easily. Therefore, there are numerous benefits of educational apps for students. Building unique, colorful, and interactive interfaces bring back interest and, as a result, enhances the experience – making it more interactive, engaging, and immersive.

Also, it is not hard to motivate children to use an app for studying. They’d happily do it. Kids Academy app, for example, offers a learn-through-play experience. The app has over 5000 activities, games, videos, worksheets, puzzles, and songs – all designed around learning. Kid Academy offers a personalized learning experience and gamification to bring the best out of kids and give them the necessary education they need.

Shifts Attention to More Meaningful Content

The early years of a child’s development are very fragile. Their first learning experiences shape their future cognitive, emotional, and social development.

Therefore, educational apps' benefits can shift a child’s focus to content that matters rather than wasting time watching endless TV or browsing the internet.

Leisure time is important, but how about parents making sure they spend their free time learning something new through an educational app instead?

Promotes Individualized Learning

Every student is different, and therefore, their ways of learning as well. Some are fast learners, and others are not so much. Some students rely on visual aid to understand things, and others require practical simulations.

For that matter, an educational app is developed to cater to different types of learners. Additionally, such applications also encourage independent learning, where they can learn without constant supervision from teachers or parents alike. 

Around-the-Clock Systematic Learning

Through educational apps, students can learn anytime they want because learning is not only limited to the classrooms. If students are having doubts about a concept while at home, they can refer to the application, which not only gets the homework done but also promotes self-learning and understanding. Besides, self-learning raises a sense of achievement in students.

Just imagine you being able to solve a math problem without any external help. Thus, a systematic educational app intensifies the student’s yearning to learn new things on their own.

Accessible Learning Options

Education is everyone’s right irrespective of individual impairments and disabilities. Therefore, technology offers numerous ways for children with disabilities to learn and grow.

There are applications available for children with dyslexia or autism, such as Read2Go, an online library that offers books for dyslexic students, and the talking calculator app that assists children with visual impairments.

Moreover, since distance learning has become the new normal in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions are increasingly making use of applications like FlipGrid, Google classroom, and others to teach remotely without falling behind on class schedules or exams.  

Provides Sustainable Education Opportunities

The benefits of learning app development are redefining the education sector by supporting sustainable education. According to data from the Global Forest Resource Assessment, roughly 80,000 to 160,000 trees are cut down each day globally, with a significant percentage being used in the paper industry.

Hence note-taking apps for students, such as Zoho notebook or Bear, limit the use of resources such as notebooks and paper. All they require is just a download to get started. – which facilitates maintaining the sustainability of the environment. 

Reduces Costs for Educational Institutions

Educational mobile app development companies are developing high-quality yet cost-effective apps to facilitate educational institutions in their teaching endeavors such as the provision of great learning experiences.

These applications help institutions save a handful of money on textbooks, stationery, and other tangible learning materials, which can then be utilized elsewhere – in doing something more meaningful such as hiring qualified staff, conducting training workshops, and even buying an inventory of learning devices or paid applications. 

Assists Teachers During an Assessment

Every teacher would agree that the traditional marking system is a tedious and daunting process. It takes hours for teachers to grade assignments or term papers – and we are only talking about a single class here. But now, with educational applications, student assessment, and grading have become a lot easier.

Apps like Socrative teacher and Quick grader are assisting teachers with their routine administrative tasks such as grading. Moreover, they allow teachers to interact with students, track their attendance, download reports, and provide feedback in real-time.

Personalization for Improved Academic Performance

Technologies like Artificial intelligence and Machine learning promote accelerated learning through personalization. AI in education fills in the communication gap between teachers and students. It not only drives efficiency and personalization but also streamlines admin tasks allowing teachers to focus more on individualized learning in a class of 20 students.

According to studies, experts anticipate AI in education to grow by 43% in the period 2018–2022, which is remarkable. AI identifies student struggling areas and gaps in knowledge to provide personalized learning plans where appropriate.

Provides Insights into Students

Tracking student progress is one of the most important functions of an educational app. Teachers, as well as parents, can stay informed about their child’s performance at school through online report cards.

Along with the performance, teachers can see how each app is helping students in improving their skills – which in return facilitates educational institutions to modify their program content as needed to match the expertise level of students.

Challenges of Using Educational Apps

Even though educational software offers more good than harm yet, you will encounter problems in using educational apps. 

  •  A traditional classroom setting has a lot to offer to students. While working in groups, they learn self-control and empathy. Educational applications may limit much-needed social interaction, which is very important for a child’s emotional development and confidence. 
  • Since educational apps require the internet to function, some regions may not have access to the internet, which may restrict the learning process. 
  • If students are learning through a device, chances are they may lose their concentration or get distracted by something far more interesting. 
  • Excessive screen time can lead to health problems such as insomnia, weak eyesight, and stress. 
  • Many teachers may not be trained enough to use EdTech for class lessons.
  • Financial costs for educational institutions to launch a mobile application. 
  • Software and hardware issues can disrupt learning.  

Cost of Developing Education Application

Various factors come into play while determining the total educational app development cost. These factors are the target market, features and functionalities, complexities, timeframe, budget, operating system, and tech stack.

The cost of educational app development for preschoolers might be as much as that of application development for university-level students. But the estimated cost to create an educational app with basic features and functionality can fall somewhere between $10,000 to $30,000+ – all depending upon the scope of the project and your business engagement model in case you plan to outsource a software development team.

Moreover, if you want a complex design and features such as 3D interfaces, AR/VR, and AI, then the costs of educational apps will exceed 3 times the estimated cost. 

Hire a Team to Build Your eLearning App! 

Hey there! Are you tired of boring, outdated e-learning methods? Want to spice up your education curriculum? Look no further because I have the perfect solution for you. Introducing our top-of-the-line education app development services, designed to make learning fun and interactive.

We know that traditional education can be a snooze-fest, but with an app, your students will be laughing and learning simultaneously. Say goodbye to boring lectures and hello to engaging visuals, interactive quizzes, and customized learning paths.

And don't worry about breaking the bank, our development services are budget-friendly. You'll get more bang for your buck than a trip to the dollar store.

So what are you waiting for? Give us a call, and let's make learning exciting again!

[Hire Remote Developers]

Frequently Asked Questions 

What makes a good educational app?

A good educational app should have the following characteristics:

  • Clear and well-organized content that is easy to understand
  • Interactive and engaging activities that keep the user interested
  • The ability to track progress and give feedback on performance
  • An engaging and easy-to-navigate user interface
  • Adaptive to the user's learning style and level
  • Aligns with curriculum standards
  • Accessible for learners with different abilities
  • Regular updates and maintenance
  • Can work offline
  • Have a variety of features such as videos, games, quizzes, and simulations.

How much does it cost to develop an educational app?

The cost of developing an educational app can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, such as the app's complexity, the number of features included, the platform it will be developed for, and the development team or agency you choose.

A rough estimate for a basic educational app with a limited number of features could cost around $10,000 to $50,000. However, more complex apps with multiple features and functionality could cost upwards of $100,000.

How long does it take to make an educational app?

An educational app takes 220 to 600 hours to build. 

What are the challenges in using educational apps?

The following are the challenges of using an educational app:

  • Too much gamification 
  • Bad tutorials
  • Poor progress tracking
  • No systematic repetition
  • No revenue model

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Furqan Aziz

Written By:

Furqan Aziz

Furqan Aziz is CEO & Founder of InvoZone. He is a tech enthusiast by heart with 10+ years ... Know more

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