Best Mobile App Development Tech Stack [2024]

Best Mobile App Development Tech Stack [2024]

In this article, we'll different types of mobile app tech stacks.
You'll also learn to choose the best technology stack for your app.
Let's dive in!


Last Updated On : 15 January, 2024


5 min read

In This Article:


Mobile app development is on the rise. There are 2.87 million apps available for download on the Google Play Store. With the success of mobile apps, it's no wonder that many companies are looking to develop their own. But with so many options out there, how do you know which stack is best? How do you know which approach is better? Native apps or cross-platform apps - Which one should you go with? 

The answer to these questions depends on your needs as well as what you want to do with your app. In this blog post, We will explore some of the most popular tech stacks for mobile app development below with pros and cons, and then will discuss which one you should choose.

Mobile apps have been on the rise for more than a decade. Research shows that there are 80+ apps installed on the average smartphone. And mobile apps are expected to generate over $935 billion in revenue by 2024. This led to a great emphasis on mobile application development for small businesses. From reaching out to global audiences all over the place to just staying more connected with your employees or customers - there are so many benefits!

Read more on How businesses across industries benefit from mobile applications.

We will discuss the three types of mobile apps and will highlight which mobile app development tech stack is used to develop these:

  1. Native Apps
  2. Hybrid Apps
  3. Cross-Platform Apps

Native Application Development

This option is great for those who want a fully native app that can offer the best user experience. The downside of this option is that it has limitations on distribution and monetization opportunities, as well as limited support options.

technology stack for mobile app development

Native Applications: Pros

  • A native application will provide you with an optimal experience from a UX perspective but it can't be distributed through other stores besides the iOS App Store, Google Play Store, and Windows Apps.
  • They're easy to update and maintain as you only need to submit the updated app instead of publishing a new version.
  • If your goal is to build an application that can be delivered on multiple platforms, it's best for those who want their developers to focus on design and functionality rather than trying to figure out how all three major mobile OS work together (Android, iOS, and Windows).


  • The cost for this option is generally higher compared with other options because you're paying for Android/iOS developers in addition to your web developer.

Recommended: Cross Platform App Development: The Necessary Frameworks To Consider

Android Tech Stack For Native Mobile App Development

Kotlin: This programming language is ideal for those who want a modern and faster way to program. It's fully interoperable with Java, which means that you can use both languages in tandem without any issues. The downside of this option is that it doesn't offer the same level of functionality as some other programming languages like Swift or Objective C++.

Java: A more popular alternative, Java offers better support options but isn't quite as fast due to its slower execution time than others on this list. If your company has developers with experience already using it then they would be able to adapt best within these constraints though if not, there are plenty of tutorials online available for learning how to code in Java from scratch.

Learn more about Java vs Kotlin and which one is better for Android app development.

iOS Tech Stack For Native Mobile App Development

Swift: This programming language is the recommended option if you want to develop a fully native iOS app. It offers fast execution and great performance as well as easy integration with UIKit, which enables developers to create interfaces that are responsive for their users. There are plenty of tutorials on how to code in this language online from beginners all the way up to those who have been using it for years.

The downside of this option is that there aren't many tutorials available about its use outside of iOS development so your developers may need some extra help getting acquainted with it before they can work on other platforms like Android or Windows too.

Objective C: This programming language is a more popular option that's been around for some time now. It offers the same performance as Swift but doesn't offer any support for UIKit, which means developers will need to create their own responsive interface when they work with Objective C.

Hybrid Application Development

This option uses web views to run your app in a browser and should work with any mobile OS or device. These apps are cost-effective but have some performance issues when compared to Native Apps. They also don't allow users to do everything they could be able to outside of an internet browser like log into their account or make purchases from within the app itself without directing them onto another webpage.

tech stack for mobile app

Hybrid Applications: Pros

A hybrid application has excellent performance rates that are comparable to iOS apps (Native Apps) when using JavaScript rather than relying on Java or C++ languages (JavaScript was previously used primarily for front-end work). The cost for this option is lower as you're only paying for an Android/iOS developer and your web developer.


On the downside, it takes more time to build a hybrid app relative to other options because two development teams have to work together on both the front end and back end of the project, which increases lead times by 50%. In addition, they don't support some features like customizing design or integrating native functionality such as camera access into your apps. This can be overcome but would require additional fees from developers to do so.

Tech Stack for Hybrid Mobile Application Development

Cordova/PhoneGap: This option is a JavaScript-based library that's been used widely for years. It provides developers with the ability to package their web app into an Android/iOS application which can be uploaded onto either store and downloaded by users from there.

Ionic Framework: This framework is another option that developers can use to build their hybrid applications. It's also a JavaScript-based library but it offers more built-in features like animations and a variety of UI components, which allows designers to have a larger selection when they're deciding what style they want the app to be in without needing additional plugins or third-party libraries, as well as having multiple prebuilt layouts available at any time.

