Collaborative Intelligence: How Are Humans and AI Working Together?

Collaborative Intelligence: How Are Humans and AI Working Together?

We are annoyed at AI, which is wreaking havoc on the older corporate neighborhood. However, once we learn to align our interests with it and master the skill of controlling it according to our needs, we will conquer the greatest curves of market shares and dreamlike brand image.


Last Updated On : 13 September, 2023


6 min read

In This Article:

We are living in a pivotal period of collaborative intelligence. Leaders now face dramatically different problems than their ancestors, who were trained how to be right but not how to coordinate with others. They were prepared for a "market share" economy. 

On the contrary, we are now in a "mind-sharing" environment, no longer dealing with analytic and procedural problems. The credit goes to Artificial Intelligence (AI) gems and jewels. 

We are actively collaborating with this mind-blowing technology in new and connected ways. Because of this genius technology, people can devise novel answers to challenging problems. It drilled and grounded a way for us to excel across countries, cultures, time zones, and temperaments, breaking through barriers. 

Instead of sitting on a couch drooling over a big pack of Flaming Hot Cheetos, AI has stimulated our brains to shoot an answer: READY, AIM, FIRE! 

To put it differently, combining AI with human talent yields an amalgamation of raw ideas that will streamline the digital process, reduce costly endeavors and shrink the timeline.

However, a wave of fear has infected our minds that AI is here to replace humans. But I see it as an opportunity to translate unstructured and untampered data into valuable and organized information in seconds. In my painting, collaborative artificial intelligence is an innovation that will relax the weary muscles of our brains, give us time to revitalize our creative juices, and create something our target audience can relate to.

AI Technology Changing the World of Voice Coaching

Want to find out how AI fueled app Vocal Image is helping people with stroke to speak again? watch this episode


What is Collaboration AI?

The idea of cultivating a team spirit between humans and AI is the founding principle of collaborative intelligence. AI can augment human capabilities and intelligence to enhance problem-solving and decision-making processes. Simultaneously, this close cooperation will reduce the errors and distractions that lead businesses to the savage tornado of poor brand awareness and financial crisis. AI techniques running in the background and data filtering with the convolutional neural networks make it a reality.

In simple words, a seamless and complementary relationship between the two can create a software or application that is greater than the sum of its parts. 

However, many of us are failing to see the opportunities for human-AI interaction like Luddites. In the 19th century, textile artisans rebelled against the vicinity of labor-saving machinery in Nottingham. They thought the advanced machinery was causing unemployment, turning their warm homes into dilapidated warehouses. Eventually, the rebellion took the name of the Luddite Movement

Today, the word “Luddite” represents individuals who close their doors in the face of the latest technological advancements. They specifically dislike devices that threaten their jobs. In terms of AI, we can empathize with the Luddites' philosophy to an extent. The futuristic stance that we can teach machinery to perform on its own is a Nobel prize-winning one. Why are you needed if a machine can do your job?

Good news! AI replacing humans is a pipe dream. This mastermind technology is here to augment existing roles, no matter what impression the movie Eagle Eye left on its audience. AI Collaborative creates a vacant space for humans to handle strategic tasks while AI does the heavy lifting of repetitive tasks. 

The Opportunity To Launch, Grow, And Win

To make faster and smarter decisions, AI Collaborative helps businesses adjust to dynamic events rapidly. A simple example is the changing customer behavior in 2020. Customers happily danced to the beat of online shopping, hitting the internet with a tsunami of data. Such a swell in data emboldened businesses to crumple and rise to the challenge of containing it. Thereupon, the corporate panorama digitally transformed to meet the demand.

collaboration in business intelligence

Businesses adopted AI-powered systems to liberate employees from knots of massive data and serve them with unbiased insights. Now, employees can gauge a better understanding of customers, from previous behavior to the latest searches—all accomplished with AI-generated analytics supporting their backbone.

As a result, employees can publish personalized content and customized products/services. You can also learn more about how you can enhance your content with audio-to-text conversion. Concurrently, they can initiate instant communication across various platforms, giving their customers a full experience!

Today, the number of online shoppers stands at 2.14 billion. To put it differently, this makes up 27.6 percent of the world’s population.

Collaborative Intelligence benefits

Source: Oberlo

Hence, cooperative intelligence can optimize and enhance the productivity of employees organization-wide in high-value areas such as customer service, fraud detection, sales, operations, and more.

