Guide To Automate TestNG In Selenium

Guide To Automate TestNG In Selenium

TestNG in Selenium is a powerful combination that bestows QAs with increased efficiency, efficacy, and clarity. So read this blog to know the steps to install TestNG, build test cases in TestNG, and the advantages of this tool.


Published On: 04 January, 2024


24 min read

In This Article:

TestNG is a robust testing framework for Java that empowers users to do automated testing of web apps. Whereas, Selenium is an automation testing tool that allows users to automate web browsers. However, their powerful combo i.e. TestNG in Selenium provides developers with the opportunity to build powerful automated tests for their web apps. This duo has become popular among testers all around the globe and here are the top reasons why!

  • TestNG framework in Selenium generates better test results in a proper & easy-to-understand format.
  • It gives testers the ability to execute test cases based on the group.

So if you want a flawless solution without any bugs then this powerful combo should be your first choice. And this blog here is your step-by-step guide to installing TestNG in Selenium. Furthermore, containing an initial intro of both tools and their advantages. So let’s get started!

What Is TestNG?

TestNG stands for Test Next Generation developed by Cedric Beust in 2004 on the same lines as JUnit and NUnit. TestNG framework for selenium is a perfect fit and some of the famous characteristics of TestNG are

  • Flexibility and extensibility.
  • Easy to write and run.
  • Generation of extensive tests.


What Is The TestNG Framework?

TestNG framework is an open-source test automation framework that is used more frequently by developers and testers in test case development. Mainly because of its super qualities such as grouping, prioritization, and parametrization. Some other features include:

  • Annotations.
  • Exceptions and Assertions.
  • Integration.
  • Parallel Testing.
  • Cross-browser Testing (CBT).
  • Reporting and Logging.

What Is Selenium?

Selenium is an open-source automated testing framework utilized to validate web apps across different platforms and browsers. The purpose is to check if the website functions consistently across different browsers. It also allows the testers and developers to automate the testing process.

Now let’s have a look at the main part of the blog which is TestNG in Selenium.


What Is TestNG In Selenium?

TestNG offers advanced features like data-driven testing, annotations, test sequencing, and parallel testing. The purpose behind this is to assist the developers in organizing and executing Selenium tests more efficiently.  This combination is built to overcome all the disadvantages and constraints of JUnit. Many Software Testing Services are pro in using the TestNG framework with Selenium.

Looking to hire talented QA engineers to test your solution? Book a free consultation now!

Get In Touch

Why Use TestNG With Selenium?

Using TestNG with Selenium bestows multiple advantages to testers and some of them are given below.

  • It allows the easy management &  maintenance of the test suite, by marking the group test cases into logical units.
  • Run tests in parallel, significantly minimizing the time it takes to execute the test suite.
  • It facilitates data-driven testing, enabling testers to run the same test cases with various sets of test data.
  • This combo also supports better reporting and logging features than other testing frameworks.
  • It also identifies the debugging issues in your test easier.
  • TestNG Annotations in Selenium are awesome and can be used to customize your tests such as @BeforeTest, @AfterTest, @BeforeSuite, @AfterSuite, @BeforeMethod, and @AfterMethod.

The TestNG framework for Selenium proves to be a game-changer, helping testers achieve efficiency and effectiveness in their test automation efforts.  

However, like this one; there is another famous match between JUnit and Selenium, but testers often become confused in regards to TestNG Vs JUnit. However, TestNG is a more beneficial choice, the advantages below are going to prove the righteousness of our statement.

Advantages Of TestNG Over JUnit

TestNG and JUnit are both popular testing frameworks for Java, but TestNG has an edge, in the context of TestNG Vs JUnit. Here are some of the top advantages of using TestNG.

  • The TestNG annotations are more in number and can be utilized easily in test scripts.
  • TestNG has a wider scope & includes different types of testing like functional, end-to-end, and unit testing, etc.
  • TestNG develops full HTML reports containing detailed information about test execution, including test results, errors, and failures. JUnit creates simple text-based reports.

Now you know all about the advantages of using TestNG in Selenium and why TestNG is superior to JUnit. So let’s move toward the installation part. 

How To Install And Set Up TestNG?

It’s quite easy to install TestNG and if you are using Eclipse IDE, it comes as a plugin. So below are the steps to install TestNG, follow them and enjoy the TestNG framework in Selenium. 