Todo App Example:

Hybrid Application Development with Cordova/PhoneGap + Ionic Framework is a good option for an app that needs minimal functionality and the user doesn't need access to any of the native features mentioned above in Cons so you could also use this if they're willing to wait longer because it takes more time than other options listed here.

When using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript developers can create highly interactive apps while still being able to customize their design freely without needing UI Kits or third-party plugins/libraries. This will save money over time because you don’t need two different developers working together since your web developer would be doing all the front-end work as well.

Cross-Platform Application Development

This option provides a more seamless experience than hybrid apps do and the user can use these apps on any device. The downside is their performance rates are slower when compared to native applications because they're relying on multiple technologies, namely HTML/CSS for styling, JavaScript as a programming language (although these languages have been optimized over time), and CSS or jQuery animations instead of using hardware-specific graphics rendering which slows download times by adding one additional layer in between making them less responsive.

mobile app development tech stack with pros & cons

Cross-Platform Applications: Pros

You won't need two different developers working together so you'll be able to save money there while also having the added bonus of being quite customizable with your designs as it doesn’t require UI Kits or third-party plugins/libraries.


The performance rates for these applications are slower than Native Apps because they're relying on multiple technologies which can lead to a less responsive experience. This is in addition to the fact that some devices like iOS don't allow you to do things like accessing your camera, use other sensors such as gyroscopes and accelerometers, view notifications from other apps without switching over screens (even though there might be an open-source plugin), or adding native functionality into their development process through code (unless they have those features built-in already).

They also lack many of the accessibility options that users coming from Apple products may expect because it's not running on the same operating system so it will require more time to test on those devices.

Technology Stack for Cross-Platform Application Development

React Native: This technology isn't new by any means but has seen increased popularity in recent years for developing hybrid mobile apps using JavaScript rather than relying purely on Java or C++ languages (JavaScript was previously used primarily for front-end work). Its performance rates are phenomenal when compared to other options and generally have better user experiences because they're built with native features.

The downside of this option is the time it takes to build and debug apps as well as the difficulty in supporting different mobile platforms, which means you can't share your app codebase across multiple devices like iOS or Android.

Flutter: This is another open-source UI software development kit that Flutter  Developers can use to build cross-platform applications. It uses its own programming language which will require a lot of time upfront in order for designers to get used to it and learn the syntax before they're able to find out what would be best for them.

But using Flutter means you also have access to native SDKs from Google, Facebook, and Microsoft so you'll be able to take advantage of those features without needing third-party plugins/libraries if you wanted something more specific like augmented reality or mixed reality.

Xamarin: This technology also sees more usage when building Native Apps rather than Hybrid Apps by utilizing C++ language on a subset of Microsoft's .NET framework. It has robust functionality but many users report that its performance rates are slower due to relying on Java rather than JavaScript (which React Native does) though some may not notice these issues depending on their needs and what they plan to do with the app.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Tech Stack For Mobile App Development

Now that we have a clear picture of different mobile app development tech stacks, let's figure out which factors you should consider when choosing the right tech stack for your mobile app development.

1. General Requirements for the App

There are literally hundreds of apps that cover every single sphere but before you create your own app idea be sure to set up all the objectives. Choose the right platform for your app and then figure out what specific features this app need.

2. Type of the app

When you know the main advantages of hybrid, native, and web apps, it can be hard to choose which is best for your project. Depending on where the app will mainly be used (either business or entertainment), choosing a type that maximizes user experience may lead to greater success for your product.

3. Target Audience

If your target audience has high requirements with regards to speed, security, and offline functionality and more than likely won't notice HTML/CSS limitations due to being professionals and using a specific app for years, then the native is the best option.

4. Budget for this project

This is a huge factor in deciding which mobile app development tech stack to use. If you're on a tight budget, using hybrid or web app development may be better for your needs as it would take less time and money compared to native apps though some developers might say that this could lead to issues with performance rates.

5. User base

How many users will need access to the app? Web Apps are more affordable than both Native and Hybrid App Development because all they require is an internet browser like Safari or Firefox so businesses don't have to purchase any new devices but there's limited functionality since interactivity is only possible through HTML/CSS coding whereas Native Apps can do much more by taking advantage of features built-in iOS (like its camera) without requiring third-party plugins and Hybrid Apps can be built for multiple platforms without sharing the same codebase.

Read More:  How Software Development Consultancy Can Help Your Business?

Wrapping Up

The best tech stack for mobile app development depends on a number of factors that can't be summarized in one answer. Be sure to consider what the needs are, the type of app you're building, and your target audience so you'll have an idea of the right tech stack for your mobile app development!