Benefits of Collaborative Intelligence To Reimagine Your Business Structure

Whether you are swimming in data or teaching a chatbot, collaborative AI is necessary for individual and collective survival. We have no choice but to think together. Therefore, dive into the Collaborative Intelligence benefits to make AI-ML algorithms serve you better.

Benefits of Collaborative Intelligence

Amplifying Creativity 

Have you experienced the humbleness of Autodesk’s Dreamcatcher AI? This tool gives designers the inspiration to design, grasping at their wildest imaginations and snatching them out of the clogged drains. 

To demonstrate, a designer feeds Dreamcatcher the requirements of the product. For instance, she wants a chair design able to support up to 200 pounds, made of wood, costing less than $80. Then, thousands of designs matching those standards emanate from the AI tool. It will spark ideas that never touched her mind, even in passing. Later, she can guide the software to new rounds of designs, indicating what she likes or dislikes.

Throughout the iterative process, Dreamcatcher creates a sanctuary for designers to settle back and concentrate on the key aspects, i.e., deploying human strengths, professional judgment, and aesthetic sensibilities. Much like Dreamcatcher, business owners can input their brand requirements and preferences into an AI logo maker. Within moments, a plethora of logo options materialize, spanning from elegant and minimalist designs to bold and vibrant representations. These AI-powered tools spark fresh concepts that might have eluded entrepreneurs, igniting novel perspectives for their brand identity."

Virtual Interaction 

Human-machine collaboration eliminates communication barriers by enabling companies to communicate with employees and customers in a novel way. Among various collaborative intelligence examples of virtual assistants and chatbots, Siri can schedule a meeting on your one command and transcribe audio into notes and memos. Such an AI chatbot can provide routine customer service to a bevy of people across different time zones and geographical locations.

collaborative intelligence examples

Another example is the application of the AIDA chatbot finance sector. A Swedish bank, SEB, was awarded for the innovative use of this AI collaborative technology. AIDA interacted with numerous customers, utilizing natural language in conversation. With access to a vast amount of data, Aida was capable of answering frequently asked questions and providing solutions to customer issues by asking additional questions.

Furthermore, Aida had the ability to analyze the tone of voice of the customer (like frustration or disappointment) and utilize that information to provide better service in the future.

Handles Repetitive Tasks

In the manufacturing industry, collaborative intelligence AI applications are configured into robots as well. Thus, robots are transforming from being potentially dangerous and simple machines into intelligent and context-aware "cobots". A cobot arm can perform repetitive heavy lifting tasks, while a human worker does tasks requiring dexterity and judgment, like assembling a gear motor. 

For example, Hyundai is further developing this idea by using exoskeletons, wearable robots that can adjust to the user and environment in real time, allowing industrial workers to perform their jobs with enhanced endurance and strength.

Reducing Time Waste

Clothing is like a dream, a reflection of one's inner self, and now with the advent of AI, H&M has been able to make that dream a reality with unparalleled speed and efficiency. The use of AI in fashion design has reduced waste and made the design process so much more efficient. It's almost as if it's an extension of the designer's own mind. AI analyzes vast amounts of data in a mere moment and provides insightful predictions, ensuring that every stitch is in its place. Such collaboration between humans and AI is a true testament to the power of progress.

Moreover, one cannot deny the presence of ChatGPT, an AI bot whose popularity spread like wildfire. The researchers and writers can access information in real-time, saving the time and effort involved in skimming through whitepapers, reports, anthologies, books, videos, and more. Its miraculous ability extends to answering frequently asked questions or reports, freeing up your bandwidth for high-level tasks. However, its marketing team doesn’t hold back when people try to outsmart ChatGPT.

Scaling Up on The Fly

Tenth-rate scalability is an obstacle to business improvement. It is a business operation relying heavily on extensive human resources with minimal machine assistance. Therefore, it necessitates the application of human-AI collaboration. 

Let’s dissect the employment recruitment process at Unilever and how collaborative intelligence can boost business innovation.  

The giant has adopted the use of Artificial Intelligence in their recruitment process. It is a match made in heaven, a union between man and machine with a happily ever after. The utilization of AI in their hiring process sorted through a vast number of job applications with unprecedented efficiency and economy. The machine learning algorithms scanned resumes with alacrity, providing human recruiters with a list of the most fitting candidates for the role.

