Best Programming And Scripting Languages For DevOps Excellence

Best Programming And Scripting Languages For DevOps Excellence

Whether you know a lot or a little about DevOps, learn about the top 10 languages that help make your DevOps projects work smoothly. Find out the secrets to doing well in this always-changing and exciting area. Look at the important connection between different programming languages that make DevOps work well in this blog.


Published On: 04 October, 2023


9 min read

In This Article:

DevOps is a big word for how people make software and make sure it works well with computer systems. It's a cool trend in the tech world that wants to bring together the folks who make the software and the ones who run the computer stuff.

Why is it cool? Well, it's because it makes everyone talk more, work together better, and ensure that when they implement the software, it happens smoothly and quickly. Imagine doing a task in two steps instead of one—it's like that, but for making and using software.

With its own set of programming languages for DevOps, developers are not only learning to do awesome things in the "cloud," they're also picking up these DevOps languages to control their computer systems from far away through extensive lines of code.

Because DevOps is becoming a big deal and super handy for companies, we present to you a list of the 10 best programming languages for DevOps that you can learn to jump into the world of cloud computing. Check out these languages to start your DevOps journey!

What Does DevOps Mean?

DevOps comes from combining the words 'Development' and 'Operations.' It's like a special mix of developers and IT experts working together in a unique process. They use different ways of working together and tools to make software better, deliver it faster, and make sure it works well.

devops market

The people in DevOps, called DevOps engineers, use easy automated tools to get work done faster. They focus on making everything smooth for customers, creating new features, putting the software into action, testing it, and keeping an eye on how it's doing.

DevOps is all about teamwork, talking a lot, and always trying to do things better. To make this happen, DevOps engineers learn special computer languages. These languages help them speed up how often they release new and improved software.

A top-notch DevOps engineer knows many programming and scripting languages for DevOps. The more languages they know, the better they are at making things run smoothly and building software the right way.

What Programming And Scripting Languages Are Essential For DevOps Engineers To Learn?

The purpose of DevOps is to bridge the divide between software development and IT operations, and programming languages play a pivotal role in this endeavor. 

top 10 best programming and scripting languages for devOps

Choosing the right programming language is crucial for success in DevOps, particularly in achieving Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD).

Explore the following popular programming languages for DevOps here!

Golang, also known as Go, stands out as a statically typed and compiled language operating on the Google Go programming platform. It ranks among the fastest programming languages for DevOps engineers engaged in crafting web applications, command-line tools, and desktop applications.

Crafted by Google in 2009, this programming language serves as a high-performance, low-overhead alternative to counterparts like Java or Python. Thanks to its compiled nature, Golang applications boast swift startup times and typically demand fewer resources compared to interpreted languages like JavaScript.

Golang finds its sweet spot in large-scale software projects and the realm of big data analytics. What sets "Go" apart is its ability to empower programmers with enhanced runtime optimizations, including constant folding and dead code elimination, giving it a distinctive edge over other languages.

Key Features of GoLang as a DevOps Programming Language

top features of goLang

  • Swift Performance: Golang stands out for its swift and efficient performance, making it a top choice for developing high-speed applications.

  • Efficient Resource Utilization: With compiled code, Golang ensures optimal resource usage, delivering speedy startups and requiring fewer system resources.

  • Adaptable Development: Golang's versatility shines as DevOps engineers find it adaptable for creating a range of applications, from web tools to command-line utilities.

  • Scaling for Big Projects: Tailored for large-scale projects and data analytics, Golang's runtime optimizations empower developers for efficient handling of complex tasks.

  • Streamlined Development Workflow: As a low-overhead alternative, Golang simplifies the development process, reducing complexity for developers and streamlining workflows.

Python has solidified its position as a must-know scripting language for DevOps professionals. Recognized for its simplicity and beginner-friendly nature, Python boasts an extensive library of modules tailored for diverse tasks within the DevOps domain.

Acknowledged as an all-purpose language, Python holds the distinction of being GitHub's second-most popular programming language and is labeled the fastest-growing major programming language on Stack Overflow.

Python's deployment flexibility shines as its scripts can be directly run on servers, simplifying the deployment process. The language's versatility extends to managing infrastructure (with tools like Puppet or Chef), automating testing (using Selenium, and WebDriver), and building web applications (with frameworks like Django, and Flask).

Numerous organizations leverage Python for infrastructure development, whether for platform creation, automation scripts, or utilities in the Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.

Key Features of Python as a DevOps Scripting Language

top features of golang 1

  • Adaptability & Versatility: Python is a key scripting language for DevOps due to its adaptability across various environments and applications.

  • Platform Compatibility: Versatile across Windows, Linux, and macOS, Python is compatible with multiple platforms, enhancing its appeal for DevOps teams.
  • Application Diversity: Python's versatility extends to diverse applications, covering native and web apps to machine learning—a rare quality among scripting languages.

