Java vs Kotlin

Java vs Kotlin - Which Programming Language Is Best For Android App Development?

Explore the Java vs Kotlin debate in this blog article, where we analyze their technical differences, strengths, weaknesses, and use cases. Gain valuable insights to make informed decisions for your software development projects.


Last Updated On : 15 August, 2023


4 min read

In This Article:

Java vs Kotlin for Android development is a popular debate in the developers’ den. While Java is considered the best Android programming language, Google’s Kotlin is also a strong contender when it comes to the best programming languages, and the decision to choose one language over the other can be a daunting task.

When it comes to Android app development, the choice between Java and Kotlin is a common dilemma for developers. Both programming languages have their merits and choosing the right one depends on various factors.

The decision between Java and Kotlin for Android app development depends on factors such as project requirements, team expertise, codebase compatibility, and long-term goals. If you have an existing Java codebase, sticking with Java might be a seamless choice. 

However, if you prioritize modern features, concise syntax, and enhanced productivity, Kotlin can be a compelling option. Let’s dive deeper into this ever-green debate and get to know these languages better.

What Is Java?

Java programming language, known for its platform independence and "Write Once, Run Anywhere" capability, is high-level and object-oriented. It was developed by James Gosling and his team at Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle) in the mid-1990s.

Java is widely used for building a variety of applications, including desktop software, mobile apps, web applications, enterprise systems, and more. It offers a vast ecosystem, extensive libraries, and strong community support, making it one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

Java has a strong presence in the enterprise sector. According to Oracle, 97% of enterprise desktops run Java, while 89% of desktops in the U.S. use Java.

What Is Kotlin?

Kotlin is a versatile programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and is known for its concise syntax, safety features, and interoperability with existing Java code. 

Developed by JetBrains, Kotlin programming language offers a modern approach, empowering developers with enhanced productivity and readability. 

With its rising popularity in the software development community, Kotlin is widely used for various applications, including Android app development, server-side development, and more.

Why Did Google Switch to Kotlin?

Oracle wasn’t happy with Google using its Java code and eventually ended up suing them for copying Java code. The Google vs Oracle lawsuit went on for a good 10 years until finally the verdict was given in Google’s favor. 

So what was Google up to during this period? Well, they aimed to move away from Java ASAP. They achieved this by collaborating with a Czech company, JetBrains, that develops tools for software developers. IntelliJ is their main product, which is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), used to write and debug Java programs.

They took IntelliJ and forked Android Studio out of it and this was the first application specifically for Android development. Prior to this, developers had to use Eclipse but it had to be integrated with a bunch of plugins. It was also full of bugs and setting things up with it was easier said than done. So the creation of Android Studio was a breakthrough in Android development.

What does this have to do with Java vs Kotlin for Android development debate? So JetBrains are the developers of the Kotlin programming language. It was created back in 2011 and is quite similar to Java because it uses Java Virtual Machine (JVM). In it, the compilation is done into bytecode or Dot Class Files and any OS that has the JVM on it can read the bytecode.

java programming language

Now Kotlin also compiles to bytecode. You have the Kotlin code going through the compiler and it ends up as a bytecode. It does not require changes to the entire architecture when switching to Kotlin. All the developer has to do is swap out the Java code and compiler and there you have it. You’ve got Kotlin that compiles down to bytecode.

Kotlin programming language

Key Differences Between Java and Kotlin for Android Development

In 2019, Google made Kotlin the official programming language for Android app development. And that’s what really boosted this language and started a Java vs Kotlin debate. 

So now that we are familiar with the history and the current state of affairs, let's show how two of the best programming languages for mobile apps stack up against each other in the technical department. Here are some key differences between Java and Kotlin for Android development:

When it comes to Kotlin vs Java syntax, Ava has a more verbose syntax, requiring more lines of code to achieve the same functionality. It follows a strictly object-oriented approach with explicit declarations.

Kotlin offers a more concise and expressive syntax. It reduces boilerplate code through features like type inference, default parameter values, and extension functions. Kotlin's syntax promotes readability and improves code maintainability.

