Top 5 Software Development Models: Which One to Choose?

Top 5 Software Development Models: Which One to Choose?

Unlock the secrets of successful software development with our comprehensive guide on the top 5 models of system development. Discover which model is the best fit for your project and take your development to the next level. Read now!


Last Updated On : 11 October, 2023


8 min read

In This Article:

Due to poor implementation of software development models, a staggering majority of endeavors, a full 7 out of 10, meet their untimely demise. 42% of the firms remain oblivious to the imperative nature of project management. A majority of project managers, a resounding 55%, attribute project failure to the nefarious scourge of budget overruns.

But turning your dream ideas into a reality doesn't have to come at an exorbitant expense — or drag on in an endless cycle of worry. 

Process models in software engineering such as Waterfall and Agile have made the development process considerably more efficient, thanks to geniuses like Dr Winston W. Royce and Jeff Sutherland.

With a myriad of approaches available, it is now much easier for organizations to build on creative ideas. However, getting started on the path of innovation necessitates a more in-depth comprehension of your possibilities. It will assist you in weighing your requirements against the benefits and drawbacks of the best software engineering models. 

What are Software Models?

A software development process model depicts the sequence of phases for a product's whole life cycle. As a result, it is also known as the Product Life Cycle. This includes everything from the first commercial concept through the ultimate de-installation or disassembly of the product after it has been used.

Also known as SDLC models (short for software development life cycle models), they enhance the workflow and outcomes of your software project. The ultimate goal: more efficient procedures that increase project success rates. 

As the scholars Fitzgerald and Friedman said:

The change to the SDLC paradigm reflected a trend towards tighter control of the development process.

To enumerate, as the reins of control are tightened, a crescendo of efficiency is achieved. Likewise, as efficiency ascends, solutions of unparalleled caliber are delivered in a succinct manner. 

But what does this symphony of control and efficiency ultimately mean for your project? A veritable cornucopia of value for your investment! A paradigm of success and fortuity! 

Hence, there are many variations - from the cascading waterfall to the nimble agile, the spiraling to the V-modeled, and everything in between. But the one thing they all share in common? Each methodology of the SDLC can be generally dissected into six distinct phases.

Recommended: Top 8 Agile Estimation Techniques: Predicting the Success Route

5 Types of Software Development Models: A Detailed Comparison

What factors influence the selection of a software development methodology? This decision is always based on the project's requirements. In addition, project kind and size, team member abilities, financial resources, and preferences are all important factors to consider.

Types of Popular SDLC Models

Let's look at our top methodology list and learn why software development organizations like these types of software process models.

Waterfall model

Infographics Of Waterfall Model

The Waterfall model, akin to a trailblazer, was the first to tread into the realm of software project development. It is also fittingly referred to as linear, as the model dictates that each phase must be fully completed before proceeding to the next. Similar to a cascading waterfall, the progression is unidirectional, with no room for deviation or overlap.

However, it is important to note that, like a waterfall that is best suited for certain terrains, the Waterfall model is only applicable to certain software development projects.

Advantages of the classical waterfall model

The classical Waterfall model acts as a well-oiled machine that grants you a multitude of advantages. These advantages, like a shining beacon, include:

  • Stick to a predefined budget and timeline with ease
  • Manage the project in a straightforward manner
  • Measure and monitor progress with deliverables at every stage with ease
  • Organize and make the project transparent through heavy documentation and initial planning, reducing the risk of miscommunication
  • Identify and eliminate potential errors during the planning phase, saving time during the implementation
  • Allow new developers to join the project at any time with the help of thorough technical documentation.

Disadvantages of the classical waterfall model

Despite its linear approach, this model also harbors a host of drawbacks in software development. These disadvantages include the following:

  • Confine flexibility with a stringent structure where each stage is beholden to the preceding one
  • Make revisiting requirements after the inception of the development cycle infeasible
  • Diminish the capability of forecasting all project requirements during the initial stage as the project's magnitude increases
  • Elevate the peril of unforeseen faults by verifying and deploying during the final stages
  • Exacerbate the projected timeline with exorbitant rectification of errors

Agile software development

Stages of Agile Model

While conducting a comparison of software development models, Agile cannot be neglected. It is a fluid and adaptive methodology that empowers teams of developers, designers, and project managers to collaborate and create spectacular software. Like a symphony conductor, it guides the team through a harmonious process of continuous improvement and innovation.

