Summary of the Episode

In this episode of InvoNews podcast our host Nael Shahbaz sits down with Borja Torres Grau from Innsomnia to discuss startup funding problems. Innsomnia trains startups to overcome their funding challenges and gather more investments. In this episode, Borja is going to discuss  top reasons why startups don't get funded and the to do’s before planning a startup journey.






Show Notes

  • Startups industry is booming all around the globe, Europe however has magnificent landscape in terms of innovative solutions from fintech to climate and martech etc. But startups in the first year of their journey have to shut down their business because of shortage of funds.

  • Increase in the number of startups all around the world has also created a giagantic competition for the procurement of funds. Startups that fail in getting investments are the ones that don’t plan before starting a journey.

  • As per Borja, startups should have a full blueprint and a plan available to get the funding. Because investors mostly look at the plan and clear division finances before injecting their funds. Innsomnia by training the startups helps them in making this whole plan.


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