Still, confused about which tech stack to choose? Contact us to get the best application development team

In case you want to read more about mobile apps, you can visit our blog category of mobile apps specifically tailored to your customer demand and industry trends.

Mobile App Development

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Mobile app development is on the rise. There are 2.87 million apps available for download on the Google Play Store. With the success of mobile apps, it's no wonder that many companies are looking to develop their own. But with so many options out there, how do you know which stack is best? How do you know which approach is better? Native apps or cross-platform apps - Which one should you go with? 

The answer to these questions depends on your needs as well as what you want to do with your app. In this blog post, We will explore some of the most popular tech stacks for mobile app development below with pros and cons, and then will discuss which one you should choose.

Mobile apps have been on the rise for more than a decade. Research shows that there are 80+ apps installed on the average smartphone. And mobile apps are expected to generate over $935 billion in revenue by 2024. This led to a great emphasis on mobile application development for small businesses. From reaching out to global audiences all over the place to just staying more connected with your employees or customers - there are so many benefits!

Read more on How businesses across industries benefit from mobile applications.

We will discuss the three types of mobile apps and will highlight which mobile app development tech stack is used to develop these:

  1. Native Apps
  2. Hybrid Apps
  3. Cross-Platform Apps

Native Application Development

This option is great for those who want a fully native app that can offer the best user experience. The downside of this option is that it has limitations on distribution and monetization opportunities, as well as limited support options.

technology stack for mobile app development

Native Applications: Pros

  • A native application will provide you with an optimal experience from a UX perspective but it can't be distributed through other stores besides the iOS App Store, Google Play Store, and Windows Apps.
  • They're easy to update and maintain as you only need to submit the updated app instead of publishing a new version.
  • If your goal is to build an application that can be delivered on multiple platforms, it's best for those who want their developers to focus on design and functionality rather than trying to figure out how all three major mobile OS work together (Android, iOS, and Windows).


  • The cost for this option is generally higher compared with other options because you're paying for Android/iOS developers in addition to your web developer.

Recommended: Cross Platform App Development: The Necessary Frameworks To Consider

Android Tech Stack For Native Mobile App Development

Kotlin: This programming language is ideal for those who want a modern and faster way to program. It's fully interoperable with Java, which means that you can use both languages in tandem without any issues. The downside of this option is that it doesn't offer the same level of functionality as some other programming languages like Swift or Objective C++.

Java: A more popular alternative, Java offers better support options but isn't quite as fast due to its slower execution time than others on this list. If your company has developers with experience already using it then they would be able to adapt best within these constraints though if not, there are plenty of tutorials online available for learning how to code in Java from scratch.

Learn more about Java vs Kotlin and which one is better for Android app development.

iOS Tech Stack For Native Mobile App Development

Swift: This programming language is the recommended option if you want to develop a fully native iOS app. It offers fast execution and great performance as well as easy integration with UIKit, which enables developers to create interfaces that are responsive for their users. There are plenty of tutorials on how to code in this language online from beginners all the way up to those who have been using it for years.

The downside of this option is that there aren't many tutorials available about its use outside of iOS development so your developers may need some extra help getting acquainted with it before they can work on other platforms like Android or Windows too.

Objective C: This programming language is a more popular option that's been around for some time now. It offers the same performance as Swift but doesn't offer any support for UIKit, which means developers will need to create their own responsive interface when they work with Objective C.

Hybrid Application Development

This option uses web views to run your app in a browser and should work with any mobile OS or device. These apps are cost-effective but have some performance issues when compared to Native Apps. They also don't allow users to do everything they could be able to outside of an internet browser like log into their account or make purchases from within the app itself without directing them onto another webpage.

tech stack for mobile app

Hybrid Applications: Pros

A hybrid application has excellent performance rates that are comparable to iOS apps (Native Apps) when using JavaScript rather than relying on Java or C++ languages (JavaScript was previously used primarily for front-end work). The cost for this option is lower as you're only paying for an Android/iOS developer and your web developer.


On the downside, it takes more time to build a hybrid app relative to other options because two development teams have to work together on both the front end and back end of the project, which increases lead times by 50%. In addition, they don't support some features like customizing design or integrating native functionality such as camera access into your apps. This can be overcome but would require additional fees from developers to do so.

Tech Stack for Hybrid Mobile Application Development

Cordova/PhoneGap: This option is a JavaScript-based library that's been used widely for years. It provides developers with the ability to package their web app into an Android/iOS application which can be uploaded onto either store and downloaded by users from there.

Ionic Framework: This framework is another option that developers can use to build their hybrid applications. It's also a JavaScript-based library but it offers more built-in features like animations and a variety of UI components, which allows designers to have a larger selection when they're deciding what style they want the app to be in without needing additional plugins or third-party libraries, as well as having multiple prebuilt layouts available at any time.