Think of it like an artistic masterpiece in progress, where each brushstroke builds upon the previous one, resulting in a beautiful final product. The Agile approach allows for flexibility and spontaneity, allowing the team to adjust and incorporate new ideas throughout the development journey.

Instead of a rigid and inflexible plan, Agile development embraces the uncertainty and unpredictability of the creative process. The team works in sprints, carefully crafting each feature and functionality and then fine-tuning it with every iteration, like a sculptor chiseling away at a block of marble to reveal a magnificent statue.

The Agile methodology ensures that the final software product reflects the team's passion and expertise, a true masterpiece that delights and amazes the end-users.

Read more: Restaurant App Development: Everything You Need to Know

Advantages of the Agile model

If you are looking for a closed-loop model with room for continuous improvement, then Agile is the best software development model for you. Not to mention, it comes with the following additional benefits:

  • Prioritizes quality by implementing regular testing and maintenance, resulting in fewer errors and higher-quality output.
  • Encourages creative exploration and allows for modifications to be made throughout the development process.
  • Adaptable, with a low reliance on initial documentation, allowing for changes to be made without disrupting the overall progress of the project.
  • Includes careful planning for software costs and budgets, with estimates made before each iteration.
  • Emphasizes regular communication and interactions between the client, developers, and other members of the production team, fostering a positive working relationship.

Disadvantages of the Agile model

Beware of the following drawbacks: 

  • Inconsistencies in the product blueprint beset the project with a lack of coherence and direction.
  • Allocating necessary resources proved to be a Herculean endeavor, as unforeseen alterations made it nigh impossible to gauge costs and needs.
  • The documentation system's efficacy was found wanting.
  • Uncertainty plagued the project as the absence of fixed or stringent deadlines, coupled with fluctuations in specifications and demands, made it impossible to set an accurate completion estimate.

You might also want to read: How to Build a Successful Software System Using Microservices Architecture

Iterative and Incremental Development (IID) model

incIterative and Incremental Development model

The Iterative and Incremental (IID) model is a journey of discovery, where development begins by embarking on a series of small requirements. Through a process of incremental enhancement, the product is crafted and refined until it is ready for deployment. By starting with only a small portion of the software, one can easily review progress, identify further requirements, and make adjustments as needed. 

Unlike other models in software development, the Iterative Model is a race to the finish, where multiple iterations are run concurrently, and the product output is received simultaneously. It's like a relay race, where each team member adds their part to the final product. 

The key to its success is the ability to validate and test software versions according to requirements, giving the team a clear understanding of the project's progress and ensuring the product's functionality and ultimate success. This is the model that separates the amateurs from the experts, the pretenders from the contenders.

Advantages of the IID model

The marvels of the IID model are listed below: 

  • Offers flexibility and adaptability throughout the development process
  • Provides early feedback and continuous improvement
  • Reduces risks and improves communication
  • Allows for changes in requirements without derailing the project
  • Provides accurate cost and time estimates
  • This leads to a higher quality end product
  • Encourages engagement and conversion with stakeholders.

 Disadvantages of the IID model

There are some unpleasant disadvantages of the IID model that can delay product delivery: 

  • It can be a labyrinth of additional costs, higher complexity, and dependency on stakeholders.
  • Managing the development process in small, incremental chunks can be akin to navigating a maze, requiring more coordination and communication between development teams and stakeholders. 
  • The focus on small, incremental releases may make it difficult for product owners and managers to keep the long-term vision of the project in mind—sharing a striking similarity to a captain steering a ship through a thick fog without a clear destination in mind.
  • It's not suitable for projects with a fixed scope and timeline, like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. To put it differently, it may not be appropriate for larger, more complex projects that require a more structured and phased approach, like a grand architectural structure that needs a detailed blueprint to be built.