Step 1

You can hook up TestNG with Selenium to achieve rapid, reliable, and desirable solutions. Also, you can install an IDE of your own choice, here Eclipse IDE is used. 

Here go to Eclipse and download the Eclipse installer.

Eclipse download

Step 2

After the installer is downloaded, Open and choose Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.

eclipse installer 

Step 3

Then wait for the installation to finish.


Step 4

Set up the Selenium first, although there are various approaches to setting up Selenium and here Maven is selected. So set up a Maven project first. And paste the Maven dependency for Selenium in the pom.xml file.








Step 5

Now setting up TestNG can be finished in various ways: Either by utilizing Maven dependency or downloading TestNG jar files- here the Maven will be used. 

testng version

Step 6

Copy the Maven dependency code in Eclipse’s pom.xml under dependencies


🤔 Read about the top testing tips in Quality Assurance.

Organize Test With TestNG Annotations

TestNG is a powerful tool for organizing test cases serving as metadata tags. Annotations are employed to specify different aspects of the test cases and offer means to establish structure and organization. 

In addition to controlling the flow of test execution, it also enhances the efficiency of automated testing. Below are the TestNG annotations along with their functionalities for you.


@Test marks a method as a test case and allows specifying additional parameters, such as groups, data providers, and timeouts.


@BeforeSuite runs once before all the tests in the entire test suite start. It is typically utilized for initializing resources like database connections, servers, or global variables. For instance, establishing a database connection before the test execution.


It runs once before all test methods within a test class or group. It is also useful for setting up test data environments or logging configurations. For example, developing temporary test data for all tests in the class.


It executes before all test methods belonging to specified groups. And allows for setup specific to a group of tests with common functionalities. For example, setting up the browser instance before running all "smoke test" group tests.


@BeforeClass runs once before any test methods in a class are executed. It is useful for initializing resources specific to the class itself. For example, creating a WebDriver instance for all tests in the class.


@BeforeMethod runs before each test method and is ideal for setting up test data, logging, or an environment specific to each test case. For instance setting test data values for each test case.


@AfterMethod runs after each test method execution and is useful for cleanup activities like closing database connections or browser instances. For example closing browser instances after each test case.


@AfterClass executes once after all the test methods in a class have been completed and utilized for cleaning up resources specific to the class. For example, shutting down a WebDriver instance after all tests in the class.


@AfterGroups runs after all tests in specified groups have finished execution and enables cleanup specific to the test group. For example, deleting the temporary data developed for the "smoke test" group.


@AfterTest executes after all test methods within a test class or group have ended. It is feasible for cleanup and reporting activities specific to the test group or class. For instance, building test reports after all tests in the class have run.


@AfterSuite runs once after all the tests in the entire test suite have finished execution. It is utilized for the final cleanup activities like generating final reports or closing resources. For example, closing database connections after all test suites have run.

You can explore plenty of more useful annotations that TestNG offers in the official docs here. The creation of a test case in TestNG is also pretty swift and easy, you can check out the steps below.

Use Of TestNG Annotations

Here’s how you use TestNG annotations.





public void testLogin() {

    // Test logic for login functionality

This test case designates the testLogin as the test case and runs it during the test execution and you can configure your function as per the requirements like (priority, grouping, and enabling)



@Test(groups="regression test suite")











This method runs once prior to any test initiates and develops a connection to the database, building test data for all the tests in the suite.



public void initializeDatabase() {

    // Connect to database and initialize test data


This method runs prior to each test class & sets up an instance of WebDriver for browser automation.



public void setUpBrowser() {

    // Initialize WebDriver instance


Before executing any tests within the "Smoke Tests" group, this method runs and clears the browser cache, ensuring a clean testing environment.



public void clearCache() {

    // Clear browser cache before smoke tests


Prior to any test method in the class being executed, this test method runs once, opening the application URL in the browser.


public void openApplication() {

    // Open application URL


This method runs prior to each test case execution & logs a message pointing out that the test has been initiated.



public void logTestStart() {

    // Log message indicating test start


After the completion of all test methods in the class, this method runs once closing the Web Driver instance. 



public void closeBrowser() {

    // Close WebDriver instance


This method runs once after all the tests in the "Smoke Tests" group and creates a particular report for those tests.



public void generateSmokeTestReport() {

    // Generate report for smoke tests


This method runs after each test class and winds up the database connection created in the @BeforeSuite method.


public void closeDatabaseConnection() {

    // Close database connection


After all the tests in the suite have been completed, this method runs and closes any remaining open resources like connections or files.



public void cleanupResources() {

    // Close any remaining resources


It will look like this in sequencing👇👇


How To Create New Test Cases In TestNG?

