Summary of the Episode

Host Fatima Suhail PR and Communication Executive sits down with Long Do the Blockchain Game Director at Virtually Human & Founder of Anomura to discuss the future of gaming in the light of Metaverse and Blockchain. And Walmart's recent announcement of entering into the metaverse world with Roblox.

Show Notes

  • Recently, SEGA  the infamous 90s gaming powerhouse, has announced its first blockchain game installment. In opinion of Long there is going to be the revival of old games using blockchain technology. For instance Square Enix which made final fantasy will be more into these games.


  • Long shares that Metaverse and Blockchain are transforming the basic gaming models. As now gamers are more focused on building games linked to NFTs. That includes more incentive for users.


  • He shares that Metaverse is going to see huge influx of innovative games and solutions. Such as  Walmart's recent announcement of entering into the metaverse world with Roblox.
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