Summary of the Episode

In this episode our host Syed Musa Raza sits down with Gabriel Dymowski, the CEO of Doxychain to know about his awesome Blockchain powered document management platform DoxyChain. This episode is amazing as they talk about Blockchain technology, and Web 3.0.

Show Notes


  • In this episode Gabriel shares an interesting genesis story of blockchain powered platform Doxychain. How their participation in hackathon led to the development of this awesome startup and how it is securing the document management world with blockchain.


  • Doxychain is a breach between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 world assisting the companies around the globe with its all-inclusive tool (B2B SaaS) to collaborate on documents with all the actions being secured by blockchain.


  • This episode also contains fruitful discussion on the Ethereum latest merge-blockchain’s transition from proof of work to proof of stake. The merger completely changes the way that Ethereum transactions are validated. As per Gabriel this decision was quite anticipated.




Unlock the decentralized universe of blockchain.


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