If you want to generate a new test in TestNG then here’s how you can do it👇

  • To create your first test in TestNG you need to create a new folder in your project structure. 
  • Then select a Java package inside the src/test/java folder.

testng new package

  • After that, create a class inside your package.

testng new class

  • Now in the class add your TestNG test cases. 

TestNG Assertions

Assertions are the chief element of automated testing and they aid in the verification of the expected results of your test cases and detect any discrepancies. TestNG provides a detailed set of assertions to simplify and improve the testing process.

Here are some TestNG assertions:

This is useful in comparing various data types like strings, numbers, and objects and also verifies if two values (actual and expected) are equal.

test equal



public void testEquals() {

    int actual = 10;

    int expected = 10;

    assertEquals(actual, expected);


This test case using assertEqual assertion verifies and confirms if actual and expected values are equal. 



public void testLogin() {

    boolean isLoggedIn = performLogin();




This test case using assertTrue assertion checks and verifies if performLogin returns true, pointing out successful login.





public void testDataObject() {

    Object dataObject = fetchData();



It is the test case that uses the assert NotNull assertion, to ensure that the fetchData method returns a NotNull object.

test refrence




public void testObjectReference() {

    Object original = new Object();

    Object reference = original;

    assertSame(original, reference);


It is the test case that verifies if the two object references point to the same object in the memory, utilizing the assertSame assertion.

test element




public void testElementText() {

    String actualText = getElementText();

    String expectedText = "Welcome";

    assertEquals(actualText, expectedText, "Element text should be Welcome");


This test case analyzes the element text with a particular string and exhibits the custom message on a failure, using the assertEquals with the message argument.

test pattern




public void testStringPattern() {

    String actualString = "This is a test string";

    assertThat(actualString, Matchers.containsString("test"));



This test case confirms if the string has the particular substring using the Hamcrest contains the String matcher, exhibiting the flexible assertion abilities.

Key Takeaways

TestNG in Selenium is a robust combo and supports automated tests for more structured, readable, maintainable, and user-friendly tests. 

TestNG also gives features like reporting and high-end annotations to make your testing process smooth and seamless. However, it can be difficult for non-technical users to follow all the installation steps. Or it can be expensive for companies to build a team of Quality Assurance professionals who in a true sense know powerful combinations and testing methods or tools that can fulfill all their requirements. 

So whatever you decide to do just first make sure to assess the requirements of your company. 

Still Confused? InvoZone Is Here To Help

InvoZone with its team of 500+ professionals is here for all your testing needs. Our team of QAs has 300+ project experience with a 97% customer satisfaction rate. We are one of the leading names in the Quality Assurance niche. We use manual as well as automation tools to make your solution flawless at a market-friendly price. No matter in which region of the world you are, we have got you covered with our flexible models that let you hire a team or even one QA for your dedicated team. Just let our experts know what you need and we have got you covered.

Frequently Asked Questions 

TestNG or Test Next Generation,  is a testing framework used with the Java programming language. It facilitates the organization, execution, reporting, and organization of test cases, offering features such as annotations for test configurations, grouping of tests, parallel test execution, and comprehensive reporting. TestNG is commonly used with Selenium for automated testing of web apps.

TestNG and Selenium possess different purposes in the testing process. TestNG is a famous testing framework for Java whereas Selenium is an automation testing tool that allows the users to automate web browsers. On the other hand, TestNG enables users to perform automated testing for web apps.

TestNG is utilized in Selenium to improve the testing process for web apps. As a testing framework, TestNG offers valuable features like parallel test executions, annotations, and parameterization. It assists in organizing and streamlining test cases making them more efficient. The inclusion of TestNG with Selenium helps in building robust and scalable automated testing solutions for web apps. 

You can also manually install TestNG To do so follow the steps below:

  • Open Eclipse IDE.
  • Go to " Help" > Eclipse Marketplace.
  • Then search for" TestNG" in Eclipse Marketplace dialogue.
  • Look for TestNG for Eclipse and to install click Go to the marketplace.
  • To complete the installation, follow the prompts.
  • Restart the Eclipse to apply changes.
  • The test is now installed and available for use.
Software Quality Assurance

Don’t Have Time To Read Now? Download It For Later.