Kotlin vs. Java: Null Safety features give us some interesting insights. In Java, variables can be null by default, leading to potential null pointer exceptions. Developers need to handle null checks manually to prevent such errors.

Kotlin introduces built-in null safety features, distinguishing nullable and non-nullable types. This prevents null pointer exceptions by design. Developers must explicitly handle null values, reducing the likelihood of runtime crashes.

As the traditional language for Android development, Java has a vast ecosystem and extensive libraries. It seamlessly integrates with Android SDK and existing Java codebases.

Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, allowing developers to use existing Java code and libraries without any issues. This makes it easy to adopt Kotlin gradually in projects with existing Java codebases.

While Java supports functional programming to some extent, it has limitations compared to Kotlin. Java 8 introduced lambda expressions and functional interfaces, but the functional programming capabilities are more limited.

Kotlin provides native support for functional programming constructs like lambdas, higher-order functions, and extension functions. It promotes a more concise and expressive coding style, enabling developers to write cleaner and more readable code.

Java has been around for a long time and has a mature ecosystem. It is supported by powerful tools and has a vast community of developers with extensive resources and libraries available.

Kotlin has gained significant popularity in the Android development community. It has excellent tooling support in Android Studio and a growing community that actively contributes libraries, frameworks, and resources specifically for Kotlin development.

The speed performance of Kotlin and Java is generally comparable since they both run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). While Kotlin's more concise syntax and improved language features can lead to more efficient code, raw execution speed is influenced by factors like algorithm efficiency and code optimization techniques. 

Profiling, benchmarking, and optimizing critical code sections can yield greater performance improvements. Ultimately, the choice of language should be based on factors beyond speed, such as developer productivity, ecosystem, and project requirements.

When it comes to Kotlin vs Java performance, running on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), generally exhibits similar execution speeds. Both languages benefit from JVM optimizations and can achieve comparable performance levels. 

Any performance differences between the two languages are typically negligible and more dependent on factors such as code efficiency, algorithm design, and optimization techniques. Therefore, developers can focus on writing efficient code regardless of whether they choose Java or Kotlin for their projects.

Kotlin or Java - Making the Right Choice

So, kotlin versus Java for Android development, which one is better? Well, back in 2014, Apple released Swift for iOS development. Up till that point, Objective-C was the go-to programming language for IOS app development. Fast forward to the year 2021 and no one is really developing apps for iOS with Objective-C.

Java may face a similar fate in the future, particularly considering the Google vs. Oracle dispute. However, it is unlikely that Java will become obsolete as an Android development tool anytime soon. If you are already familiar with Java and confident in your skills, it is advisable to continue using it for now

If the ongoing Kotlin vs Java debate for Android development is causing uncertainty, choosing the Google-backed Kotlin can be a reliable option. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your personal preferences and current career stage.

How Can InvoZone Remote Developers Help You Create the Perfect Mobile Apps?

Whether you choose Kotlin for its modern and concise syntax or Java for its stability and vast ecosystem, InvoZone Developers have the proficiency to leverage these languages to deliver outstanding results. By collaborating with them, you can ensure a seamless and successful mobile app development journey.

Ready to take your mobile app development to new heights? Then, wait no more and get in touch with InvoZone to bring your vision for the perfect mobile app to life.

Frequently Asked Questions

The choice between Kotlin and Java depends on project requirements and personal preferences. Kotlin offers modern features and enhanced developer productivity, while Java has a vast ecosystem and extensive community support. Consider your specific needs to determine which language is better suited for your project.

Kotlin's popularity has grown rapidly, but it is unlikely to completely replace Java. Java's extensive ecosystem and large developer community make it a prominent programming language. 

However, Kotlin provides a modern alternative and has gained significant adoption in the Android community. The choice between Kotlin and Java depends on project requirements and developer preferences.

Google supports both Kotlin and Java for Android app development. Kotlin gained official endorsement as a first-class language for Android in 2017, leading to increased adoption. 

While Google has shown a preference for Kotlin with integrated features in Android Studio, they continue to support and maintain Java as a viable option. The choice between Kotlin and Java depends on developers' specific needs and preferences.