Spiral model

Spiral model Diagram

The spiral model, which built a renowned reputation among various types of software development models, gears you toward handling risks in an organized and efficient manner.

Imagine a spiral gently winding its way upwards, with each loop representing a different phase of the development process. The spiral radius represents the cost, and the angular dimensions illustrate the rate of progression. Important to realize you can divide the spiral centered in a box into four smaller boxes, each representing a different aspect of the development process.

Like a guardian angel for software development, it is always looking out for potential risks and taking them into account at every step of the way. Thereupon, it pours the potion of flexibility and adaptability into the process, allowing for changes and adjustments to be made as needed.

Advantages of the Spiral model

Have a quick look at some of the influential advantages of the spiral model. 

  • Anchors flexibility to make it feasible for you to make additional changes and introduce new functionality in the later stages. 
  • Entertains easy cost estimation process because you are developing the software product in small fragments
  • Mutes the disruptions and risks involved in the change management process 
  • Creates a safe space to make you feel included in the process. Hence, your feedback is critical to write doubt-free code. 
  • Even in a systematic way, it ensures a fast and quick development process.

Disadvantages of the Spiral model 

It is time to have an unpleasant talk. Structure mitigating strategies to reduce the impact of the following disadvantages: 

  • You might experience a rainy day due to budget overruns and time constraints.
  • Unfavorable for small projects because it can be expensive
  • Demands your undivided attention for the vast amount of documentation at the intermediate stages
  • Find well-seasoned developers and skill sets to run the risk analysis

V-shaped model 

V- Shaped Model Diagram

Among different software development models, this one is characterized by its elegant and efficient structure, shaped like the letter V. Also known as the Verification and Validation Model; it is based on the tried-and-true Waterfall Model but with a crucial difference.

In the V-model, every stage of development is accompanied by thorough testing, ensuring that each phase is fully functional before moving on to the next. Every movement is in perfect harmony with the next, creating a seamless and cohesive whole.

As the project progresses, it follows a specific sequence, with each stage building upon the previous one logically and methodically. Consequently, it creates a sense of order and predictability, allowing for the smooth execution of the project.

Furthermore, this method is ideal for projects requiring a high degree of predictability and control.

Advantages of the V-shaped model 

Let’s talk about the profit-yielding benefits of the V-shaped model: 

  • Like the MVP of software development, it catches bugs before they can cause any trouble.
  • With testing at every stage, you can be sure that the software is functioning correctly before moving on to the next phase.
  • Being a reliable method, it ensures predictability and control, so you can be sure that your project is on track.
  • Efficiently paves the way to swiftly and effectively create applications.
  • Keep everything organized, so you can sit back and relax.
  • Your software is secure and protected from potential risks.
  • If you're looking for a software development method that's efficient, reliable, and effective, then the V-model is the way to go.
  • It's like getting a software development all-in-one package, so why wouldn't you use it?

Disadvantages of the V-shaped model 

Beware of the following troublesome disadvantages: 

  • Inflexible and does not adapt well to changes in the requirements or design of the software
  • Time-consuming and costly to complete testing at every stage of development
  • It does not allow for much interaction between the customer and the development team, which can lead to misunderstandings about the requirements of the software.
  • Not well suited for complex or rapidly changing projects, as the requirements and design may evolve over time.
  • Not the best choice for small projects or projects with a limited budget.
  • It requires a high degree of planning and documentation, which can be a challenge for some teams.

How to Choose an SDLC Model for Your Project?

In the mystical realm of software engineering model comparison, there were many paths to choose from, each leading to a different destination. But before one can embark on this journey, one must first understand the various phases of the life cycle and the system development models. For some, the path was short and swift, with a focus on speed and release frequency. For others, it was a winding road where requirement flexibility was of the utmost importance. And still, for others, the path was a collaborative effort where cooperation and teamwork were key.

how to choose SDLC model?