TestNG is a robust testing framework for Java that empowers users to do automated testing of web apps. Whereas, Selenium is an automation testing tool that allows users to automate web browsers. However, their powerful combo i.e. TestNG in Selenium provides developers with the opportunity to build powerful automated tests for their web apps. This duo has become popular among testers all around the globe and here are the top reasons why!

  • TestNG framework in Selenium generates better test results in a proper & easy-to-understand format.
  • It gives testers the ability to execute test cases based on the group.

So if you want a flawless solution without any bugs then this powerful combo should be your first choice. And this blog here is your step-by-step guide to installing TestNG in Selenium. Furthermore, containing an initial intro of both tools and their advantages. So let’s get started!

What Is TestNG?

TestNG stands for Test Next Generation developed by Cedric Beust in 2004 on the same lines as JUnit and NUnit. TestNG framework for selenium is a perfect fit and some of the famous characteristics of TestNG are

  • Flexibility and extensibility.
  • Easy to write and run.
  • Generation of extensive tests.


What Is The TestNG Framework?

TestNG framework is an open-source test automation framework that is used more frequently by developers and testers in test case development. Mainly because of its super qualities such as grouping, prioritization, and parametrization. Some other features include:

  • Annotations.
  • Exceptions and Assertions.
  • Integration.
  • Parallel Testing.
  • Cross-browser Testing (CBT).
  • Reporting and Logging.

What Is Selenium?

Selenium is an open-source automated testing framework utilized to validate web apps across different platforms and browsers. The purpose is to check if the website functions consistently across different browsers. It also allows the testers and developers to automate the testing process.

Now let’s have a look at the main part of the blog which is TestNG in Selenium.


What Is TestNG In Selenium?

TestNG offers advanced features like data-driven testing, annotations, test sequencing, and parallel testing. The purpose behind this is to assist the developers in organizing and executing Selenium tests more efficiently.  This combination is built to overcome all the disadvantages and constraints of JUnit. Many Software Testing Services are pro in using the TestNG framework with Selenium.

Looking to hire talented QA engineers to test your solution? Book a free consultation now!

Get In Touch

Why Use TestNG With Selenium?

Using TestNG with Selenium bestows multiple advantages to testers and some of them are given below.

  • It allows the easy management &  maintenance of the test suite, by marking the group test cases into logical units.
  • Run tests in parallel, significantly minimizing the time it takes to execute the test suite.
  • It facilitates data-driven testing, enabling testers to run the same test cases with various sets of test data.
  • This combo also supports better reporting and logging features than other testing frameworks.
  • It also identifies the debugging issues in your test easier.
  • TestNG Annotations in Selenium are awesome and can be used to customize your tests such as @BeforeTest, @AfterTest, @BeforeSuite, @AfterSuite, @BeforeMethod, and @AfterMethod.

The TestNG framework for Selenium proves to be a game-changer, helping testers achieve efficiency and effectiveness in their test automation efforts.  

However, like this one; there is another famous match between JUnit and Selenium, but testers often become confused in regards to TestNG Vs JUnit. However, TestNG is a more beneficial choice, the advantages below are going to prove the righteousness of our statement.

Advantages Of TestNG Over JUnit

TestNG and JUnit are both popular testing frameworks for Java, but TestNG has an edge, in the context of TestNG Vs JUnit. Here are some of the top advantages of using TestNG.

  • The TestNG annotations are more in number and can be utilized easily in test scripts.
  • TestNG has a wider scope & includes different types of testing like functional, end-to-end, and unit testing, etc.
  • TestNG develops full HTML reports containing detailed information about test execution, including test results, errors, and failures. JUnit creates simple text-based reports.

Now you know all about the advantages of using TestNG in Selenium and why TestNG is superior to JUnit. So let’s move toward the installation part. 

How To Install And Set Up TestNG?

It’s quite easy to install TestNG and if you are using Eclipse IDE, it comes as a plugin. So below are the steps to install TestNG, follow them and enjoy the TestNG framework in Selenium. 

Step 1

You can hook up TestNG with Selenium to achieve rapid, reliable, and desirable solutions. Also, you can install an IDE of your own choice, here Eclipse IDE is used. 

Here go to Eclipse and download the Eclipse installer.