  • Clean Syntax & Accessibility: Python excels in automation due to its readable, clear syntax, and being an interpreted language, it executes swiftly, offering efficiency compared to compiled languages like Java.

  • Broad Support & Rich Libraries: While not the fastest, Python compensates with widespread support and powerful libraries, addressing its speed limitations and enhancing its overall capabilities.

For DevOps engineers dealing with Windows servers, Powershell is the scripting language of choice.

Powershell, developed by Microsoft on the .NET Framework, serves as a task automation and configuration management framework. Tailored for Windows systems, it provides a command-line shell and scripting environment.

Powershell scripts prove invaluable for automating tasks like system administration, app deployment, and infrastructure management. Beyond automation, it boasts potent features for data manipulation and analysis.

In the field of Windows server management, Powershell takes the lead. It furnishes a robust scripting environment for automating routine tasks and excels in data manipulation and analysis. Moreover, Powershell scripts can be effortlessly deployed directly on the server.

Key Features of PowerShell as a DevOps Scripting Language

top features of Power Shell

  • Windows-Centric Scripting: Powershell is the go-to language for DevOps engineers handling Windows servers, offering specialized scripting for Windows environments.

  • Task Management: Developed by Microsoft, Powershell is a framework designed for task automation, scripting, and configuration management, providing a structured approach for managing Windows systems.

  • Versatile Automation Capabilities: Powershell scripts prove versatile, enabling automation of common tasks such as system administration, app deployment, and infrastructure management.

  • Strong Data Analysis: Beyond automation, Powershell stands out for its robust features in data manipulation and analysis, enhancing its utility for diverse DevOps tasks.

  • Direct Server Deployment: Powershell offers a streamlined deployment process as its scripts can be executed directly on the server, simplifying the implementation of automation solutions.

JavaScript and HTML are the power duo of the internet world, and many famous frameworks like Angular, React, and Node are built with JavaScript.

Beyond server-side tasks, JavaScript has a massive developer community ready to assist on platforms like GitHub and Stack Overflow.

While JavaScript might seem a bit complex for DevOps, it doesn't mean they can't team up. Infrastructure-as-Code (IaaC) tools like Pulumi support JavaScript and Typescript for building code infrastructure.

NodeJS, a server-side JavaScript implementation, lets developers create APIs for backend apps and handy command-line scripts. It comes with modules for DevOps tasks, streamlining processes like app deployments and integrating with tools like Jenkins CI or TravisCI.

Key Features of JavaScript as a DevOps Programming Language

top features of javascript

  • Internet Backbone: JavaScript, along with HTML, forms the backbone of the internet, powering renowned frameworks like Angular, React, and Node.

  • Developer Community Hub: A massive developer community on platforms like GitHub and Stack Overflow makes JavaScript a go-to for support and collaboration.

  • DevOps Collaboration: Although a bit complex for DevOps, JavaScript pairs well with Infrastructure-as-Code tools like Pulumi, supporting the creation of code infrastructure.

  • NodeJS Powerhouse: NodeJS, a server-side JavaScript, empowers developers to build backend APIs and efficient command-line scripts.

  • Versatile Scripting: JavaScript's versatility extends to scripting for backend applications through NodeJS, offering a wide spectrum of modules and libraries for DevOps activities.

Bash scripts, or Linux Shell Scripting, play a crucial role in various DevOps projects, handling tasks like automated installations and configuration management. DevOps engineers rely on Bash to create deployment scripts, streamlining the complex processes of new app releases.

Despite the availability of open-source tools for configuration and deployments, many companies still opt for Bash scripts for their automation needs. Moreover, Bash scripts find extensive use in constructing Docker base images and powering CI/CD pipelines.

Key Features of BASH as a DevOps Programming Language

top features of BASH

  • Handy DevOps Tool: Bash scripts serve as a helpful tool for DevOps, making it easy to do tasks like installations and managing how things are set up.

  • Making Deployments Easy: DevOps folks use Bash to make scripts that do the hard work when they release new apps, making the process smoother.

  • Popular Choice: Even with other tools around, many companies still like using Bash scripts for their automation jobs, showing how much people still like them.

  • Building Docker Magic: Bash scripts help in creating the basic building blocks for Docker applications, making it easier to manage and use them.

  • Pipeline Power: In the world of CI/CD pipelines, Bash scripts are like the backbone, doing important tasks to make sure things keep moving smoothly.

A DevOps engineer can utilize PERL for a range of tasks like web development, data analysis, networking, system administration, and machine learning. PERL stands out as one of the top scripting languages in DevOps due to its flexibility, reliability, and compatibility with various operating systems.