Specifically, three parameters guided travelers on their journey: release frequency, requirement flexibility, and cooperation approach. Each of these parameters could be placed on a scale, with two opposing options on either side and more flexible options in between. And like a map, each system development model had its place on each of the three scales, providing guidance and direction to those who sought it.

The SDLC model plays a critical role in determining the level of flexibility for the requirements of a software product. The Waterfall and V-model tend to require strict requirements, which your team will establish at the beginning and do not allow for many changes. In contrast, the IID model offers a bit more flexibility. However, they are still relatively rigid.

On the other hand, the Spiral and Agile models are considered the most flexible, with Agile being the most adaptable as it allows for frequent adjustments throughout the development process.

When it comes to developing a software product, it's important to think about how you envision it growing and evolving over time. If you're looking for a one-and-done approach, where you launch a project and see a fully-formed product after the final release, then the Waterfall or V-model might be the best fit for you. 

However, keep in mind that these models are best suited for smaller projects. With larger projects, a single final release can be risky as there is a greater chance for bugs to slip through the cracks.

On the other hand, models like IID and Agile involve regular releases at set intervals (from 2 weeks to 2 months) and represent an "iterative" delivery method. This means you'll see a working product early on in the development process and watch it gradually evolve over time.

Another important thing to consider is the level of your involvement in the project and the approach to collaboration with a vendor. Agile models like Scrum, EX, and Kanban require a lot of direct and frequent communication, so it's important to plan in advance for who will represent your company in these meetings. If not, the numerous meetings required by Agile models may not align with your business schedule.

In summary, when choosing specialized process models in software engineering, it's important to consider your business goals, the size of your project, and how you want to approach communication and collaboration with the vendor. Each model has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to choose the one that best aligns with your needs.

Which Software Development Model is Best For Your Project?

The type of software development model that would work best for building complex software depends upon the project type, the expertise of the team working on the project, and the deadlines. Wondering how to choose an SDLC model for a project?

Waterfall model

You might want to use the Waterfall software development model if:

  • Timing and planning are an issue.
  • If the features and requirements for your project are well-defined and can’t be altered.
  • If the product owner is not willing to be very hands-on.

Agile model

You might want to use the Agile software development model if:

  • You want to divide your project  into modular tasks
  • There are no well-defined features or vision to your project, and the requirements may be altered later on.
  • You want the development process to be flexible.

Sorry to keep you waiting! Fresh off the presses! Here is the updated list of Software development blogs.

IID Model

You might want to use the IID model if:

  • The requirements are easy to understand and defined clearly
  •  When there’s a possibility that the requirements might change later on
  • You have to deliver a large project in a short period of time

Spiral model

I recommend you use a Spiral software development model if: 

  • There are high risks and complexity, such as those involving new technologies or innovative solutions.
  • Have a high degree of uncertainty and change in requirements.
  • Your project requires a high degree of technical complexity, safety-critical systems
  • Your project has a high degree of regulatory compliance and customer involvement.

V-shaped model

You must opt for a V-shaped model if: 

  • Best for projects that have a well-defined and fixed scope and clear requirements.
  • You have a defined and structured development process and a linear flow of development stages
  • Your projects have a low degree of change and are ideal for a phased and incremental approach, such as projects that involve creating software with a predefined set of features.

Wish Granted! 

InvoZone makes the software development process less work and better! Our development team adopts the best SDLC model per your personalized requirements. 

Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Spiral, or V-shape—our software development services will be laid out on the right-fit model for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are software development basics?

The development of software involves designing, documenting, programming, testing, and maintaining a software deliverable. These steps are combined to form a workflow pipeline, which generates superior-quality software deliverables.

What is the software process model in software engineering?

In software engineering, the software process model defines the various stages involved in the software development life cycle (SDLC), including requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

These models are used to guide the software development process and define a proper roadmap for the production of high-quality software products. Some popular models are the Waterfall model, Agile model, Spiral model, and Iterative model. We talk about some of these models in more detail in our blog.

Which are the general software process models?

The three general software process models include:

  1. Waterfall Model: A linear and sequential approach with defined stages.
  2. Agile Model: An iterative and collaborative method with a focus on flexibility.
  3. Iterative Model: Similar to Agile but with emphasis on revisiting and refining phases.