Eclipse download

Step 2

After the installer is downloaded, Open and choose Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.

eclipse installer 

Step 3

Then wait for the installation to finish.


Step 4

Set up the Selenium first, although there are various approaches to setting up Selenium and here Maven is selected. So set up a Maven project first. And paste the Maven dependency for Selenium in the pom.xml file.








Step 5

Now setting up TestNG can be finished in various ways: Either by utilizing Maven dependency or downloading TestNG jar files- here the Maven will be used. 

testng version

Step 6

Copy the Maven dependency code in Eclipse’s pom.xml under dependencies


🤔 Read about the top testing tips in Quality Assurance.

Organize Test With TestNG Annotations

TestNG is a powerful tool for organizing test cases serving as metadata tags. Annotations are employed to specify different aspects of the test cases and offer means to establish structure and organization. 

In addition to controlling the flow of test execution, it also enhances the efficiency of automated testing. Below are the TestNG annotations along with their functionalities for you.


@Test marks a method as a test case and allows specifying additional parameters, such as groups, data providers, and timeouts.


@BeforeSuite runs once before all the tests in the entire test suite start. It is typically utilized for initializing resources like database connections, servers, or global variables. For instance, establishing a database connection before the test execution.


It runs once before all test methods within a test class or group. It is also useful for setting up test data environments or logging configurations. For example, developing temporary test data for all tests in the class.


It executes before all test methods belonging to specified groups. And allows for setup specific to a group of tests with common functionalities. For example, setting up the browser instance before running all "smoke test" group tests.


@BeforeClass runs once before any test methods in a class are executed. It is useful for initializing resources specific to the class itself. For example, creating a WebDriver instance for all tests in the class.


@BeforeMethod runs before each test method and is ideal for setting up test data, logging, or an environment specific to each test case. For instance setting test data values for each test case.


@AfterMethod runs after each test method execution and is useful for cleanup activities like closing database connections or browser instances. For example closing browser instances after each test case.


@AfterClass executes once after all the test methods in a class have been completed and utilized for cleaning up resources specific to the class. For example, shutting down a WebDriver instance after all tests in the class.


@AfterGroups runs after all tests in specified groups have finished execution and enables cleanup specific to the test group. For example, deleting the temporary data developed for the "smoke test" group.


@AfterTest executes after all test methods within a test class or group have ended. It is feasible for cleanup and reporting activities specific to the test group or class. For instance, building test reports after all tests in the class have run.


@AfterSuite runs once after all the tests in the entire test suite have finished execution. It is utilized for the final cleanup activities like generating final reports or closing resources. For example, closing database connections after all test suites have run.

You can explore plenty of more useful annotations that TestNG offers in the official docs here. The creation of a test case in TestNG is also pretty swift and easy, you can check out the steps below.

Use Of TestNG Annotations

Here’s how you use TestNG annotations.





public void testLogin() {

    // Test logic for login functionality

This test case designates the testLogin as the test case and runs it during the test execution and you can configure your function as per the requirements like (priority, grouping, and enabling)



@Test(groups="regression test suite")











This method runs once prior to any test initiates and develops a connection to the database, building test data for all the tests in the suite.



public void initializeDatabase() {

    // Connect to database and initialize test data


This method runs prior to each test class & sets up an instance of WebDriver for browser automation.



public void setUpBrowser() {

    // Initialize WebDriver instance


Before executing any tests within the "Smoke Tests" group, this method runs and clears the browser cache, ensuring a clean testing environment.



public void clearCache() {

    // Clear browser cache before smoke tests


Prior to any test method in the class being executed, this test method runs once, opening the application URL in the browser.


public void openApplication() {

    // Open application URL


This method runs prior to each test case execution & logs a message pointing out that the test has been initiated.



public void logTestStart() {

    // Log message indicating test start


After the completion of all test methods in the class, this method runs once closing the Web Driver instance. 



public void closeBrowser() {

    // Close WebDriver instance


This method runs once after all the tests in the "Smoke Tests" group and creates a particular report for those tests.



public void generateSmokeTestReport() {

    // Generate report for smoke tests


This method runs after each test class and winds up the database connection created in the @BeforeSuite method.


public void closeDatabaseConnection() {

    // Close database connection


After all the tests in the suite have been completed, this method runs and closes any remaining open resources like connections or files.



public void cleanupResources() {

    // Close any remaining resources


It will look like this in sequencing👇👇


How To Create New Test Cases In TestNG?