A notable feature of PERL is its role as a software framework, where frameworks are sets of modules working together to create sophisticated applications. While these frameworks typically use the same programming language, they offer flexibility by allowing creation using different tools or languages. 

PERL frameworks simplify complex application development by enabling programmers to combine different components into intricate systems.

Key Features of PERL as a DevOps Programming Language

top features of PERL

  • Diversified DevOps Tasks: PERL is a versatile tool for DevOps engineers, serving purposes ranging from web development and data analysis to networking, system administration, and machine learning.

  • Flexibility & Reliability: Recognized as one of the best scripting languages in DevOps, PERL stands out for its flexibility, reliability, and the ability to seamlessly run on various operating systems.

  • Software Framework Capability: A standout feature of PERL is its role as a software framework. PERL frameworks, consisting of modules working together, enable the creation of complex applications with ease.

  • Language-Neutral Frameworks: PERL frameworks, while primarily using the same programming language, offer the flexibility to be created using different tools or languages, allowing for diverse approaches in application development.

  • Simplified Application Development: PERL frameworks simplify the process of building intricate applications by empowering programmers to combine different components seamlessly, creating cohesive and sophisticated systems.

PHP stands out as a highly popular open-source scripting language for web development. Developers leverage PHP to craft a diverse array of web applications, ranging from personal blogs to extensive business websites.

This programming language is adept at constructing both static and dynamic websites. Additionally, PHP empowers developers to seamlessly integrate payment processors, social media channels, and widgets into their creations.

Developers often work with PHP on their own, and at times, they blend it with other scripting languages like JavaScript and SQL. This combination enables the creation of more comprehensive and feature-rich websites.

Key Features of PHP as a DevOps Scripting Language

top features of PHP

  • Enhanced Web Development: PHP is a go-to open-source scripting language widely used for building various web applications, catering to needs ranging from small personal blogs to large-scale business websites.

  • Static & Dynamic Capabilities: PHP excels in building both static and dynamic websites, offering flexibility to developers based on project requirements.

  • Integration of Features: Developers make use of PHP's power to seamlessly integrate essential features such as payment processors, social media channels, and widgets, enhancing the functionality of their web applications.

  • Collaborative Usage: PHP is employed independently by developers for standalone projects. Simultaneously, it seamlessly collaborates with other scripting languages like JavaScript and SQL, expanding the scope of web development possibilities.

  • Comprehensive Website Building: Combined with languages like JavaScript and SQL, PHP enables developers to construct well-rounded and feature-rich websites, addressing diverse needs in the realm of web development.

Opting for Jenkins Pipelines? Groovy is the way to go. Built on Java, Groovy is a natural pick for developers familiar with programming. Its primary applications include automating tasks in software development, like file building, code compilation, and test execution.

In the world of DevOps Tools and languages, Groovy takes the spotlight in Jenkins. Mastering Groovy scripting opens the door to effortlessly crafting Jenkins pipelines as code and utilizing Jenkins shared libraries. 

Moreover, Groovy's seamless integration with Java facilitates a smooth transition for developers, leveraging their existing Java skills. Its concise and expressive syntax reduces the verbosity of code, enhancing readability and maintainability.

Key Features of Groovy as a DevOps Scripting Language

top features of groovy

  • Elegance in Simplicity: Groovy's concise syntax accelerates development and enhances code readability, promoting efficient collaboration and easier comprehension of contributions.

  • Dynamic Flexibility: Groovy's dynamic scripting capabilities empower the creation of adaptable Jenkins Pipelines, responding dynamically to evolving project requirements.

  • Pipeline Powerhouse: Groovy serves as the backbone for Jenkins Pipelines, offering a robust framework for defining CI/CD workflows, from building and testing to deployment.

  • Community-Driven Innovation: Groovy thrives in a vibrant community, ensuring a rich ecosystem of plugins and resources. This collaborative environment fosters ongoing support and continuous innovation for Jenkins automation projects.

  • Agile Adaptability: Groovy's dynamic scripting empowers agile practices, allowing Jenkins Pipelines to swiftly adapt to evolving project needs for a responsive development lifecycle.

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a computer language for storing, manipulating, and querying data in relational databases. In the world of DevOps, SQL's container support is key. SQL Server 2017 extends its reach by supporting Linux OS, ensuring its containers seamlessly run on Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms.

To deal with lots of data in the industry, it's important to learn a language called Structured Query Language (SQL). This language is great for working with databases. You can also make your internal systems safer by understanding how SQL works.

Key Features of SQL as a DevOps Programming Language

top features of SQL

  • Better Data Handling: SQL excels at managing and handling data in databases, making it a go-to language for organizing and working with large amounts of information.

  • Powerful Queries: Its strength lies in crafting and executing compelling queries, allowing users to retrieve, update, and manipulate data efficiently.