Android App Development

Don’t Have Time To Read Now? Download It For Later.

Java vs Kotlin for Android development is a popular debate in the developers’ den. While Java is considered the best Android programming language, Google’s Kotlin is also a strong contender when it comes to the best programming languages, and the decision to choose one language over the other can be a daunting task.

When it comes to Android app development, the choice between Java and Kotlin is a common dilemma for developers. Both programming languages have their merits and choosing the right one depends on various factors.

The decision between Java and Kotlin for Android app development depends on factors such as project requirements, team expertise, codebase compatibility, and long-term goals. If you have an existing Java codebase, sticking with Java might be a seamless choice. 

However, if you prioritize modern features, concise syntax, and enhanced productivity, Kotlin can be a compelling option. Let’s dive deeper into this ever-green debate and get to know these languages better.

What Is Java?

Java programming language, known for its platform independence and "Write Once, Run Anywhere" capability, is high-level and object-oriented. It was developed by James Gosling and his team at Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle) in the mid-1990s.

Java is widely used for building a variety of applications, including desktop software, mobile apps, web applications, enterprise systems, and more. It offers a vast ecosystem, extensive libraries, and strong community support, making it one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

Java has a strong presence in the enterprise sector. According to Oracle, 97% of enterprise desktops run Java, while 89% of desktops in the U.S. use Java.

What Is Kotlin?

Kotlin is a versatile programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and is known for its concise syntax, safety features, and interoperability with existing Java code. 

Developed by JetBrains, Kotlin programming language offers a modern approach, empowering developers with enhanced productivity and readability. 

With its rising popularity in the software development community, Kotlin is widely used for various applications, including Android app development, server-side development, and more.

Why Did Google Switch to Kotlin?

Oracle wasn’t happy with Google using its Java code and eventually ended up suing them for copying Java code. The Google vs Oracle lawsuit went on for a good 10 years until finally the verdict was given in Google’s favor. 

So what was Google up to during this period? Well, they aimed to move away from Java ASAP. They achieved this by collaborating with a Czech company, JetBrains, that develops tools for software developers. IntelliJ is their main product, which is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), used to write and debug Java programs.

They took IntelliJ and forked Android Studio out of it and this was the first application specifically for Android development. Prior to this, developers had to use Eclipse but it had to be integrated with a bunch of plugins. It was also full of bugs and setting things up with it was easier said than done. So the creation of Android Studio was a breakthrough in Android development.

What does this have to do with Java vs Kotlin for Android development debate? So JetBrains are the developers of the Kotlin programming language. It was created back in 2011 and is quite similar to Java because it uses Java Virtual Machine (JVM). In it, the compilation is done into bytecode or Dot Class Files and any OS that has the JVM on it can read the bytecode.

java programming language

Now Kotlin also compiles to bytecode. You have the Kotlin code going through the compiler and it ends up as a bytecode. It does not require changes to the entire architecture when switching to Kotlin. All the developer has to do is swap out the Java code and compiler and there you have it. You’ve got Kotlin that compiles down to bytecode.

Kotlin programming language

Key Differences Between Java and Kotlin for Android Development

In 2019, Google made Kotlin the official programming language for Android app development. And that’s what really boosted this language and started a Java vs Kotlin debate. 

So now that we are familiar with the history and the current state of affairs, let's show how two of the best programming languages for mobile apps stack up against each other in the technical department. Here are some key differences between Java and Kotlin for Android development:

When it comes to Kotlin vs Java syntax, Ava has a more verbose syntax, requiring more lines of code to achieve the same functionality. It follows a strictly object-oriented approach with explicit declarations.

Kotlin offers a more concise and expressive syntax. It reduces boilerplate code through features like type inference, default parameter values, and extension functions. Kotlin's syntax promotes readability and improves code maintainability.

Kotlin vs. Java: Null Safety features give us some interesting insights. In Java, variables can be null by default, leading to potential null pointer exceptions. Developers need to handle null checks manually to prevent such errors.