These three software development models are widely used in the software development industry due to their effectiveness in various project scenarios.

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Due to poor implementation of software development models, a staggering majority of endeavors, a full 7 out of 10, meet their untimely demise. 42% of the firms remain oblivious to the imperative nature of project management. A majority of project managers, a resounding 55%, attribute project failure to the nefarious scourge of budget overruns.

But turning your dream ideas into a reality doesn't have to come at an exorbitant expense — or drag on in an endless cycle of worry. 

Process models in software engineering such as Waterfall and Agile have made the development process considerably more efficient, thanks to geniuses like Dr Winston W. Royce and Jeff Sutherland.

With a myriad of approaches available, it is now much easier for organizations to build on creative ideas. However, getting started on the path of innovation necessitates a more in-depth comprehension of your possibilities. It will assist you in weighing your requirements against the benefits and drawbacks of the best software engineering models. 

What are Software Models?

A software development process model depicts the sequence of phases for a product's whole life cycle. As a result, it is also known as the Product Life Cycle. This includes everything from the first commercial concept through the ultimate de-installation or disassembly of the product after it has been used.

Also known as SDLC models (short for software development life cycle models), they enhance the workflow and outcomes of your software project. The ultimate goal: more efficient procedures that increase project success rates. 

As the scholars Fitzgerald and Friedman said:

The change to the SDLC paradigm reflected a trend towards tighter control of the development process.

To enumerate, as the reins of control are tightened, a crescendo of efficiency is achieved. Likewise, as efficiency ascends, solutions of unparalleled caliber are delivered in a succinct manner. 

But what does this symphony of control and efficiency ultimately mean for your project? A veritable cornucopia of value for your investment! A paradigm of success and fortuity! 

Hence, there are many variations - from the cascading waterfall to the nimble agile, the spiraling to the V-modeled, and everything in between. But the one thing they all share in common? Each methodology of the SDLC can be generally dissected into six distinct phases.

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5 Types of Software Development Models: A Detailed Comparison

What factors influence the selection of a software development methodology? This decision is always based on the project's requirements. In addition, project kind and size, team member abilities, financial resources, and preferences are all important factors to consider.

Types of Popular SDLC Models

Let's look at our top methodology list and learn why software development organizations like these types of software process models.

Waterfall model

Infographics Of Waterfall Model

The Waterfall model, akin to a trailblazer, was the first to tread into the realm of software project development. It is also fittingly referred to as linear, as the model dictates that each phase must be fully completed before proceeding to the next. Similar to a cascading waterfall, the progression is unidirectional, with no room for deviation or overlap.

However, it is important to note that, like a waterfall that is best suited for certain terrains, the Waterfall model is only applicable to certain software development projects.

Advantages of the classical waterfall model

The classical Waterfall model acts as a well-oiled machine that grants you a multitude of advantages. These advantages, like a shining beacon, include:

  • Stick to a predefined budget and timeline with ease
  • Manage the project in a straightforward manner
  • Measure and monitor progress with deliverables at every stage with ease
  • Organize and make the project transparent through heavy documentation and initial planning, reducing the risk of miscommunication
  • Identify and eliminate potential errors during the planning phase, saving time during the implementation
  • Allow new developers to join the project at any time with the help of thorough technical documentation.

Disadvantages of the classical waterfall model

Despite its linear approach, this model also harbors a host of drawbacks in software development. These disadvantages include the following:

  • Confine flexibility with a stringent structure where each stage is beholden to the preceding one
  • Make revisiting requirements after the inception of the development cycle infeasible
  • Diminish the capability of forecasting all project requirements during the initial stage as the project's magnitude increases
  • Elevate the peril of unforeseen faults by verifying and deploying during the final stages
  • Exacerbate the projected timeline with exorbitant rectification of errors

Agile software development

Stages of Agile Model

While conducting a comparison of software development models, Agile cannot be neglected. It is a fluid and adaptive methodology that empowers teams of developers, designers, and project managers to collaborate and create spectacular software. Like a symphony conductor, it guides the team through a harmonious process of continuous improvement and innovation.