  • Enhanced Security: Understanding SQL can enhance the security of internal systems, providing tools and knowledge to safeguard against potential attacks.

  • Compatibility With Platforms: SQL Server 2017's support for Linux OS and compatibility with Windows, Linux, and macOS ensures versatility in deployment across various operating systems.

  • DevOps Friendliness: SQL is a valuable asset in DevOps, especially with its robust container support. This feature facilitates seamless deployment and operation across different environments.

Ruby stands out as a top choice for scripting in IT, streamlining repetitive tasks effectively. This dynamic language serves as one of the potent tools in the DevOps LifeCycle, finding its niche in web development, data science, and unit testing.

Its popularity in the IT sector is continuously on the rise, thanks to its small learning curve, making it accessible for beginners without extensive programming experience.

DevOps engineers favor Ruby for crafting small web apps, including straightforward CMS platforms. Yet, its capabilities extend to supporting intricate applications like messaging platforms and e-commerce websites.

Ruby proves its relevance in constructing web services and developing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

Key Features of Ruby as a DevOps Scripting Language

top features of ruby

  • Increased Automation: Ruby shines as a scripting language, excelling in automating repetitive tasks within the IT landscape. Its dynamic and interpreted nature makes it a preferred choice for streamlining processes.

  • DevOps Efficiency: Ruby is a potent tool for DevOps, seamlessly integrating into web development, data science, and unit testing workflows. Its versatility lends itself well to the multifaceted demands of modern IT environments.

  • Beginner-Friendly: With a small learning curve, Ruby welcomes beginners to programming. It allows individuals to dive into scripting without requiring a solid foundation in programming, facilitating a smooth entry into the coding world.

  • Wide Applicability: DevOps engineers leverage Ruby for a spectrum of projects, from crafting simple CMS platforms to supporting complex applications like messaging platforms and e-commerce websites. This adaptability makes Ruby a versatile choice in diverse development scenarios.

  • Web Services & APIs: Ruby's relevance extends to building web services and creating Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Its capabilities contribute to the seamless integration of applications and the development of interconnected software solutions.

Why Is Programming Essential In DevOps?

To have a strong DevOps strategy, you need to be good at programming and scripting. DevOps, as a methodology, relies on:

  • Proficient programming and scripting skills to automate crucial aspects like infrastructure

  • Error-prone tasks in software development (e.g., deploying apps across different environments)

  • Infrastructure management (monitoring and scaling servers, ensuring responsiveness under high loads)

  • Testing (handling virtualization infrastructure for regression tests).

In the past, achieving continuous integration and continuous delivery seemed nearly impossible. However, with advanced automation, the process of application delivery becomes smooth through continuous integration/continuous delivery workflows.

Simultaneously, there's a substantial surge in open-source tools, offering flexibility to tailor them to specific CI/CD requirements. Programming plays a pivotal role in enabling these advancements.

Wrapping Up

Picking the perfect DevOps programming language for your journey as a DevOps engineer might feel confusing. When deciding, think about the projects you want to tackle in this role. Also, consider how challenging the language is. Are there simpler languages similar to it? Considering these factors will guide you in making the right choice for your career.

DevOps Engineers can always embrace learning new and diverse programming and scripting languages, regardless of their experience level.

With technological advancements in automation and operations, there are continual opportunities to work on and enhance new skills and programming languages. It's never too late to indulge in the world of evolving technologies and keep an eye on the latest DevOps trends.

Check Out InvoZone's DevOps Services in Action

As the tech landscape evolves, implementing and automating DevOps practices have become more important than ever. If you're looking to optimize your DevOps practices and stay ahead in this dynamic field, consider partnering with InvoZone.

We specialize in DevOps strategies for streamlined workflows, enhanced automation, and robust CI/CD pipelines, elevating your development processes with expertise.

Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your DevOps journey. Explore the DevOps services and solutions we offer and take a decisive step towards efficiency and innovation in your software development lifecycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

For DevOps, focus on languages like Python, Ruby, and Shell scripting. Python is versatile, Ruby is great for automation, and Shell scripting is essential for system tasks. Tailor your choice based on your project needs and preferences.

Programming languages in DevOps serve to automate tasks, streamline processes, and enable seamless communication between different tools and systems. 

They are the backbone for scripting, configuration management, and building robust automation pipelines, ultimately enhancing efficiency and agility in the software development lifecycle.

Yes, coding is integral to DevOps. While it doesn't demand advanced programming skills, a basic understanding of scripting languages like Python, Bash, or Ruby is essential. 

Coding in DevOps enables automation, configuration management, and the creation of efficient workflows, fostering collaboration between development and operations teams.

The main difference lies in how they are used. A programming language is compiled before execution, turning the entire code into machine-readable binary. In contrast, a scripting language is interpreted line by line, executing the code directly without a separate compilation step. 