This marriage between AI and Unilever enabled individualized hiring. In the first stage, AI conducted online game assessments of candidates. The AI system had no right or wrong answers as the game assessed their personalities, tone, and body language.

Later, shortlisted candidates received interview invitations to have an in-person meeting with the concerned managers to make the final hiring decision. 

Consequently, this application of AI reduced the recruitment process from four months to four weeks, reducing the time to review the applications by 75%. 

Introducing Personalization

Providing exclusive and personalized experiences to customers is responsible for WHOOP of delight in marketing. With AI under the thumb of humans and this collaboration in business intelligence, your business can achieve precision at a vast scale.

Consider Spotify, a music streaming app. This platform prepares a customized playlist depending on your preferences in songs, genres, albums, and artists.

expert software developers

Source: Spotify Wrapped 2022

Then, we have Starbucks! Upon the customer’s permission, AI integration uses the previous order history data, helping baristas to make personalized recommendations.

Collaborative ai Starbucks

Source: Starbucks Stories

Making an AI-powered App To Mobilize Collaborative Intelligence

Turn your employees into strategists and customers into loyal allies with an AI-powered app! All you need is to hire expert AI developers of InvoZone who understand the need of the hour.

So book a free consultation today and boost your productivity tomorrow. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is collaborative artificial intelligence?

Collaborative artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the combination of human and machine intelligence to work together to solve complex problems and perform tasks. In this system, humans and machines complement each other's strengths, with AI providing speed, accuracy, and scalability and humans providing creativity and critical thinking.

Why is collaborative intelligence important? 

Collaborative intelligence enables humans and machines to work together to solve complex problems that are beyond the capabilities of either party alone.

By automating repetitive tasks and reducing errors, it can also help organizations save time and money. Concurrently, humans can focus on higher-level tasks that require critical thinking, creativity, and empathy, allowing them to perform their jobs more effectively.

How does collaborative decision-making impact business intelligence?

Collaborative decision-making improves business intelligence by:

  • Improving data quality and accuracy.
  • Generating new insights and ideas.
  • Increasing buy-in and acceptance of decisions.
  • Enabling faster, informed decisions.
  • Aligning with organizational goals and strategies.
Learn More About AI

Don’t Have Time To Read Now? Download It For Later.

We are living in a pivotal period of collaborative intelligence. Leaders now face dramatically different problems than their ancestors, who were trained how to be right but not how to coordinate with others. They were prepared for a "market share" economy. 

On the contrary, we are now in a "mind-sharing" environment, no longer dealing with analytic and procedural problems. The credit goes to Artificial Intelligence (AI) gems and jewels. 

We are actively collaborating with this mind-blowing technology in new and connected ways. Because of this genius technology, people can devise novel answers to challenging problems. It drilled and grounded a way for us to excel across countries, cultures, time zones, and temperaments, breaking through barriers. 

Instead of sitting on a couch drooling over a big pack of Flaming Hot Cheetos, AI has stimulated our brains to shoot an answer: READY, AIM, FIRE! 

To put it differently, combining AI with human talent yields an amalgamation of raw ideas that will streamline the digital process, reduce costly endeavors and shrink the timeline.

However, a wave of fear has infected our minds that AI is here to replace humans. But I see it as an opportunity to translate unstructured and untampered data into valuable and organized information in seconds. In my painting, collaborative artificial intelligence is an innovation that will relax the weary muscles of our brains, give us time to revitalize our creative juices, and create something our target audience can relate to.

AI Technology Changing the World of Voice Coaching

Want to find out how AI fueled app Vocal Image is helping people with stroke to speak again? watch this episode


What is Collaboration AI?

The idea of cultivating a team spirit between humans and AI is the founding principle of collaborative intelligence. AI can augment human capabilities and intelligence to enhance problem-solving and decision-making processes. Simultaneously, this close cooperation will reduce the errors and distractions that lead businesses to the savage tornado of poor brand awareness and financial crisis. AI techniques running in the background and data filtering with the convolutional neural networks make it a reality.

In simple words, a seamless and complementary relationship between the two can create a software or application that is greater than the sum of its parts. 