Think of it like an artistic masterpiece in progress, where each brushstroke builds upon the previous one, resulting in a beautiful final product. The Agile approach allows for flexibility and spontaneity, allowing the team to adjust and incorporate new ideas throughout the development journey.

Instead of a rigid and inflexible plan, Agile development embraces the uncertainty and unpredictability of the creative process. The team works in sprints, carefully crafting each feature and functionality and then fine-tuning it with every iteration, like a sculptor chiseling away at a block of marble to reveal a magnificent statue.

The Agile methodology ensures that the final software product reflects the team's passion and expertise, a true masterpiece that delights and amazes the end-users.

Read more: Restaurant App Development: Everything You Need to Know

Advantages of the Agile model

If you are looking for a closed-loop model with room for continuous improvement, then Agile is the best software development model for you. Not to mention, it comes with the following additional benefits:

  • Prioritizes quality by implementing regular testing and maintenance, resulting in fewer errors and higher-quality output.
  • Encourages creative exploration and allows for modifications to be made throughout the development process.
  • Adaptable, with a low reliance on initial documentation, allowing for changes to be made without disrupting the overall progress of the project.
  • Includes careful planning for software costs and budgets, with estimates made before each iteration.
  • Emphasizes regular communication and interactions between the client, developers, and other members of the production team, fostering a positive working relationship.

Disadvantages of the Agile model

Beware of the following drawbacks: 

  • Inconsistencies in the product blueprint beset the project with a lack of coherence and direction.
  • Allocating necessary resources proved to be a Herculean endeavor, as unforeseen alterations made it nigh impossible to gauge costs and needs.
  • The documentation system's efficacy was found wanting.
  • Uncertainty plagued the project as the absence of fixed or stringent deadlines, coupled with fluctuations in specifications and demands, made it impossible to set an accurate completion estimate.

You might also want to read: How to Build a Successful Software System Using Microservices Architecture

Iterative and Incremental Development (IID) model

incIterative and Incremental Development model

The Iterative and Incremental (IID) model is a journey of discovery, where development begins by embarking on a series of small requirements. Through a process of incremental enhancement, the product is crafted and refined until it is ready for deployment. By starting with only a small portion of the software, one can easily review progress, identify further requirements, and make adjustments as needed. 

Unlike other models in software development, the Iterative Model is a race to the finish, where multiple iterations are run concurrently, and the product output is received simultaneously. It's like a relay race, where each team member adds their part to the final product. 

The key to its success is the ability to validate and test software versions according to requirements, giving the team a clear understanding of the project's progress and ensuring the product's functionality and ultimate success. This is the model that separates the amateurs from the experts, the pretenders from the contenders.

Advantages of the IID model

The marvels of the IID model are listed below: 

  • Offers flexibility and adaptability throughout the development process
  • Provides early feedback and continuous improvement
  • Reduces risks and improves communication
  • Allows for changes in requirements without derailing the project
  • Provides accurate cost and time estimates
  • This leads to a higher quality end product
  • Encourages engagement and conversion with stakeholders.

 Disadvantages of the IID model

There are some unpleasant disadvantages of the IID model that can delay product delivery: 

  • It can be a labyrinth of additional costs, higher complexity, and dependency on stakeholders.
  • Managing the development process in small, incremental chunks can be akin to navigating a maze, requiring more coordination and communication between development teams and stakeholders. 
  • The focus on small, incremental releases may make it difficult for product owners and managers to keep the long-term vision of the project in mind—sharing a striking similarity to a captain steering a ship through a thick fog without a clear destination in mind.
  • It's not suitable for projects with a fixed scope and timeline, like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. To put it differently, it may not be appropriate for larger, more complex projects that require a more structured and phased approach, like a grand architectural structure that needs a detailed blueprint to be built.

Spiral model

Spiral model Diagram

The spiral model, which built a renowned reputation among various types of software development models, gears you toward handling risks in an organized and efficient manner.