Scripting languages, like Python or JavaScript, are often used for automation and quick task execution, while programming languages, like Java or C++, are employed for more extensive software development projects.

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DevOps is a big word for how people make software and make sure it works well with computer systems. It's a cool trend in the tech world that wants to bring together the folks who make the software and the ones who run the computer stuff.

Why is it cool? Well, it's because it makes everyone talk more, work together better, and ensure that when they implement the software, it happens smoothly and quickly. Imagine doing a task in two steps instead of one—it's like that, but for making and using software.

With its own set of programming languages for DevOps, developers are not only learning to do awesome things in the "cloud," they're also picking up these DevOps languages to control their computer systems from far away through extensive lines of code.

Because DevOps is becoming a big deal and super handy for companies, we present to you a list of the 10 best programming languages for DevOps that you can learn to jump into the world of cloud computing. Check out these languages to start your DevOps journey!

What Does DevOps Mean?

DevOps comes from combining the words 'Development' and 'Operations.' It's like a special mix of developers and IT experts working together in a unique process. They use different ways of working together and tools to make software better, deliver it faster, and make sure it works well.

devops market

The people in DevOps, called DevOps engineers, use easy automated tools to get work done faster. They focus on making everything smooth for customers, creating new features, putting the software into action, testing it, and keeping an eye on how it's doing.

DevOps is all about teamwork, talking a lot, and always trying to do things better. To make this happen, DevOps engineers learn special computer languages. These languages help them speed up how often they release new and improved software.

A top-notch DevOps engineer knows many programming and scripting languages for DevOps. The more languages they know, the better they are at making things run smoothly and building software the right way.

What Programming And Scripting Languages Are Essential For DevOps Engineers To Learn?

The purpose of DevOps is to bridge the divide between software development and IT operations, and programming languages play a pivotal role in this endeavor. 

top 10 best programming and scripting languages for devOps

Choosing the right programming language is crucial for success in DevOps, particularly in achieving Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD).

Explore the following popular programming languages for DevOps here!

Golang, also known as Go, stands out as a statically typed and compiled language operating on the Google Go programming platform. It ranks among the fastest programming languages for DevOps engineers engaged in crafting web applications, command-line tools, and desktop applications.

Crafted by Google in 2009, this programming language serves as a high-performance, low-overhead alternative to counterparts like Java or Python. Thanks to its compiled nature, Golang applications boast swift startup times and typically demand fewer resources compared to interpreted languages like JavaScript.

Golang finds its sweet spot in large-scale software projects and the realm of big data analytics. What sets "Go" apart is its ability to empower programmers with enhanced runtime optimizations, including constant folding and dead code elimination, giving it a distinctive edge over other languages.

Key Features of GoLang as a DevOps Programming Language

top features of goLang

  • Swift Performance: Golang stands out for its swift and efficient performance, making it a top choice for developing high-speed applications.

  • Efficient Resource Utilization: With compiled code, Golang ensures optimal resource usage, delivering speedy startups and requiring fewer system resources.

  • Adaptable Development: Golang's versatility shines as DevOps engineers find it adaptable for creating a range of applications, from web tools to command-line utilities.

  • Scaling for Big Projects: Tailored for large-scale projects and data analytics, Golang's runtime optimizations empower developers for efficient handling of complex tasks.

  • Streamlined Development Workflow: As a low-overhead alternative, Golang simplifies the development process, reducing complexity for developers and streamlining workflows.

Python has solidified its position as a must-know scripting language for DevOps professionals. Recognized for its simplicity and beginner-friendly nature, Python boasts an extensive library of modules tailored for diverse tasks within the DevOps domain.

Acknowledged as an all-purpose language, Python holds the distinction of being GitHub's second-most popular programming language and is labeled the fastest-growing major programming language on Stack Overflow.

Python's deployment flexibility shines as its scripts can be directly run on servers, simplifying the deployment process. The language's versatility extends to managing infrastructure (with tools like Puppet or Chef), automating testing (using Selenium, and WebDriver), and building web applications (with frameworks like Django, and Flask).

Numerous organizations leverage Python for infrastructure development, whether for platform creation, automation scripts, or utilities in the Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.

Key Features of Python as a DevOps Scripting Language

top features of golang 1

  • Adaptability & Versatility: Python is a key scripting language for DevOps due to its adaptability across various environments and applications.

  • Platform Compatibility: Versatile across Windows, Linux, and macOS, Python is compatible with multiple platforms, enhancing its appeal for DevOps teams.
  • Application Diversity: Python's versatility extends to diverse applications, covering native and web apps to machine learning—a rare quality among scripting languages.

  • Clean Syntax & Accessibility: Python excels in automation due to its readable, clear syntax, and being an interpreted language, it executes swiftly, offering efficiency compared to compiled languages like Java.