However, many of us are failing to see the opportunities for human-AI interaction like Luddites. In the 19th century, textile artisans rebelled against the vicinity of labor-saving machinery in Nottingham. They thought the advanced machinery was causing unemployment, turning their warm homes into dilapidated warehouses. Eventually, the rebellion took the name of the Luddite Movement

Today, the word “Luddite” represents individuals who close their doors in the face of the latest technological advancements. They specifically dislike devices that threaten their jobs. In terms of AI, we can empathize with the Luddites' philosophy to an extent. The futuristic stance that we can teach machinery to perform on its own is a Nobel prize-winning one. Why are you needed if a machine can do your job?

Good news! AI replacing humans is a pipe dream. This mastermind technology is here to augment existing roles, no matter what impression the movie Eagle Eye left on its audience. AI Collaborative creates a vacant space for humans to handle strategic tasks while AI does the heavy lifting of repetitive tasks. 

The Opportunity To Launch, Grow, And Win

To make faster and smarter decisions, AI Collaborative helps businesses adjust to dynamic events rapidly. A simple example is the changing customer behavior in 2020. Customers happily danced to the beat of online shopping, hitting the internet with a tsunami of data. Such a swell in data emboldened businesses to crumple and rise to the challenge of containing it. Thereupon, the corporate panorama digitally transformed to meet the demand.

collaboration in business intelligence

Businesses adopted AI-powered systems to liberate employees from knots of massive data and serve them with unbiased insights. Now, employees can gauge a better understanding of customers, from previous behavior to the latest searches—all accomplished with AI-generated analytics supporting their backbone.

As a result, employees can publish personalized content and customized products/services. You can also learn more about how you can enhance your content with audio-to-text conversion. Concurrently, they can initiate instant communication across various platforms, giving their customers a full experience!

Today, the number of online shoppers stands at 2.14 billion. To put it differently, this makes up 27.6 percent of the world’s population.

Collaborative Intelligence benefits

Source: Oberlo

Hence, cooperative intelligence can optimize and enhance the productivity of employees organization-wide in high-value areas such as customer service, fraud detection, sales, operations, and more.

Benefits of Collaborative Intelligence To Reimagine Your Business Structure

Whether you are swimming in data or teaching a chatbot, collaborative AI is necessary for individual and collective survival. We have no choice but to think together. Therefore, dive into the Collaborative Intelligence benefits to make AI-ML algorithms serve you better.

Benefits of Collaborative Intelligence

Amplifying Creativity 

Have you experienced the humbleness of Autodesk’s Dreamcatcher AI? This tool gives designers the inspiration to design, grasping at their wildest imaginations and snatching them out of the clogged drains. 

To demonstrate, a designer feeds Dreamcatcher the requirements of the product. For instance, she wants a chair design able to support up to 200 pounds, made of wood, costing less than $80. Then, thousands of designs matching those standards emanate from the AI tool. It will spark ideas that never touched her mind, even in passing. Later, she can guide the software to new rounds of designs, indicating what she likes or dislikes.

Throughout the iterative process, Dreamcatcher creates a sanctuary for designers to settle back and concentrate on the key aspects, i.e., deploying human strengths, professional judgment, and aesthetic sensibilities. Much like Dreamcatcher, business owners can input their brand requirements and preferences into an AI logo maker. Within moments, a plethora of logo options materialize, spanning from elegant and minimalist designs to bold and vibrant representations. These AI-powered tools spark fresh concepts that might have eluded entrepreneurs, igniting novel perspectives for their brand identity."

Virtual Interaction 

Human-machine collaboration eliminates communication barriers by enabling companies to communicate with employees and customers in a novel way. Among various collaborative intelligence examples of virtual assistants and chatbots, Siri can schedule a meeting on your one command and transcribe audio into notes and memos. Such an AI chatbot can provide routine customer service to a bevy of people across different time zones and geographical locations.

collaborative intelligence examples

Another example is the application of the AIDA chatbot finance sector. A Swedish bank, SEB, was awarded for the innovative use of this AI collaborative technology. AIDA interacted with numerous customers, utilizing natural language in conversation. With access to a vast amount of data, Aida was capable of answering frequently asked questions and providing solutions to customer issues by asking additional questions.

Furthermore, Aida had the ability to analyze the tone of voice of the customer (like frustration or disappointment) and utilize that information to provide better service in the future.