Todo App Example:

Hybrid Application Development with Cordova/PhoneGap + Ionic Framework is a good option for an app that needs minimal functionality and the user doesn't need access to any of the native features mentioned above in Cons so you could also use this if they're willing to wait longer because it takes more time than other options listed here.

When using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript developers can create highly interactive apps while still being able to customize their design freely without needing UI Kits or third-party plugins/libraries. This will save money over time because you don’t need two different developers working together since your web developer would be doing all the front-end work as well.

Cross-Platform Application Development

This option provides a more seamless experience than hybrid apps do and the user can use these apps on any device. The downside is their performance rates are slower when compared to native applications because they're relying on multiple technologies, namely HTML/CSS for styling, JavaScript as a programming language (although these languages have been optimized over time), and CSS or jQuery animations instead of using hardware-specific graphics rendering which slows download times by adding one additional layer in between making them less responsive.

mobile app development tech stack with pros & cons

Cross-Platform Applications: Pros

You won't need two different developers working together so you'll be able to save money there while also having the added bonus of being quite customizable with your designs as it doesn’t require UI Kits or third-party plugins/libraries.


The performance rates for these applications are slower than Native Apps because they're relying on multiple technologies which can lead to a less responsive experience. This is in addition to the fact that some devices like iOS don't allow you to do things like accessing your camera, use other sensors such as gyroscopes and accelerometers, view notifications from other apps without switching over screens (even though there might be an open-source plugin), or adding native functionality into their development process through code (unless they have those features built-in already).

They also lack many of the accessibility options that users coming from Apple products may expect because it's not running on the same operating system so it will require more time to test on those devices.

Technology Stack for Cross-Platform Application Development

React Native: This technology isn't new by any means but has seen increased popularity in recent years for developing hybrid mobile apps using JavaScript rather than relying purely on Java or C++ languages (JavaScript was previously used primarily for front-end work). Its performance rates are phenomenal when compared to other options and generally have better user experiences because they're built with native features.

The downside of this option is the time it takes to build and debug apps as well as the difficulty in supporting different mobile platforms, which means you can't share your app codebase across multiple devices like iOS or Android.

Flutter: This is another open-source UI software development kit that Flutter  Developers can use to build cross-platform applications. It uses its own programming language which will require a lot of time upfront in order for designers to get used to it and learn the syntax before they're able to find out what would be best for them.

But using Flutter means you also have access to native SDKs from Google, Facebook, and Microsoft so you'll be able to take advantage of those features without needing third-party plugins/libraries if you wanted something more specific like augmented reality or mixed reality.

Xamarin: This technology also sees more usage when building Native Apps rather than Hybrid Apps by utilizing C++ language on a subset of Microsoft's .NET framework. It has robust functionality but many users report that its performance rates are slower due to relying on Java rather than JavaScript (which React Native does) though some may not notice these issues depending on their needs and what they plan to do with the app.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Tech Stack For Mobile App Development

Now that we have a clear picture of different mobile app development tech stacks, let's figure out which factors you should consider when choosing the right tech stack for your mobile app development.

1. General Requirements for the App

There are literally hundreds of apps that cover every single sphere but before you create your own app idea be sure to set up all the objectives. Choose the right platform for your app and then figure out what specific features this app need.

2. Type of the app

When you know the main advantages of hybrid, native, and web apps, it can be hard to choose which is best for your project. Depending on where the app will mainly be used (either business or entertainment), choosing a type that maximizes user experience may lead to greater success for your product.

3. Target Audience

If your target audience has high requirements with regards to speed, security, and offline functionality and more than likely won't notice HTML/CSS limitations due to being professionals and using a specific app for years, then the native is the best option.

4. Budget for this project

This is a huge factor in deciding which mobile app development tech stack to use. If you're on a tight budget, using hybrid or web app development may be better for your needs as it would take less time and money compared to native apps though some developers might say that this could lead to issues with performance rates.

5. User base

How many users will need access to the app? Web Apps are more affordable than both Native and Hybrid App Development because all they require is an internet browser like Safari or Firefox so businesses don't have to purchase any new devices but there's limited functionality since interactivity is only possible through HTML/CSS coding whereas Native Apps can do much more by taking advantage of features built-in iOS (like its camera) without requiring third-party plugins and Hybrid Apps can be built for multiple platforms without sharing the same codebase.

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Wrapping Up

The best tech stack for mobile app development depends on a number of factors that can't be summarized in one answer. Be sure to consider what the needs are, the type of app you're building, and your target audience so you'll have an idea of the right tech stack for your mobile app development!

Still, confused about which tech stack to choose? Contact us to get the best application development team

In case you want to read more about mobile apps, you can visit our blog category of mobile apps specifically tailored to your customer demand and industry trends.

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Shahid Aziz

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Shahid Aziz

Shahid Aziz writes articles for InvoZone- covering a variety of topics, including science ... Know more

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