  • Broad Support & Rich Libraries: While not the fastest, Python compensates with widespread support and powerful libraries, addressing its speed limitations and enhancing its overall capabilities.

For DevOps engineers dealing with Windows servers, Powershell is the scripting language of choice.

Powershell, developed by Microsoft on the .NET Framework, serves as a task automation and configuration management framework. Tailored for Windows systems, it provides a command-line shell and scripting environment.

Powershell scripts prove invaluable for automating tasks like system administration, app deployment, and infrastructure management. Beyond automation, it boasts potent features for data manipulation and analysis.

In the field of Windows server management, Powershell takes the lead. It furnishes a robust scripting environment for automating routine tasks and excels in data manipulation and analysis. Moreover, Powershell scripts can be effortlessly deployed directly on the server.

Key Features of PowerShell as a DevOps Scripting Language

top features of Power Shell

  • Windows-Centric Scripting: Powershell is the go-to language for DevOps engineers handling Windows servers, offering specialized scripting for Windows environments.

  • Task Management: Developed by Microsoft, Powershell is a framework designed for task automation, scripting, and configuration management, providing a structured approach for managing Windows systems.

  • Versatile Automation Capabilities: Powershell scripts prove versatile, enabling automation of common tasks such as system administration, app deployment, and infrastructure management.

  • Strong Data Analysis: Beyond automation, Powershell stands out for its robust features in data manipulation and analysis, enhancing its utility for diverse DevOps tasks.

  • Direct Server Deployment: Powershell offers a streamlined deployment process as its scripts can be executed directly on the server, simplifying the implementation of automation solutions.

JavaScript and HTML are the power duo of the internet world, and many famous frameworks like Angular, React, and Node are built with JavaScript.

Beyond server-side tasks, JavaScript has a massive developer community ready to assist on platforms like GitHub and Stack Overflow.

While JavaScript might seem a bit complex for DevOps, it doesn't mean they can't team up. Infrastructure-as-Code (IaaC) tools like Pulumi support JavaScript and Typescript for building code infrastructure.

NodeJS, a server-side JavaScript implementation, lets developers create APIs for backend apps and handy command-line scripts. It comes with modules for DevOps tasks, streamlining processes like app deployments and integrating with tools like Jenkins CI or TravisCI.

Key Features of JavaScript as a DevOps Programming Language

top features of javascript

  • Internet Backbone: JavaScript, along with HTML, forms the backbone of the internet, powering renowned frameworks like Angular, React, and Node.

  • Developer Community Hub: A massive developer community on platforms like GitHub and Stack Overflow makes JavaScript a go-to for support and collaboration.

  • DevOps Collaboration: Although a bit complex for DevOps, JavaScript pairs well with Infrastructure-as-Code tools like Pulumi, supporting the creation of code infrastructure.

  • NodeJS Powerhouse: NodeJS, a server-side JavaScript, empowers developers to build backend APIs and efficient command-line scripts.

  • Versatile Scripting: JavaScript's versatility extends to scripting for backend applications through NodeJS, offering a wide spectrum of modules and libraries for DevOps activities.

Bash scripts, or Linux Shell Scripting, play a crucial role in various DevOps projects, handling tasks like automated installations and configuration management. DevOps engineers rely on Bash to create deployment scripts, streamlining the complex processes of new app releases.

Despite the availability of open-source tools for configuration and deployments, many companies still opt for Bash scripts for their automation needs. Moreover, Bash scripts find extensive use in constructing Docker base images and powering CI/CD pipelines.

Key Features of BASH as a DevOps Programming Language

top features of BASH

  • Handy DevOps Tool: Bash scripts serve as a helpful tool for DevOps, making it easy to do tasks like installations and managing how things are set up.

  • Making Deployments Easy: DevOps folks use Bash to make scripts that do the hard work when they release new apps, making the process smoother.

  • Popular Choice: Even with other tools around, many companies still like using Bash scripts for their automation jobs, showing how much people still like them.

  • Building Docker Magic: Bash scripts help in creating the basic building blocks for Docker applications, making it easier to manage and use them.

  • Pipeline Power: In the world of CI/CD pipelines, Bash scripts are like the backbone, doing important tasks to make sure things keep moving smoothly.

A DevOps engineer can utilize PERL for a range of tasks like web development, data analysis, networking, system administration, and machine learning. PERL stands out as one of the top scripting languages in DevOps due to its flexibility, reliability, and compatibility with various operating systems.

A notable feature of PERL is its role as a software framework, where frameworks are sets of modules working together to create sophisticated applications. While these frameworks typically use the same programming language, they offer flexibility by allowing creation using different tools or languages. 

PERL frameworks simplify complex application development by enabling programmers to combine different components into intricate systems.