Handles Repetitive Tasks

In the manufacturing industry, collaborative intelligence AI applications are configured into robots as well. Thus, robots are transforming from being potentially dangerous and simple machines into intelligent and context-aware "cobots". A cobot arm can perform repetitive heavy lifting tasks, while a human worker does tasks requiring dexterity and judgment, like assembling a gear motor. 

For example, Hyundai is further developing this idea by using exoskeletons, wearable robots that can adjust to the user and environment in real time, allowing industrial workers to perform their jobs with enhanced endurance and strength.

Reducing Time Waste

Clothing is like a dream, a reflection of one's inner self, and now with the advent of AI, H&M has been able to make that dream a reality with unparalleled speed and efficiency. The use of AI in fashion design has reduced waste and made the design process so much more efficient. It's almost as if it's an extension of the designer's own mind. AI analyzes vast amounts of data in a mere moment and provides insightful predictions, ensuring that every stitch is in its place. Such collaboration between humans and AI is a true testament to the power of progress.

Moreover, one cannot deny the presence of ChatGPT, an AI bot whose popularity spread like wildfire. The researchers and writers can access information in real-time, saving the time and effort involved in skimming through whitepapers, reports, anthologies, books, videos, and more. Its miraculous ability extends to answering frequently asked questions or reports, freeing up your bandwidth for high-level tasks. However, its marketing team doesn’t hold back when people try to outsmart ChatGPT.

Scaling Up on The Fly

Tenth-rate scalability is an obstacle to business improvement. It is a business operation relying heavily on extensive human resources with minimal machine assistance. Therefore, it necessitates the application of human-AI collaboration. 

Let’s dissect the employment recruitment process at Unilever and how collaborative intelligence can boost business innovation.  

The giant has adopted the use of Artificial Intelligence in their recruitment process. It is a match made in heaven, a union between man and machine with a happily ever after. The utilization of AI in their hiring process sorted through a vast number of job applications with unprecedented efficiency and economy. The machine learning algorithms scanned resumes with alacrity, providing human recruiters with a list of the most fitting candidates for the role.

This marriage between AI and Unilever enabled individualized hiring. In the first stage, AI conducted online game assessments of candidates. The AI system had no right or wrong answers as the game assessed their personalities, tone, and body language.

Later, shortlisted candidates received interview invitations to have an in-person meeting with the concerned managers to make the final hiring decision. 

Consequently, this application of AI reduced the recruitment process from four months to four weeks, reducing the time to review the applications by 75%. 

Introducing Personalization

Providing exclusive and personalized experiences to customers is responsible for WHOOP of delight in marketing. With AI under the thumb of humans and this collaboration in business intelligence, your business can achieve precision at a vast scale.

Consider Spotify, a music streaming app. This platform prepares a customized playlist depending on your preferences in songs, genres, albums, and artists.

expert software developers

Source: Spotify Wrapped 2022

Then, we have Starbucks! Upon the customer’s permission, AI integration uses the previous order history data, helping baristas to make personalized recommendations.

Collaborative ai Starbucks

Source: Starbucks Stories

Making an AI-powered App To Mobilize Collaborative Intelligence

Turn your employees into strategists and customers into loyal allies with an AI-powered app! All you need is to hire expert AI developers of InvoZone who understand the need of the hour.

So book a free consultation today and boost your productivity tomorrow. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is collaborative artificial intelligence?

Collaborative artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the combination of human and machine intelligence to work together to solve complex problems and perform tasks. In this system, humans and machines complement each other's strengths, with AI providing speed, accuracy, and scalability and humans providing creativity and critical thinking.

Why is collaborative intelligence important? 

Collaborative intelligence enables humans and machines to work together to solve complex problems that are beyond the capabilities of either party alone.

By automating repetitive tasks and reducing errors, it can also help organizations save time and money. Concurrently, humans can focus on higher-level tasks that require critical thinking, creativity, and empathy, allowing them to perform their jobs more effectively.

How does collaborative decision-making impact business intelligence?

Collaborative decision-making improves business intelligence by:

  • Improving data quality and accuracy.
  • Generating new insights and ideas.
  • Increasing buy-in and acceptance of decisions.
  • Enabling faster, informed decisions.
  • Aligning with organizational goals and strategies.

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Hareem Mohsin

Written By:

Hareem Mohsin

As the Chief Operating Officer at InvoZone, Hareem Mohsin influences people across various... Know more

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