Kotlin introduces built-in null safety features, distinguishing nullable and non-nullable types. This prevents null pointer exceptions by design. Developers must explicitly handle null values, reducing the likelihood of runtime crashes.

As the traditional language for Android development, Java has a vast ecosystem and extensive libraries. It seamlessly integrates with Android SDK and existing Java codebases.

Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, allowing developers to use existing Java code and libraries without any issues. This makes it easy to adopt Kotlin gradually in projects with existing Java codebases.

While Java supports functional programming to some extent, it has limitations compared to Kotlin. Java 8 introduced lambda expressions and functional interfaces, but the functional programming capabilities are more limited.

Kotlin provides native support for functional programming constructs like lambdas, higher-order functions, and extension functions. It promotes a more concise and expressive coding style, enabling developers to write cleaner and more readable code.

Java has been around for a long time and has a mature ecosystem. It is supported by powerful tools and has a vast community of developers with extensive resources and libraries available.

Kotlin has gained significant popularity in the Android development community. It has excellent tooling support in Android Studio and a growing community that actively contributes libraries, frameworks, and resources specifically for Kotlin development.

The speed performance of Kotlin and Java is generally comparable since they both run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). While Kotlin's more concise syntax and improved language features can lead to more efficient code, raw execution speed is influenced by factors like algorithm efficiency and code optimization techniques. 

Profiling, benchmarking, and optimizing critical code sections can yield greater performance improvements. Ultimately, the choice of language should be based on factors beyond speed, such as developer productivity, ecosystem, and project requirements.

When it comes to Kotlin vs Java performance, running on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), generally exhibits similar execution speeds. Both languages benefit from JVM optimizations and can achieve comparable performance levels. 

Any performance differences between the two languages are typically negligible and more dependent on factors such as code efficiency, algorithm design, and optimization techniques. Therefore, developers can focus on writing efficient code regardless of whether they choose Java or Kotlin for their projects.

Kotlin or Java - Making the Right Choice

So, kotlin versus Java for Android development, which one is better? Well, back in 2014, Apple released Swift for iOS development. Up till that point, Objective-C was the go-to programming language for IOS app development. Fast forward to the year 2021 and no one is really developing apps for iOS with Objective-C.

Java may face a similar fate in the future, particularly considering the Google vs. Oracle dispute. However, it is unlikely that Java will become obsolete as an Android development tool anytime soon. If you are already familiar with Java and confident in your skills, it is advisable to continue using it for now

If the ongoing Kotlin vs Java debate for Android development is causing uncertainty, choosing the Google-backed Kotlin can be a reliable option. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your personal preferences and current career stage.

How Can InvoZone Remote Developers Help You Create the Perfect Mobile Apps?

Whether you choose Kotlin for its modern and concise syntax or Java for its stability and vast ecosystem, InvoZone Developers have the proficiency to leverage these languages to deliver outstanding results. By collaborating with them, you can ensure a seamless and successful mobile app development journey.

Ready to take your mobile app development to new heights? Then, wait no more and get in touch with InvoZone to bring your vision for the perfect mobile app to life.

Frequently Asked Questions

The choice between Kotlin and Java depends on project requirements and personal preferences. Kotlin offers modern features and enhanced developer productivity, while Java has a vast ecosystem and extensive community support. Consider your specific needs to determine which language is better suited for your project.

Kotlin's popularity has grown rapidly, but it is unlikely to completely replace Java. Java's extensive ecosystem and large developer community make it a prominent programming language. 

However, Kotlin provides a modern alternative and has gained significant adoption in the Android community. The choice between Kotlin and Java depends on project requirements and developer preferences.

Google supports both Kotlin and Java for Android app development. Kotlin gained official endorsement as a first-class language for Android in 2017, leading to increased adoption. 

While Google has shown a preference for Kotlin with integrated features in Android Studio, they continue to support and maintain Java as a viable option. The choice between Kotlin and Java depends on developers' specific needs and preferences.

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Shahid Aziz

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Shahid Aziz

Shahid Aziz writes articles for InvoZone- covering a variety of topics, including science ... Know more

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Sana Kayani

Content Lead

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