Key Features of PERL as a DevOps Programming Language

top features of PERL

  • Diversified DevOps Tasks: PERL is a versatile tool for DevOps engineers, serving purposes ranging from web development and data analysis to networking, system administration, and machine learning.

  • Flexibility & Reliability: Recognized as one of the best scripting languages in DevOps, PERL stands out for its flexibility, reliability, and the ability to seamlessly run on various operating systems.

  • Software Framework Capability: A standout feature of PERL is its role as a software framework. PERL frameworks, consisting of modules working together, enable the creation of complex applications with ease.

  • Language-Neutral Frameworks: PERL frameworks, while primarily using the same programming language, offer the flexibility to be created using different tools or languages, allowing for diverse approaches in application development.

  • Simplified Application Development: PERL frameworks simplify the process of building intricate applications by empowering programmers to combine different components seamlessly, creating cohesive and sophisticated systems.

PHP stands out as a highly popular open-source scripting language for web development. Developers leverage PHP to craft a diverse array of web applications, ranging from personal blogs to extensive business websites.

This programming language is adept at constructing both static and dynamic websites. Additionally, PHP empowers developers to seamlessly integrate payment processors, social media channels, and widgets into their creations.

Developers often work with PHP on their own, and at times, they blend it with other scripting languages like JavaScript and SQL. This combination enables the creation of more comprehensive and feature-rich websites.

Key Features of PHP as a DevOps Scripting Language

top features of PHP

  • Enhanced Web Development: PHP is a go-to open-source scripting language widely used for building various web applications, catering to needs ranging from small personal blogs to large-scale business websites.

  • Static & Dynamic Capabilities: PHP excels in building both static and dynamic websites, offering flexibility to developers based on project requirements.

  • Integration of Features: Developers make use of PHP's power to seamlessly integrate essential features such as payment processors, social media channels, and widgets, enhancing the functionality of their web applications.

  • Collaborative Usage: PHP is employed independently by developers for standalone projects. Simultaneously, it seamlessly collaborates with other scripting languages like JavaScript and SQL, expanding the scope of web development possibilities.

  • Comprehensive Website Building: Combined with languages like JavaScript and SQL, PHP enables developers to construct well-rounded and feature-rich websites, addressing diverse needs in the realm of web development.

Opting for Jenkins Pipelines? Groovy is the way to go. Built on Java, Groovy is a natural pick for developers familiar with programming. Its primary applications include automating tasks in software development, like file building, code compilation, and test execution.

In the world of DevOps Tools and languages, Groovy takes the spotlight in Jenkins. Mastering Groovy scripting opens the door to effortlessly crafting Jenkins pipelines as code and utilizing Jenkins shared libraries. 

Moreover, Groovy's seamless integration with Java facilitates a smooth transition for developers, leveraging their existing Java skills. Its concise and expressive syntax reduces the verbosity of code, enhancing readability and maintainability.

Key Features of Groovy as a DevOps Scripting Language

top features of groovy

  • Elegance in Simplicity: Groovy's concise syntax accelerates development and enhances code readability, promoting efficient collaboration and easier comprehension of contributions.

  • Dynamic Flexibility: Groovy's dynamic scripting capabilities empower the creation of adaptable Jenkins Pipelines, responding dynamically to evolving project requirements.

  • Pipeline Powerhouse: Groovy serves as the backbone for Jenkins Pipelines, offering a robust framework for defining CI/CD workflows, from building and testing to deployment.

  • Community-Driven Innovation: Groovy thrives in a vibrant community, ensuring a rich ecosystem of plugins and resources. This collaborative environment fosters ongoing support and continuous innovation for Jenkins automation projects.

  • Agile Adaptability: Groovy's dynamic scripting empowers agile practices, allowing Jenkins Pipelines to swiftly adapt to evolving project needs for a responsive development lifecycle.

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a computer language for storing, manipulating, and querying data in relational databases. In the world of DevOps, SQL's container support is key. SQL Server 2017 extends its reach by supporting Linux OS, ensuring its containers seamlessly run on Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms.

To deal with lots of data in the industry, it's important to learn a language called Structured Query Language (SQL). This language is great for working with databases. You can also make your internal systems safer by understanding how SQL works.

Key Features of SQL as a DevOps Programming Language

top features of SQL

  • Better Data Handling: SQL excels at managing and handling data in databases, making it a go-to language for organizing and working with large amounts of information.

  • Powerful Queries: Its strength lies in crafting and executing compelling queries, allowing users to retrieve, update, and manipulate data efficiently.

  • Enhanced Security: Understanding SQL can enhance the security of internal systems, providing tools and knowledge to safeguard against potential attacks.

  • Compatibility With Platforms: SQL Server 2017's support for Linux OS and compatibility with Windows, Linux, and macOS ensures versatility in deployment across various operating systems.