Imagine a spiral gently winding its way upwards, with each loop representing a different phase of the development process. The spiral radius represents the cost, and the angular dimensions illustrate the rate of progression. Important to realize you can divide the spiral centered in a box into four smaller boxes, each representing a different aspect of the development process.

Like a guardian angel for software development, it is always looking out for potential risks and taking them into account at every step of the way. Thereupon, it pours the potion of flexibility and adaptability into the process, allowing for changes and adjustments to be made as needed.

Advantages of the Spiral model

Have a quick look at some of the influential advantages of the spiral model. 

  • Anchors flexibility to make it feasible for you to make additional changes and introduce new functionality in the later stages. 
  • Entertains easy cost estimation process because you are developing the software product in small fragments
  • Mutes the disruptions and risks involved in the change management process 
  • Creates a safe space to make you feel included in the process. Hence, your feedback is critical to write doubt-free code. 
  • Even in a systematic way, it ensures a fast and quick development process.

Disadvantages of the Spiral model 

It is time to have an unpleasant talk. Structure mitigating strategies to reduce the impact of the following disadvantages: 

  • You might experience a rainy day due to budget overruns and time constraints.
  • Unfavorable for small projects because it can be expensive
  • Demands your undivided attention for the vast amount of documentation at the intermediate stages
  • Find well-seasoned developers and skill sets to run the risk analysis

V-shaped model 

V- Shaped Model Diagram

Among different software development models, this one is characterized by its elegant and efficient structure, shaped like the letter V. Also known as the Verification and Validation Model; it is based on the tried-and-true Waterfall Model but with a crucial difference.

In the V-model, every stage of development is accompanied by thorough testing, ensuring that each phase is fully functional before moving on to the next. Every movement is in perfect harmony with the next, creating a seamless and cohesive whole.

As the project progresses, it follows a specific sequence, with each stage building upon the previous one logically and methodically. Consequently, it creates a sense of order and predictability, allowing for the smooth execution of the project.

Furthermore, this method is ideal for projects requiring a high degree of predictability and control.

Advantages of the V-shaped model 

Let’s talk about the profit-yielding benefits of the V-shaped model: 

  • Like the MVP of software development, it catches bugs before they can cause any trouble.
  • With testing at every stage, you can be sure that the software is functioning correctly before moving on to the next phase.
  • Being a reliable method, it ensures predictability and control, so you can be sure that your project is on track.
  • Efficiently paves the way to swiftly and effectively create applications.
  • Keep everything organized, so you can sit back and relax.
  • Your software is secure and protected from potential risks.
  • If you're looking for a software development method that's efficient, reliable, and effective, then the V-model is the way to go.
  • It's like getting a software development all-in-one package, so why wouldn't you use it?

Disadvantages of the V-shaped model 

Beware of the following troublesome disadvantages: 

  • Inflexible and does not adapt well to changes in the requirements or design of the software
  • Time-consuming and costly to complete testing at every stage of development
  • It does not allow for much interaction between the customer and the development team, which can lead to misunderstandings about the requirements of the software.
  • Not well suited for complex or rapidly changing projects, as the requirements and design may evolve over time.
  • Not the best choice for small projects or projects with a limited budget.
  • It requires a high degree of planning and documentation, which can be a challenge for some teams.

How to Choose an SDLC Model for Your Project?

In the mystical realm of software engineering model comparison, there were many paths to choose from, each leading to a different destination. But before one can embark on this journey, one must first understand the various phases of the life cycle and the system development models. For some, the path was short and swift, with a focus on speed and release frequency. For others, it was a winding road where requirement flexibility was of the utmost importance. And still, for others, the path was a collaborative effort where cooperation and teamwork were key.

how to choose SDLC model?

Specifically, three parameters guided travelers on their journey: release frequency, requirement flexibility, and cooperation approach. Each of these parameters could be placed on a scale, with two opposing options on either side and more flexible options in between. And like a map, each system development model had its place on each of the three scales, providing guidance and direction to those who sought it.