If you want to generate a new test in TestNG then here’s how you can do it👇

  • To create your first test in TestNG you need to create a new folder in your project structure. 
  • Then select a Java package inside the src/test/java folder.

testng new package

  • After that, create a class inside your package.

testng new class

  • Now in the class add your TestNG test cases. 

TestNG Assertions

Assertions are the chief element of automated testing and they aid in the verification of the expected results of your test cases and detect any discrepancies. TestNG provides a detailed set of assertions to simplify and improve the testing process.

Here are some TestNG assertions:

This is useful in comparing various data types like strings, numbers, and objects and also verifies if two values (actual and expected) are equal.

test equal



public void testEquals() {

    int actual = 10;

    int expected = 10;

    assertEquals(actual, expected);


This test case using assertEqual assertion verifies and confirms if actual and expected values are equal. 



public void testLogin() {

    boolean isLoggedIn = performLogin();




This test case using assertTrue assertion checks and verifies if performLogin returns true, pointing out successful login.





public void testDataObject() {

    Object dataObject = fetchData();



It is the test case that uses the assert NotNull assertion, to ensure that the fetchData method returns a NotNull object.

test refrence




public void testObjectReference() {

    Object original = new Object();

    Object reference = original;

    assertSame(original, reference);


It is the test case that verifies if the two object references point to the same object in the memory, utilizing the assertSame assertion.

test element




public void testElementText() {

    String actualText = getElementText();

    String expectedText = "Welcome";

    assertEquals(actualText, expectedText, "Element text should be Welcome");


This test case analyzes the element text with a particular string and exhibits the custom message on a failure, using the assertEquals with the message argument.

test pattern




public void testStringPattern() {

    String actualString = "This is a test string";

    assertThat(actualString, Matchers.containsString("test"));



This test case confirms if the string has the particular substring using the Hamcrest contains the String matcher, exhibiting the flexible assertion abilities.

Key Takeaways

TestNG in Selenium is a robust combo and supports automated tests for more structured, readable, maintainable, and user-friendly tests. 

TestNG also gives features like reporting and high-end annotations to make your testing process smooth and seamless. However, it can be difficult for non-technical users to follow all the installation steps. Or it can be expensive for companies to build a team of Quality Assurance professionals who in a true sense know powerful combinations and testing methods or tools that can fulfill all their requirements. 

So whatever you decide to do just first make sure to assess the requirements of your company. 

Still Confused? InvoZone Is Here To Help

InvoZone with its team of 500+ professionals is here for all your testing needs. Our team of QAs has 300+ project experience with a 97% customer satisfaction rate. We are one of the leading names in the Quality Assurance niche. We use manual as well as automation tools to make your solution flawless at a market-friendly price. No matter in which region of the world you are, we have got you covered with our flexible models that let you hire a team or even one QA for your dedicated team. Just let our experts know what you need and we have got you covered.

Frequently Asked Questions 

TestNG or Test Next Generation,  is a testing framework used with the Java programming language. It facilitates the organization, execution, reporting, and organization of test cases, offering features such as annotations for test configurations, grouping of tests, parallel test execution, and comprehensive reporting. TestNG is commonly used with Selenium for automated testing of web apps.

TestNG and Selenium possess different purposes in the testing process. TestNG is a famous testing framework for Java whereas Selenium is an automation testing tool that allows the users to automate web browsers. On the other hand, TestNG enables users to perform automated testing for web apps.

TestNG is utilized in Selenium to improve the testing process for web apps. As a testing framework, TestNG offers valuable features like parallel test executions, annotations, and parameterization. It assists in organizing and streamlining test cases making them more efficient. The inclusion of TestNG with Selenium helps in building robust and scalable automated testing solutions for web apps. 

You can also manually install TestNG To do so follow the steps below:

  • Open Eclipse IDE.
  • Go to " Help" > Eclipse Marketplace.
  • Then search for" TestNG" in Eclipse Marketplace dialogue.
  • Look for TestNG for Eclipse and to install click Go to the marketplace.
  • To complete the installation, follow the prompts.
  • Restart the Eclipse to apply changes.
  • The test is now installed and available for use.

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Fatima Suhail

Written By:

Fatima Suhail

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Usman Malik

Contributed By:

Usman Malik

SQA Engineer

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