  • DevOps Friendliness: SQL is a valuable asset in DevOps, especially with its robust container support. This feature facilitates seamless deployment and operation across different environments.

Ruby stands out as a top choice for scripting in IT, streamlining repetitive tasks effectively. This dynamic language serves as one of the potent tools in the DevOps LifeCycle, finding its niche in web development, data science, and unit testing.

Its popularity in the IT sector is continuously on the rise, thanks to its small learning curve, making it accessible for beginners without extensive programming experience.

DevOps engineers favor Ruby for crafting small web apps, including straightforward CMS platforms. Yet, its capabilities extend to supporting intricate applications like messaging platforms and e-commerce websites.

Ruby proves its relevance in constructing web services and developing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

Key Features of Ruby as a DevOps Scripting Language

top features of ruby

  • Increased Automation: Ruby shines as a scripting language, excelling in automating repetitive tasks within the IT landscape. Its dynamic and interpreted nature makes it a preferred choice for streamlining processes.

  • DevOps Efficiency: Ruby is a potent tool for DevOps, seamlessly integrating into web development, data science, and unit testing workflows. Its versatility lends itself well to the multifaceted demands of modern IT environments.

  • Beginner-Friendly: With a small learning curve, Ruby welcomes beginners to programming. It allows individuals to dive into scripting without requiring a solid foundation in programming, facilitating a smooth entry into the coding world.

  • Wide Applicability: DevOps engineers leverage Ruby for a spectrum of projects, from crafting simple CMS platforms to supporting complex applications like messaging platforms and e-commerce websites. This adaptability makes Ruby a versatile choice in diverse development scenarios.

  • Web Services & APIs: Ruby's relevance extends to building web services and creating Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Its capabilities contribute to the seamless integration of applications and the development of interconnected software solutions.

Why Is Programming Essential In DevOps?

To have a strong DevOps strategy, you need to be good at programming and scripting. DevOps, as a methodology, relies on:

  • Proficient programming and scripting skills to automate crucial aspects like infrastructure

  • Error-prone tasks in software development (e.g., deploying apps across different environments)

  • Infrastructure management (monitoring and scaling servers, ensuring responsiveness under high loads)

  • Testing (handling virtualization infrastructure for regression tests).

In the past, achieving continuous integration and continuous delivery seemed nearly impossible. However, with advanced automation, the process of application delivery becomes smooth through continuous integration/continuous delivery workflows.

Simultaneously, there's a substantial surge in open-source tools, offering flexibility to tailor them to specific CI/CD requirements. Programming plays a pivotal role in enabling these advancements.

Wrapping Up

Picking the perfect DevOps programming language for your journey as a DevOps engineer might feel confusing. When deciding, think about the projects you want to tackle in this role. Also, consider how challenging the language is. Are there simpler languages similar to it? Considering these factors will guide you in making the right choice for your career.

DevOps Engineers can always embrace learning new and diverse programming and scripting languages, regardless of their experience level.

With technological advancements in automation and operations, there are continual opportunities to work on and enhance new skills and programming languages. It's never too late to indulge in the world of evolving technologies and keep an eye on the latest DevOps trends.

Check Out InvoZone's DevOps Services in Action

As the tech landscape evolves, implementing and automating DevOps practices have become more important than ever. If you're looking to optimize your DevOps practices and stay ahead in this dynamic field, consider partnering with InvoZone.

We specialize in DevOps strategies for streamlined workflows, enhanced automation, and robust CI/CD pipelines, elevating your development processes with expertise.

Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your DevOps journey. Explore the DevOps services and solutions we offer and take a decisive step towards efficiency and innovation in your software development lifecycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

For DevOps, focus on languages like Python, Ruby, and Shell scripting. Python is versatile, Ruby is great for automation, and Shell scripting is essential for system tasks. Tailor your choice based on your project needs and preferences.

Programming languages in DevOps serve to automate tasks, streamline processes, and enable seamless communication between different tools and systems. 

They are the backbone for scripting, configuration management, and building robust automation pipelines, ultimately enhancing efficiency and agility in the software development lifecycle.

Yes, coding is integral to DevOps. While it doesn't demand advanced programming skills, a basic understanding of scripting languages like Python, Bash, or Ruby is essential. 

Coding in DevOps enables automation, configuration management, and the creation of efficient workflows, fostering collaboration between development and operations teams.

The main difference lies in how they are used. A programming language is compiled before execution, turning the entire code into machine-readable binary. In contrast, a scripting language is interpreted line by line, executing the code directly without a separate compilation step. 

Scripting languages, like Python or JavaScript, are often used for automation and quick task execution, while programming languages, like Java or C++, are employed for more extensive software development projects.

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Sana Kayani

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Sana Kayani

With a passion for playing around with words and always exploring different domains, she's... Know more

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