The SDLC model plays a critical role in determining the level of flexibility for the requirements of a software product. The Waterfall and V-model tend to require strict requirements, which your team will establish at the beginning and do not allow for many changes. In contrast, the IID model offers a bit more flexibility. However, they are still relatively rigid.

On the other hand, the Spiral and Agile models are considered the most flexible, with Agile being the most adaptable as it allows for frequent adjustments throughout the development process.

When it comes to developing a software product, it's important to think about how you envision it growing and evolving over time. If you're looking for a one-and-done approach, where you launch a project and see a fully-formed product after the final release, then the Waterfall or V-model might be the best fit for you. 

However, keep in mind that these models are best suited for smaller projects. With larger projects, a single final release can be risky as there is a greater chance for bugs to slip through the cracks.

On the other hand, models like IID and Agile involve regular releases at set intervals (from 2 weeks to 2 months) and represent an "iterative" delivery method. This means you'll see a working product early on in the development process and watch it gradually evolve over time.

Another important thing to consider is the level of your involvement in the project and the approach to collaboration with a vendor. Agile models like Scrum, EX, and Kanban require a lot of direct and frequent communication, so it's important to plan in advance for who will represent your company in these meetings. If not, the numerous meetings required by Agile models may not align with your business schedule.

In summary, when choosing specialized process models in software engineering, it's important to consider your business goals, the size of your project, and how you want to approach communication and collaboration with the vendor. Each model has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to choose the one that best aligns with your needs.

Which Software Development Model is Best For Your Project?

The type of software development model that would work best for building complex software depends upon the project type, the expertise of the team working on the project, and the deadlines. Wondering how to choose an SDLC model for a project?

Waterfall model

You might want to use the Waterfall software development model if:

  • Timing and planning are an issue.
  • If the features and requirements for your project are well-defined and can’t be altered.
  • If the product owner is not willing to be very hands-on.

Agile model

You might want to use the Agile software development model if:

  • You want to divide your project  into modular tasks
  • There are no well-defined features or vision to your project, and the requirements may be altered later on.
  • You want the development process to be flexible.

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IID Model

You might want to use the IID model if:

  • The requirements are easy to understand and defined clearly
  •  When there’s a possibility that the requirements might change later on
  • You have to deliver a large project in a short period of time

Spiral model

I recommend you use a Spiral software development model if: 

  • There are high risks and complexity, such as those involving new technologies or innovative solutions.
  • Have a high degree of uncertainty and change in requirements.
  • Your project requires a high degree of technical complexity, safety-critical systems
  • Your project has a high degree of regulatory compliance and customer involvement.

V-shaped model

You must opt for a V-shaped model if: 

  • Best for projects that have a well-defined and fixed scope and clear requirements.
  • You have a defined and structured development process and a linear flow of development stages
  • Your projects have a low degree of change and are ideal for a phased and incremental approach, such as projects that involve creating software with a predefined set of features.

Wish Granted! 

InvoZone makes the software development process less work and better! Our development team adopts the best SDLC model per your personalized requirements. 

Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Spiral, or V-shape—our software development services will be laid out on the right-fit model for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are software development basics?

The development of software involves designing, documenting, programming, testing, and maintaining a software deliverable. These steps are combined to form a workflow pipeline, which generates superior-quality software deliverables.

What is the software process model in software engineering?

In software engineering, the software process model defines the various stages involved in the software development life cycle (SDLC), including requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

These models are used to guide the software development process and define a proper roadmap for the production of high-quality software products. Some popular models are the Waterfall model, Agile model, Spiral model, and Iterative model. We talk about some of these models in more detail in our blog.

Which are the general software process models?

The three general software process models include:

  1. Waterfall Model: A linear and sequential approach with defined stages.
  2. Agile Model: An iterative and collaborative method with a focus on flexibility.
  3. Iterative Model: Similar to Agile but with emphasis on revisiting and refining phases.

These three software development models are widely used in the software development industry due to their effectiveness in various project scenarios.

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Hareem Mohsin

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Hareem Mohsin

As the Chief Operating Officer at InvoZone, Hareem Mohsin influences people across various... Know more

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