Summary of the Episode

In this episode we are joined by  Tylor Young, Chief Information Security Officer of BigID, to discuss how generative AI can be used to enhance cybersecurity measures as well as manage data protection. Also, the potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with this technology. If you're interested in exploring the fascinating world of cybersecurity and generative AI, be sure to tune in to this informative and engaging episode.

Show Notes

  • While the use of Generative AI in security systems is both thrilling and alarming, there is no denying the potential dangers it poses. This cutting-edge technology can create polymorphic malware that can evade even the most advanced Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions. In fact, recent tests on top commercial EDR tools failed to detect the generated malware. This means that attackers with little to no expertise can now launch sophisticated attacks on any target they wish, previously reserved for nation-state caliber attacks.
  • However, it is important to note that Generative AI-powered tools can also be beneficial to security teams. These tools can automate crucial tasks such as code scanning, annual reviews, and alert detection. By utilizing these tools, security teams can enhance their capabilities and multiply their productivity, doing more with fewer resources.
  • Despite the promises and pitfalls of Generative AI in the security field, Tyler cautions that organizations should carefully weigh the risks of using such tools. Data visibility and access are major concerns that need to be addressed, and policies must be established to manage the use and impact of AI in security operations. As a security professional, Tyler recommends that organizations proceed with caution and carefully consider the implications of any decisions to integrate AI in their security systems.

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